Anonymous ID: 4b00be July 31, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.33846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3869 >>4381

I love how so many people say anons have waited too long now to expect meaningful change to happen and so we should give up and go live as if none of our new knowledge has changed if that doesn't mean becoming deliberately blind to/accepting of a world we have seen is corrupt, injust etc...instead of it hardening our resolve to if jothing else stay here, stay anchored to teuth and act as a support system and source of societal light.


Yes. Its been 2 plus years of waiting. Many anons have known longer. Many anons have FOUGHT longer. It all kinds of ways. When you have known the truth for decades 2 years of waiting is NOTHING.


Change is happening. Walk into the real world signs are everywhere. Not only that that change is happening, sociologically speaking at BREAKNECK speed.


We have come farther in those two years then many of the oldestfags here have probably ever seen or dreamed.


40000 ft view people. Don't lose the forest hyperfocusing on the individual trees.

Anonymous ID: 4b00be Re Gorefags at 1000% July 31, 2019, 8:46 a.m. No.33861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3864 >>3874 >>3881 >>3900

Reminder…they are posting gore here today because most humans are repelled by it because of our natural empathy. We can feel pain/compassion/concern for other because we are innately interdependant social beings. And so you see gore and you want on a visceral level to leave.


But this place is all about ending suffering. It's about protecting the innocent, punishing the wicked etc… Its about taking down the ones who can post the gore and feel nothing.


Know what they are doing consciously. Know they are desperate and that is why they are doing it. Then hit block and if it helps each time you do say aloud 'look more proof we're winning'


Sharing cause from personal experience sychological torture is less effective when you understand its tactics/ underpinnings.

Anonymous ID: 4b00be July 31, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.33889   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seperate species vs same with vastly different brain wiring and stress hormone systems due to manipulation/torture I can't say one way or another. Though i think minimally a lot are narcissists and sociopaths, charasmatic or otherwise. The white hats and black hats quite clearly operate with very very different moral belief systems on different cognitive levels.


I wonder sometimes how it is, as Q team has said repeatedly they can be so shortsighted and arrogant. I never used to imagine after all the books I read growing up true criminal masterminds could collectively be so STUPID....