thanks bakes, you too.
>>>/qresearch/7270598 Q
>See Guardian article.
>How do you get ahead of a story?
Frame it using the same fallback scapegoat excuse you and your squad have been using for years.
Text messages between Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI at the time, and Jeremy Fleming, his then counterpart at MI5, now the head of GCHQ,
>pic related
also reveal their mutual surprise at the result of the EU referendum, which some US officials regarded as a “wake-up call”, according to a person familiar with the matter.
While Russia had previously been viewed as a country that would seek to interfere in western elections, the Brexit vote was viewed by some within the FBI as a sign that Russian activities had possibly been successful, the person said.
Their exchanges offer new insights into the start of the FBI’s Russia investigation, and how British intelligence appears to have played a key role in the early stages.
In one exchange in August 2016, Fleming noted that members of the FBI and MI5 had “met on our strange situation”, a veiled reference to discussions about Russian activities, according to the source.
On 31 July 2016, the FBI opened a covert counterintelligence investigation codenamed “Crossfire Hurricane” into the then presidential candidate’s possible collusion with Russia.
The investigation was eventually taken over by the special counsel Robert Mueller, who has said there were “multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election” by Russia.
Mueller’s 448-page report did not establish a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, but it did identify incidents in which Trump attempted to obstruct justice in the investigation, and did not clear the president of wrongdoing.
>dear Guardian, see Ratcliffe clip at Mueller hearing for the legal definition of 'exoneration'.
Good dig on QR
>Two of Perrone’s fellow co-founders, Opus Bono President Joe Maher and Treasurer Peter Ferrara, were forced out of the organization after Michigan’s attorney general ruled that they were engaging in deceptive fundraising practices and had lined their own pockets with Opus Bono assets.
>The daughter of one of the founders, Joe Maher, is one of the people helping to expose this fraud…
>Mary Rose Maher