Anon notes on early part of Mueller's testimony--star questioner: JIM JORDAN
8:30 am July 24, 2019
Tried to be accurate, very hard, bc of poor camera coverage & lack of intros by Chair. For cmte names, see >>26713
Mueller opening stmt:
trying hard to focus on Russian interference & obstruction
Lots of throat clearing....
Says he won't comment on "ongoing matters"
Is that his "out" on various things--
LIKE THE OFFICIAL OPENING of the investigation!!!
But of course......
Investigation conducted in a "fair and independent manner."
(Who would have any doubts??)
Individuals who worked on the investigation were "of the highest integrity"
Wow, Mueller VERY uncomfortable during testimony. Only Nadler's leading questions are getting him thru his current comments.
M: "Can you repeat the question, sir?"
He is so nervous he can't even listen properly.
Moar throat clearing (still Nadler testimony)
sets the stage by describing the scope of the investigation
Key q: does anything M's saying today gonna be different from what's in the report?
Moar focus on Russian interference (distraction)
Another rep, probably a Dem (not identified, Fox panned back)
Anon: "still muh Russia"
Focus on no exoneration
Jackson Lee:
Re-direct to report; he's having a hard time bc she is so aggressive
Gentleman from Wisconsin (Sensenbrenner?): (Fox pans back again, can't get name...ugh!!!)
Why did we have all this investigation of Pres. trump when you knew you were not going to prosecute him?
[implies it was just a fishing expedition]
Gentleman from TN--Cohen:
"How did Pres. Trump react to your appt?"
[famous quote about POTUS slumping in chair, 'I'm effed']
Q about POTUS supposedly trying to get Sessions to "unrecuse" himself--characterizes Sessions as POTUS' "consiglieri"
Very negative
Ohio Repub. Rep (Chabot):
Says Dems are trying imply that the investigation did find impeachable offenses
Shifts gears: to STEELE Dossier & FUSION GPS
Mueller acts like he's never heard of it or of Glenn Simpson!!
M: "outside my purview" (over and over)
Key players: Veselnitskaya, who worked with Fusion
M; "outside my purview"
Why ignore Fusion GPS? Makes report one-sided
"outside my purview"
Mr. Johnson from GA:
Focus on alleged charge that POTUS wanted Mueller fired as Special Counsel
Repub rep (I assume, Fox pans back!):
Robt Mueller, Unmasked -- asks for submission into the record
Who wrote his press release comments? (won't answer, rep concludes he didn't write them)
Comey is a close friend? "We were friends."
Talked to C before being appt special counsel in past 6 mos? Nope
When you talked to POTUS day before--re FBI position--did POTUS talk about firing Comey? M--don't remember
When did you first learn Strzok hated POTUS? "Did not know that" when he was hired, later
How about affair with Lisa Page? same time--later
Gentleman from Florida--Deutch:
Why did POTUS want you fired? M--don't know
Deutch implies it was for the wrong reasons.
Gentlelady from Alabama (Martha Roby):
POTUS never said "Fire Mueller."
M - lots of "not in my purview" responses to Q's about redactions (what's allowed, customary)
......losing track here a bit.....everything goes FAST, they don't id the reps, and half the time there's no pic of questioner.
GENERAL CONCLUSION SO FAR: Dems just want to show that POTUS tried to obstruct justice, primarily by trying to get Mueller fired.
Goes right for Q's on Misfud--lied 3x--why didn't you charge him with a crime?
Mueller won't answer, "can't get into that"
Jordan reviews Misfud events.
Misfud got PaPaQ into all this--not charged.
WHY? Can't get into ANYTHING concerning Misfud
"I can't get into it....can't get into charging decisions."
Jordan: Here's the good news....you find no conspiracy.
Maybe a better course of action: to find out how it started.
Biil Barr is investigating, will find out what's going on!!