Some excerps from Resigned Willow Creek Community Church Resigned Senior Pastor Bill Hybels book where he addresses Pornography.
Where does one buy popular magazines and rent videos with CP in it. That shit is illegal yet this man says in his own book after admitting he was a deviant and wife almost divorced him that he was easily able to obtain this stuff. "For Research" because Dr James Dobson told him to educate himself.....
Incidentally, Bill resigned as the Mega=Churches Senior Pastor, Heather J Larson resigned as the Lead Pastor Steve Carter resigned as the Senior teaching Pastor and the whole fekken Board of Elders resigned as well. Almost a year ago, August 8th. He was in my opinion, the very first Mega-Church casualty in the Q movement. I am wondering how deep this goes, money laundering, trafficking, et al? They are openly friends with WJC, Killary, Hussein, Michael, Oprah, Bono, the Pope to mention a few and of course have missions in Africa and Churches in the WCA Willow Creek Association, all around the world.
Bill's wife Lynne,
mysteriously got an eye problem announced on Feb 21 and announced she won't be twatting much any moar. Then in March 19 she Twatted about a Year Long Radical Sabatical with a [now] dead link to her own website. Her last twat was June 30 this year where she twatted, E and a gif with that witch Meryll Streep. VERY Strange that she go silent despite her husbands sexual accusations. She has over 5000 tweets and is a Social Justice Warrior with ties to George Soros and just goes SILENT.
Their Daughter , Shauna Niequist
is a very out spoken family oriented "Book writer"/Reviewer and twatterer and over this past weekend she posted on FB the most beautiful story about family and her children's 4 grandparents and the wonderful weekend they spent together. Just no pictures, odd. All the pictures of her Father have been scrubbed. I wonder if he went away...? She also looks like she aged alot in her last pic on twatter with her Mom. Mom actually looks better than her, IJS. Her Husband, Aaron Niequist is also on staff at WCC. He is also a social Justice/ New age Religion teacher...
I sit here waiting for moar news and dig where I can but there is a lot moar out there. I wish someone else would start digging in WCC.