Anonymous ID: 5df145 July 20, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.21706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1708 >>1709 >>1715 >>1756 >>1782 >>1988 >>2134 >>2208

>>21274 PB Q post? (Suspected Homework Assignment from anon)


>>>9037 (You)


What is this. Homework? Kek. Ok I'll bite.

Love and blessings to you

Nice post.


>What is required for MI to take over all other agencies?


A little insurrection? Mebbe some governors/mayors refusing to put the right kiddies on the right buses?

A few treasonous Mayers letting enemies into the country, giving shelter to them in some sanctuary cities might do nicely. Want the legal citation? Gimme my Qresearch library. What's better than that? A real LAW library. I know, I ask too much :)


>What was the purpose of the arrival of Q so far out?


Q is a psyop on the population and possibly a way to use anons as camouflage for message recipients. Setting the stage for prevention of panic. Teaching comms, proving Q capacity/intent. Psyop has bad connotations that should be ignored here. If you can wreck a population mentally in war with psyop, logic follows you can repair the population thinking/understanding also. Brilliant idea, actually.

It helps when people paying attention can take action to help /our guys/.


>Game theory.


Not schooled in that enough to talk about it. Could use a good book on it tho.


>What is good design?


Depends on your objective, but if you are referencing that post I made, QR, with good BO who understands Constitutional law as shill flypaper, QRB research site for peaceful digging, and a searchable library of Notables would be good start?

Was thinking bout library this morning.

1) there is a way to search the site now, I am sure, but, method is not obvious, and should be.

2) Everything archived here is critical information mass. Does not need organized so much as a simple site crawler for search terms mebbe? And mebbe a simple off page search engine?

Might be good to make a new QR tradition here of having people ponder and place keywords with their Notable research, for easier indexing and relocation?


>Always kill as many birds with each stone?

Yes, if you can. Of course.


>Was the enemy continually wrong footed?


In what sense. Planning wise for Plan A, no. They had the money, time, and blackmailed resources so well locked in, if not for our military re-taking the white house in the election, huge numbers of us would be dead right now.

Where they failed is they were so sure of their footing they never made a plan "B", and scrambling to do it is a big problem now - got caught, with a lethal Constitution completely in tact, running up against some great military insiders. Cant thank /our guys/ enough.


>How much of their arsenal have they spent?


Nearly all, in the only place that matters now. "Optics". (At least we can hope this is the case)

Have no clue what other real weapons they may still have.


>Who leaked the UK ambassador's comms?




Got this from the search engine I just found.


The Mail? As in Daily Mail?

This is a nice library start, just not obvious where to find it, how to use it yet. This thing should be front and center with instructions for newbies, guys. VERY VALUABLE.


>Who really leaked it?


Someone in 10 Downing street who was present most likely, unless the place is bugged.




"the suspected leaker has reportedly been identified, and a foreign state has been ruled out as the culprit."


Could have been someone at the Embassy too.


>Does it replay the desired shaped narrative of the enemy?


Unsuccessfully. Yeah. But they have to try, right?


>Does it try to validate Chris Steele as solid in his gathering of Intel?


Yes, but Steele admits it was trash early on so, too late to resurrect their "plan".


>Why is this important?


Important to who? They need to resurrect this idea that Trump is a Russian puppet if they can.



Anonymous ID: 5df145 July 20, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.21708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769 >>1988 >>2134 >>2208



>Why is May turning on POTUS?


She is a globalist. One of their puppets.

But this is also interesting:



>Lockheed Martin is majority owned by Capital Group Companies.

>A senior executive is Philip May

>The husband of UK Prime Minister Theresa May.


>Why isn't Crossfire Hurricane the biggest story of them all?


Constitutionally speaking there are a lot of people's lives on the line, sometimes literally. even the media due to the C_A project Mockingbird program, where C_A is embedded in mainstream media to control what the population knows.


>Was it a series of Acts of War?


If UK is making outright moves to decide who is president in the US behind the scenes, it's going to piss off the general population of the US, enough to demand something be done about it. Fool me once kind of thing.

