Can we get #askTrump trending.
We know POTUS can come in to Baltimore and clean it up. Under budget and ahead of schedule
POTUS ended his speech with a hand motion that suggests front and center.
I found this Q crumb about front and center
Eric Holder has taken 25K per month from California tax payers to fight for them against POTUS.
He is stealing their money and fighting POTUS on behalf of Michigan.
Has anyone seen a single action, post, tweet, news interview, ect about California?
The Nunes post about Chupacabras is about George W Bush. I remember there was some talk back around 2001
Go to the 22 minute mark at the end of POTUS' speech today. Watch his hand movement.
I thought it was saying front and center at the time he did it, but I could be wrong. It has bugged me all day. POTUS doesn't make that hand gesture! 2 fingers center point coming out both sides equally but not expanding to suggest he meant the entire purview of the room
I found this Q crumb that is front and center.
Memes are directing in the news today as they are trying to pass a bill in the Senate to fine people who share memes they did not create 15K
>>33423 forgot pic
he says clowns often these days
California passes bill to stop Trump from being on the ballot unless he submits his ta returns.
They have also passed law that their electoral votes go to the national popular vote.
California has essentially said to the voting public "Your vote goes to the person who gets the biggest number of votes AND you are not allowed to vote for Trump by law"
You can't call this voter suppression.
This is not an election by any stretch of the imagination.
This is a dictation that California will decide who is President and you will be arrested if you argue back.