made from sacrificed children.
made from sacrificed children.
most of what is discussed in qgrüp these days has been dug before.
æı was diggin' the gobekli tepi stuff.
the ancient sybolism in every temple ever and its connection to ugaritic phœnēms was of particular note.
cycle in cycle out æı get.
~~æňœňs must sleep.~~
division faggotry is different.
>yet whadüæıknœ...
<æım just the müłə.
these fukrs are mostly going to be eaten unless
æım sadly mistaken.
<fukn messy.
new age shit... its everywhere.
>demons need permission to enter.
<awesome fuckery.
and Fuck тypœ§.
really is too much text fagit.
The Spirit is departed.
the bride is an whore.
this planet is already dead.
this species is already extinct.
Gods Plan is [nearly] finished [from our p.o.v.].
DunBen from His.
from the beguine even.
static reality born of First [only] Observation.
really not something folk seem to get regardless of how æı explainit.
<guess its mæı.
there is Only Him.
Reality Is Him...
and [we] cannot seeit.
(for various reasons)
not all of which (((are))).
too many deprive God of His Glory.
that pisses Him off...
but He makes em that way.
good thing about God is Hes Always Right.
some He made to keep
some He made to burn
æıd rather all made the cut
hierarchy is supposedly a thing.
itd werk.
its up to Him thœ.
if He wants blood its His to shed.
hear not.
æı just talk to avoid hearin' the emptiness that loss has wrought.
few others see as æı.
tis just as well.
<too much of a gûđ t'ing yada.
still... æı expected not how hard it is in these final moments to actually communicate Reality...
<even to the blind and deaf.
c'est la guerre/onesided er ňœ
yes... æı does.
its no doctrine alas... just mæı Father's Story.
dont matter tho.
humans have too much invested in their
few remember now that doom and fate were/are synonyms.
the negative connotation fer doom came later.