>>33730 (PB)
>Corporations are not people
THERE is the problem. Corporations, which cannot vote, should not have the same right of political speech as individuals.
>>33734 (PB)
Bolton was in Mongolia while Trump was at the DMZ.
Dated 2017
Why are you famefagging?
I gave it about two minutes of too-fast-to-read screenshots and clicked away.
I'm really ashamed of McAleenan.
NOBODY, not even my boss, gets to shout at and demean me. NOBODY.
John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was born on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts. Chapman was an eccentric frontier nurseryman who established orchards throughout the American Midwest.
Meanwhile, NORAD has lost track of Santa. Again.
Johnny Chapman existed. A myth built up around him in order to make the oral history of his salient accomplishment entertaining and memorable, but his was a life productively lived. You don't apparently understand the significance of what he did. Ask any hunter about the value of an old orchard. Ask any backpacker, too. And that doesn't even get into the laws regarding the planting of orchards or of planting trees on both sides of a roadway. Oh yeah, he's real. He was a visionary and an opportunist who, in his own self-interest, benefited many who followed his footsteps west.
Choose another example.
Memes are propaganda. They are inherently biased and used to persuade others to a particular point of view. Even in their humor, that is their purpose. Are they wrong? Are they lies?
I didn't see you ask for sauce about Chapman, but here's the source I used for that pull-out quote:
Our memes are propaganda.
I agree and that is why I am not going to respond to the Anon below your post who is married to the idea that propaganda is necessarily a lie. It isn't. It is one of many means of persuasion.
ALL of our memes make us look good and "them" bad. ALL of "their" memes do the opposite. NEITHER will ever present a balanced viewpoint because BOTH are trying to sell an idea.
If I am showing seagulls against a beautiful sky with a few clouds on a sunny day and the caption "Choose Freedom", I am not obligated to inform the viewer that the seagulls in the picture are looking for food in a landfill in Arizona.
Our fellow Anon seems to have shuttered himself from the truth of what propaganda actually is. I'll see him again next bread but I just don't have much patience for those with such heavy investments in falsehoods. Ironically, he claims that he's the one interested in truth.
Yeah, not much interest in fat trans-sexuals modeling see-through lingerie.
Got sauce? I saw that earlier, but it wasn't confirmed at the time.
Same situation yesterday with the addition of the DC-10 and the tanker. They are definitely looking for something. The DC-10 tells me that they may have found it.
Not likely ... they seem to have their own hands full West of Baja. Now down to 1100 ft.
Boatfags ... you got anything in the area?
The Hawkeye at 1100 fell off the radar. Last seen descending at almost 500 fpm. Splash?
The P8 is hanging on the same tight pattern at ~5k.
The tanker and other Hawkeye haven't left station EXCEPT that the tanker made one big loop but is now back on pattern.
She's going to run as the moderate Dem. Betcha.
Seems to be working fine for me.
Sleepless in Seattle? (so he thought he'd head on down to the waters off Los Angeles to fly around at 675 ft for a while?)
Seems like a pretty big plane to be taking out for a drive through the country.
AOC called for insurrection hours ago AND the House of Representatives is in recess. Has she been arrested yet?
Now at 475 ft? Did someone trip the hydrophones?
Can bronies mate or are they like mules or maybe geldings?
Are there any boatfags here who could shed some light on what has been happening off Baja most of the day and now has a P8 at 475 ft off San Clemente Island?
Just questioning what sort of male animal would get involved in this. Are these the pink ponies at the pride parades?
Nope. I wouldn't have a friend who would ask that question. What little bit of innocence I once had is not in tatters.
bleh ... NOW in tatters
Let's see: 275 more comments to go divided by one every once in a while ... this bread may still be here when I wake up.
Yeah, I wondered about SAR ... but they don't have to have ADSB activated, either. So I wasn't able to come up with anything definitive.
In the meantime, how about ~2 hrs worth of lopsided infinities?
He just made an inside loop. Must have seen a pretty girl he wanted to wink at.
Either there is something out there with a landing deck or Captain Hopalong is getting ready to get wet.
Okay, this explains what happened to the other one, too. Details, details.
Ground. Yeah, okay, whatever. ;-)
The only thing I'm fairly confident of in this whole mess is that we will never know the full truth. So, go with our "best information and belief" and keep on truckin'.
The ratio of white students to blacks is entirely determined by the local racial mix. Democrats have seen to it that the inner cities are full of brown-skinned people.
Here's a suggestion: fix the schools and, over the course of a couple generations, you fix the other problems. Drugs, poverty, crime, teen pregnancy ... on and on. You even fix the problem of an area voting Democrat ... and THAT is why the schools will never get fixed.
>Been at the battle since only 800 total web sites on line.
Was very happy when an email would make it Detroit to Arizona in a single day ... BBS hopping all the way. That's when "the internet" for civilians consisted of beige boxes in a corner of the living room or in a place of honor in the spare bedroom right next to the pin-feed printer.
Busy morning. When I loaded the page, it was tracking 219 military planes over the US.
>we slip up it blows back.
Where something is provably true, "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war." But be as certain as is possible beforehand. You've heard the old saw about having crossed deserts without water and being called a miracle -- killing 1000 enemy soldiers barehanded and being called a hero -- having seduced 10,000 women and being called a great lover then having sucked one cock.
And what do people call you now?
If we can be proved wrong in a tranny accusation ... if a nude of pregnant Michelle EVER shows up or some "hubby porn" of Tulsi makes its way into the public ... and we have been adamant about them being transsexuals, we lose virtually all of the little credibility we are presently accorded. The trans accusation right now is more risk than reward.
The trans stuff is how we keep the body in the ground, but policy, police records, convictions of fraud, sedition, other major felonies and so on is how we get them in the hole to begin with.
Got pics of him in Italy, though. Lined up with the rest and Africom brass.
So ... where IS that pudgy fucker?
On second thought, Carson is a cunning little bastard. He KNEW Cummings was in Italy and wanted to make it plain that he SHOULD have been in Baltimore working to fix the problems of that county.
"Oh, I didn't know he was in Italy ... I thought he'd be here trying to fix these problems. Hope he had a nice vacation ... I know that a lot of his constituents can't afford one."
Are Anons reading this part, too? The FBI is saying that the conspiracy theories are correct.
What they are saying is that, as the reality comes to light, some people are going to lose their shit ... just like some people lost their shit in Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775. The men on Lexington Green lost that skirmish, but by the end of the day, the redcoats had lost three for every militiaman. Eventually the old government was chased away
Hey Germany, if you can find the guy who did this BEFORE he gets in police custody, you could probably do the taxpayers a favor.
Those who do not read have very little advantage over those who can not read. The ones who do not read can ramp up faster, but are otherwise just as deeply in the dark as the others.
The Bill of Rights are in their correct order, with the most dangerous listed first.
Understand the word "bias" in its neutral sense and get back to us.
As an example: I am a man who is biased toward women and against men as an emotional complement and reproductive companion.
#441 is present for me. Just took a screenshot "in case".
I just used F5 and yes, it's gone.
What I got. First I got the toaster 404 page and now I have an anime 404 page
I am puzzled why he wouldn't announce that if he was going to do it. I don't think Q did it. In the past he has deleted a shit load of posts ... but to completely nuke the site?
No, he did not say the catalog was down, merely that a single entry was missing from it. The link works, but it isn't listed in the catalog.
No. I was there. Take 'em in stride now although the master fkin' catalog is a bear just for size.
Okay, four to go