Anonymous ID: 559976 July 23, 2019, 6:10 p.m. No.26258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>25596 (PB)

This has really got to have Bernie Sanders shaking. He had to reduce hours so that his own campaign staff could get at least $15 per hour. HE HAD TO REDUCE HOURS.

Apply that across the country ...

>>25593 (PB)

Do not assume that the Dept. of Agriculture is actually working WITH DJT.

>>25587 (PB)

Actually, getting called away was a good thing as it kept you from giving them too much information to swallow at once ... "taking a sip from a fire hose". Good job.

>>25565 (PB)

Was in GA a couple weeks ago. Getting started to head back north, I was topping off the gas tank and draining the main vein when a middle-aged black man told me he liked my hat. I'm as white as he is dark. That is the second time in recent weeks that that has happened with only one negative incident. The butt-wipe who objected to the Trump 2020 cap was BIG ... he towered over me. But, after a brief exchange of words, he spotted a pistol grip above my belt and decided to grumble on the way home. He was in his 60s, maybe even older, and his wife had purple hair.

Anonymous ID: 559976 July 23, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.26287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6289

>>25865 (PB)

There should be a minimum wage and it should be pegged at some amount sufficient to limit public exposure to welfare. There IS a cost of low wages and it is not, except in his role as a private citizen, paid by the employer even though he is the only one who benefits from it.

Based on purchasing power since its inception and factoring in inflation, it actually SHOULD be about $15. Otherwise you are asking the lower end of the pay scale (where I have spent a considerable portion of my life) to "eat" the inflation that has been caused by the increase in earnings of others. People earning $6/hr have to compete with people earning $40/hr for cars, bread, socks, lodging and movie tickets. Maybe their labors aren't worth $40/hr. I understand that. But surely they are worth the price of a loaf of bread and a dry roof over their heads.

When I entered the work force, the average executive made about 10x what the average employee under them made.

What happened to that?

Anonymous ID: 559976 July 23, 2019, 6:35 p.m. No.26289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6311


When I was still earning $2.10 per hour, a loaf of bread was about 29 cents. Now it is often more than 10x that. But minimum wage has not kept pace. Not even fucking close.

Anonymous ID: 559976 July 24, 2019, 5:33 a.m. No.26622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


... and if the child does not hate him?

Do not miss the lesson of Jonah, who grieved over the gourd, but not the people of Nineveh who turned back and were spared destruction. Even if the sojourn with "the great fish" was entirely allegorical, they had done, collectively, what he had done individually with far less prompting than he had been given.

Shall the MKUltra (etc) victims be destroyed without first attempting to restore them? Because that IS who is being discussed.

When has God's mercy fallen short of the standards of justice?

Anonymous ID: 559976 July 24, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.26697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Horse poop. When the employer refuses to pay a living wage, the rest of society has to make up the difference. Thus we prop up corporations on the backs of the rest of society and lavishly reward those executives who are most nimble in shifting those costs without losing the benefits of the labor.


"Management must manage." -- Harold S. Geneen, (AT&T)


Capital is just fine with laws and control ... so long as the table is tilted in its favor.

Big companies like environmental controls because they can afford to pay attorneys to negotiate away the fines that will bankrupt smaller competitors. Big companies like arcane and labyrinthine laws because they can afford attorneys to navigate them and lobbyists to craft them and small companies can't.

That's why we have the best government money can buy.

Anonymous ID: 559976 July 24, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.26758   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ya know, that's the sort of thing that, in a hotly contested field, can sink a campaign. Looks like Joe doesn't want to buy Bernie a car OR a house. ;-)