>Q Research #32: Revving Up for Monday Fireworks Edition
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Jeffrey Epstein Chaired a $6.7 Billion Company that Documents Suggest May Have Received a Secret Federal Reserve Bailout
Editor’s Note from Pam Martens: From 1996 to 2001, I was in and out of Federal Courts in New York attempting to overturn Wall Street’s private justice system called mandatory arbitration. Sexual assaults against young, vulnerable adult women working at Wall Street firms were being shielded from public scrutiny because deeply conflicted arbitrators beholding to Wall Street were allowed to function as judge and jury without any of the procedural protections of our nation’s courts. Other than keeping the case and the atrocities in front of the media for five years, myself and others were stymied by the same kind of cronyism and corruption that is so evident in the Epstein case. Wall Street has now morphed into such an entrenched culture of revolving doors and captured regulators and prosecutors that depravity has been defined down to such a point that we must now confront the horrors of not just sex trafficking of children within the borders of our own country but the horror of the credible allegation that Epstein turned other underage girls into recruiters of more underage girls in order to amuse his sexual depravity multiple times a day. Until a large segment of America recognizes that the moral fiber and financial stability of this country is under a real and dangerous threat from this kind of ingrained corruption, meaningful and lasting change will not occur.
No Wonder Google Execs Cried When Hillary Lost – They Funded Crowdstrike – The ‘Experts’ Behind the Russian Hackers Story
Schiff Says Inspector General's Work 'Tainted' Ahead Of Report On Surveillance Abuses
Candace Owens Powerful Migrant Detention Center Rant Showing lavish conditions