Don't think Americans would want to actually attack Brattain over it unless it happens again. We all suffer from bad actors in govt. No need to kill commoners, target the evil actors themselves.


>Does Epstein bring down the House of Commons?


Wanna bet he brings down both the US and UK govt, if the truth was actually allowed to be known? Pretty much every blackmailed official, and you can include AUS and others.


>Is this the real DECLAS?



Mebbe you would try to sell it this way, but true Declass would be declassification of everything that covers up a crime, (see Obummers EO about it) This would be about 70% of what is classified, if we are to believe Q when he said 70% of the government would be in jail without their "deals".


>Why is so much surrounding Epstein classified at the SAP level?


He is obviously a Clown of some classification. Bets are on he was one of their main C_A tools for taking over the US government. Honey pot kiddie sex blackmail, just the way Hugh Heffner use to work. Back then, gay or cheating on marriage was a problem. Needed new blackmail subject. Kiddie diddling blackmail works better now.


>Did Epstein have a remit from the C_A?


Don't know what a "remit" is, but probably is a guess. He got what he needed to do the job.


>Was his Island a C_A operation?


Uh, most likely. Those C_A people are everywhere, and absolutely not Americans in a LOT of cases.


>Was it used alongside the Lolitta Express as part of the C_A's international narcotics trade?


Absolutely. Americans were sold a paradigm called the "Drug War" that led them to believe that the battle was at the street level in country, when Mena Arkansas, Epstein Island and many other places are (ARE STILL) being used by the rogue foreign controlled pockets of CIA.


Enemies of the US are conducting a war on the US citizens, by shooting them with Drug drops, rather than bullets. Same with big pharma. They are intentionally killing Americans in this war.

Americans need to understand the fight is with foreign enemy nations at the border whos leaders are under the control of the globalists who have to get rid of that Constitution before an unelected global government can be installed.

People in America are dying just as sure as if they were being hit with bullets. Need to get the nations youth updated on this war, and get them behind the front lines.


>Treasure Island


>berry berry interdasting, no?


All of it is tragic if interesting.

Only one thing to do.

Help the paradigm shift in the population, so they see the real battle lines, and respond.

Dig Meme Pray, globally.


Anonymous ID: 5df145 July 20, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.21728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1754



>Sun Tzu




Thank you anon. Going to read these two first.


Chess. Ugh.

Chess is a great brain trainer, but I always found it left me empty in the end, whether I won or lost.

I bet it works great to teach a military mind to think multiple pathways ahead, and teaching a person how to think like the enemy to anticipate moves. Highly useful.


But anon has always been left empty after a game of chess.


Thinking on it now as old fag who knows the self pretty well, there is no real prize in any game for this anon. Don't like cards, board games etc. Too many people being hurt in the real world.

There is a monster gamer of Chess going on every day at pubmed, where anon is well equipped to fight the attempted hiding of cures, and the "quackery" bullshit (((they))) use to keep things hidden.

This is my battlefield.

This is my chess board.

Anon gets a sense of accomplishment, or, satisfaction, sometimes spiritual sense of relief from blowing (((them))) out of their fox holes.


The real game of chess.

Pieces die.

Pieces are actually saved.


Carl von Clausewitz

-- curious now. Have to look him up.


THANK you for the direction anon.


You helped me discover an "almost library today, here at 8 chan. For this I am grateful.


That archive page at would really benefit if anons learned to throw two or three "search keywords" into the bottom of their posts the way they have been taught to do titles for breadmakers, and sauce for outside users who need sauce.

Anonymous ID: 5df145 July 20, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.21773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1777

Sauce from



>Lockheed Martin is majority owned by Capital Group Companies.


>A senior executive is Philip May


>The husband of UK Prime Minister Theresa May.

Anonymous ID: 5df145 July 20, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.21808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1821




How to link outside QRB Anons,


Got it guys. Thanks very much.

Anon appreciates the guidance.

Stayin' Frosty with y'all>>21756






Looks like fun. Keeping link. First vid looks like a mini version of a law school admission test.

Bunch of crazy very complex puzzles under timed circumstances. Puzzles. Swear it was really an IQ test of some sort.