Socialists use language for their benefit - everyone else needs to do the same, so...correct language rather than propaganda.
Socialists say: Real Language:
progressive regressive
liberal narrow-minded, intolerant
child sex abuse child rape
child abuse child torture
pedophile child rapist
child porn child torture
racist non-democrat
hateful non-democrat
anti-fascist fascist
So...when you see or hear a socialist goof using propaganda, change it for them, twat the correction to them, fascist-book the correction, print the correction, verbally alter the propaganda to the correct terminology.
(((they))) seek protection from their evil and their crimes by trying to couch their evil in "acceptable" or "less personally (for the disgusting acts) damaging" terms so the disgusting perpetrator of evil isn't embarrassed...ah, poor cupcake.
So when you see a socialist attempt to call themselves a "progressive" call them out! No, you are regressive. You are trying to destroy, tear down, eliminate, alter to your benefit...nothing "progressive" about that at all.
When you see or hear some disgusting child torturing/child raping religious cultist (to help you clearly identify them, they are ones calling themselves...and ugh! it's hard to write this...but they call themselves "priests" or "representatives of GOD or actually (((their))) small 'g' god, but what they really are a cultists who believe everyone believes (((their))) con...so call them what they are: child raping, child torturing pieces of animal excrement and deserving of only our greatest derision...as well as dangling from the end of a rope.
A needle or the cleanliness of electricity is far too good for (((them)))...any of (((them)))!
When you hear some waste-of-oxygen, regressive, narrow-minded intolerant fascist try and portray themselves as human, call them out using the correct language. Make the regressive, narrow-minded intolerant fascist trying to put themselves up as reasonable, logical humans defend their reality. Maybe they have a small percentage of undamaged brain-cells that can be stimulated to create new neural pathways in their brain so they can be brought back from the brink of total irrelevance and actually take the Red Pill...1, or perhaps 78 times...as some will definitely need more than just the recommended dose.
And when the current crop of regressive, narrow-minded intolerant, hateful and racist fascists trying to portray themselves as being part of the old "democrat" party are being arrested and jailed for crimes against children, crimes against animals, crimes against humanity...remember what they truly are: regressive, narrow-minded, intolerant, hateful, racist, fascist purveyors of corruption, evil and treason.
Call them out for what they really are! Use the correct language so (((they))) can't hide behind the words (((they))) want you to use!