8bit.... I totally understand your issues with trust after previous betrayal...but honestly I am as concerned for the future as I am for the past here. Hearing sooo many both here and in my rl area who clued into the bunker (most found the link sifting through QR and are still lurking) talking about.coming back to dig and meme after walking away because of the mess on the other board and hell even my own spouse anon who.is former milt comms spec and has several months till classes start again is now looking at this place and talking about finally learning to bake after resisting the idea for moths because of overcrowded commitments and toxicity over on the other board that made the idea any one would benefit seem slight.
The old board is just so hostile ...even experienced bakers are constantly getting crapped on and giving up. People are retreating to other platforms because its been like there's a tiger loose in HQ. Despite that new people are coming still and many MANY want to help but can't figure out how. It all makes me wonder as the weeks and months fly by and the number of Anons swell if we're not literally hemorrhaging not just old but potentially new resources that would probe trustworthy given some faith and would love to do help split the weight any way you oldfags trust them too if they can just have a place to report to duty where they can BE both actually useful and even a little bit safe...
I have also heard a lot of oldfags coming back saying they won't go to QR but would check in here. It's like they have trauma from the psychological hounding that makes it near impossible to function on QR but they still WANT to serve...
This place isn't just a prep kitchen its starting to function like a medbay designed for triage and rehab and mission reassignment for anons too...