Anonymous ID: 771ace July 26, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.28951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When searching web for potential meme art backgrounds, if current/recent artwork, I find 95% is satanic, dark, evil, ugly, hateful, actually psychically damaging to look at. Depicting monsters, trauma, hypersexualized people, war and conflict, weaponry for killing/cutting/harming, horror/death themes, etc. Had to go back into early 20th century to find less-objectionable artwork (and even then most were toying with advertising themes of naughtiness, rebellion against cultural norms, and sexual titillation in their ads for liquor, cigarettes, cars/motorcycles). The culture is now permeated, supersaturated, with satanic imagery. The majority of younger people who are inspired to do artwork apparently believe that only such imagery will make for successful art. It is very difficult to find imagery that memefag wants to use.

Don't even want to post examples. It's everywhere. Try searching on "poster art", "fantasy art" or peruse if you want to see what I mean.