MEM (M, value 40). Val;ue as final letter in a word, 600. This is the second of the three mother letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Its name means literally "seas," but, like manuy plurals in Hebrew, it designates a general idea, in this instance, "water." In this connection, we mayu note that alchemists call water "the mother, seed, and root of all minerals."....
Water, the element represented by Mem, is the first mirrow. Water reflects images upside-down, and this idea is carried out by the symbolism and title of Key 12 [the Hanged Man], which is a symbol of reflected life, of life in image, of life in the forms taken by the occult, "water," or cosmic substance.
For moar, see Chapter 16, The Tarot: a Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, by Paul Foster Case, 1947, reprinted in 1975, copyright 1990. Pub by Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), p. 135.