What does a temple represent?
"Thus it was no longer a case of introducing one person or another into the temples of the Mysteries, but of the word spoken to all and heard now with more, now with less clarity and strength. And it will be left to the daimon(from the ancient greek, today we would say spirit),the angel in a person's own breast to decide how far one can proceed. The Mystery-temple is the entire world." ( Rudolf Steiner, "Christianity as Mystical Fact") This quote tells you what the temple represents but also hints at the fact that Christ took what was once reserved only for the elect and tested few in the ancient Mystery cults, and made it available to everyone. That no longer should a few "chosen men" decide who gets to know God. But all men and women can now walk this path.
Now if a temple represents the world, might the dome represent the heavens above? It is interesting to note that the dome on JE's temple appears to have been "fake" merely for adornment, a decoration,it looks as though those inside the temple could not look up and see the interior of the dome, they would have only seen the ceiling of the temple, the dome was just kind of plopped down on top of the temple roof.
Also note the strange painted door, with the locking bar painted on the outside, this wasn't done by accident, the painted door and locking bar ON THE OUTSIDE. The symbolism I believe is something like this.. we defy God, Christ, and the Human Soul by locking souls in the world, in materialism. We stifle the soul and the persons ability to know God through all our evil machinations.
We view the heavens and for that matter the earth and all its people as adornments, just things for us to use and enjoy as we please.
(from "Secret Brotherhoods" by: Rudolf Steiner)
"They know very well what are the implications of the spirit. But they cause the souls to remain within matter even after death in order to make use of them for their own purposes"
Other Anons have noted the Osiris myth symbolism in the temple I think Anons are on to something here as well, the Osiris myth was seen as a sort of progenitor to Christ. It is said that the highest initiates of the ancient Mystery cults were able to see in the spirit, the coming incarnation of Christ. It should be obvious to Anons why the cabal chose ancient Mystery cult symbolism, and a middle eastern motif to represent Christ. It should also be noted that Egypt is a modern term, the ancients didn't refer to Egypt as such, they called it Kemet (black, the black land). Im not suggesting this name was chosen in reference to "the black path", the "left hand path", the "black hats" etc. etc. nor am i suggesting that this name wasn't chosen because of the dark skinned people, or even because of the rich black soil of the Nile valley. Simply making note of it.
Im still wrestling with this friggin keystone stuff. It obviously has meaning on many levels as it is used by Q. On one level it seems to me to have something to do with Christ, or maybe the archangel Michael, or the soul...
One conclusion i have come to though is that not only do the cabal, or at least the "puppet masters" believe in God, Christ and the Soul. THEY KNOW. Which i guess should have been obvious, after all Lucifer was well aware that he was created by God, and not only did he believe in the reality and power of Christ but he met him on the darn mountain to tempt him.
I pray the cabal shills see this.... time is running out.....