Very interesting and Notable
Ty [^]
Antifa domestic terror list designation response. They will be trying to say “those crazy MAGA hats people should be on the list”
Could it be more obvious it’s a sock puppet ?
Generally speaking, a worldly life of opulence and excess quickly becomes greed and not the fruits of the Spirit. But equally, scripture would say to pray for him and not judge. Not sure that it really has relevance to the maters at hand. There’s a ton more pastors that do the same. It isn’t a crime....usually. This is usually something left to the congregations to sort out
That’s crazy
He likely didn’t write it. Most lawyers don’t write anything and push it to paralegals or jr attorneys. The same would happen here. But he has been digesting it all along. I think it’s an act to prep for a “feeble minded old decorated marine bordering in dementia” defense
Autocorrect-autocorrect needs to be invented
Same picture...zoom crop, shop
Because they’re shopped out but they made mistakes.
Please archive this link instead. The other seems to be how they sent images to daily mail
The most succinct argument I’ve seen. It strains credulity
The daily mail link above has both images. It will be gone soon if not archived. This shows the image merged. Then side by side after aligning pixels. I just about got it pixel perfect. They were hiding the people walking by the pyramid (yeah, pyramid) and the motor cycle Helmut guy and one more that is not in standard uniform. Probably a “victim” ..
Q can you confirm you are eyes on this.
Sorry anon, stressed trying to work through the research and keep the team apprised. It’s a big find. I’m on a device that defaults to the wrong type, hence the ask for help archiving. My comms don’t permit running et al either. I’ve already had to move and would like to not do so again
The tall ones of their ilk that are like NBA players can be pretty menacing
Yes, it’s the guy putting the blood on and staging the victim (standing there in leather jacket) ... I’m not even that good with photoshop and got that much from the image. The edits are crazy. To use the same photo, and just zoom and stick people on in hopes of fixing your mistake is a ridiculous error. Just review my posts. It’s clear and I encourage graphicsFags to see for themselves (I know they can do better than what I did)
Sauce (and I have the sauce they for the images from to begin with...dropped way before anyone else in one dump on some obscure blog.)
It’s the first image in their slideshow and it’s damning...even without filters, it’s in your face. There is no crime scene yet. Dirt bike helmet asshole is the prop guy. Cooler. With filters you can see what looks like a paint brush with “red” that kind of blends with the red background but not quite. The “heavenly” rays coming down are to obscure leather jacket guy (later shown .. same site...”dead”)
Autists. Autocorrect sucks
Ty anon. WWG1WGA