Anonymous ID: b2a13c July 18, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.19446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9463

>>18722 PB replying to anons on the Case pdf file today, thank you anons. In my [blown] mind, this comes in second only to what they have done to those children in the cages.


>As I start reading the paper, realizing that further digging using the authors' names could be fruitful.


Thank you anon. On that next.

First I had to look up those reports from Syria you mentioned. Never heard of them before.


I found this. Needs TL;DR for anons, so will post caps tomorrow with bullets.

I note the Ambassador bitching about Super soldiers in Syria?

But is he making this up? "Thinking the "anonymous source" thing?


One paragraph comes straight out of the Case pdf on Super Soldiers. The one where it mentions killing people with bio weapons targeting those with blue eyes? Search "eyes" in the pdf, you will see it.


Mind bending day.

I can not believe we have adults in colleges and the military talking about doing this to our best people who would give their lives for their fellow man.


Ok, so, I'll get over it.


(thats prolly a lie)


Seems (((they))) were ready with the legal justification for turning our guys into werewolves with their stupid full moon light waves or whatever they can cook up.


CERN comes up later in my research, with the nano metals attached to DNA using some kind of light wave. Was dumb anon with no sauce back then, when Q did not have a trip, so gotta find the sauce.

Wondering if this report above is what you were referring to with the Syrian Super Soldier thing.


Names of the writers.

Got it.



Love you.

Love our guys.

Alice in Wonderland yes


You forgot mebbe...

Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

American Werewolf?

These people are evil.



>>Elon, Brain Chips, Official Case Law Writing on Soldier/Animal Hybrids. When do they lose Constitutional Rights?


>lost them long ago anon

>Elon Musk is a borg and has moar rights than us



OMG anon, my heart jumped. For a second I thought you were gonna sauce that on me.


Don't sauce me bro.





>All of the theoretical disciplines need to be unfucked. Specifically set up end of 19th century to be conducive to cabal goals.


>Decides its own professional standards and ethics. No outsider control. No requirement for consistency with other disciplines. A paradise of chaos and fuckery for those of ill will.


What you said all the way anon. It's like they aim to subject our troops to the Auschwitz from hell itself.


Love to anons.