Wow. That’s the first time I’ve acrually seen a minion at work on the island captured o the vid.
Good get, droneanon
“Epstein played piano”
Obviously not where he played piano, but...
Suppose that’s an in ur face inside joke pedo hat tip the same way some of Podesta’s email contacts “liked playing dominos” or whatever that term was that sounded fucky back during pizza gate?
I dunno, maybe Epstein does play piano. Nero played the fiddle...
But it just seems piano would be a distraction from his other hobbies.
Anyone no if rusty has been on as namefag rusty on QR and commented? Obviously he’s aware of Q, is down with the Plan and may have awareness that his efforts get heavily poured over here...
But is there a com Chan route to him or on YouTube where...if you are digging a certain aspect of EggIsland, you can ask pretty please get me closer on X or Y or whatever?
>Epstein made the marks to signal either a request to be offed or as an assurance
I like it. I really do.
Only other competing theory I sorta like is /ourguys were nervous about his current accommodations and arranged this to trigger a move to a med prison setting they knew they could control.
Pronunciation thing, that’s odd you bring that up.
I worked with a woman with same last name...spelled exactly the same...but favored the Muel-er pronunciation rather than the Mul-er.
I still give him the kraut pronunciation no matter what her prefers, but it is odd.
>he prefers
Good Lord did I screw that post up...meant for another anon, not myself obviously.
Phonefaggin at a dealership service department while truck is getting recall work.
Friendanon of mine all the way over in LA just had his red pill suppository kick in hard. KEK!
Exhibit A:
Indeed, it is, friendanon.