Anonymous ID: f4ec1f July 31, 2019, 2:51 a.m. No.33783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3807 >>3833 >>3929 >>4220 >>4287 >>4496

posted this on qr

Interview with Joe diGenova, States Both Coats and FBI Dir Wray are No Good [Blackhats]

Vid of Interview here for full length:


[It's the Beanz's channel] and I don't know who the interviewer is.



Interviewer: “I want to ask you about an announcement this week that the President made, that his Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats is leaving, and he will be replaced by Congressman John Ratcliff who was especially tough on Bob Mueller this week. Does this placement mean that we will much more quickly get to the bottom of what happened inside of our intelligence community?’

diGenova: “Probably not. Dan Coats is gone because he had outlived his usefulness. When he did that famous interview out at, ah, in whatever that place is in Colorado…”.

Interviewer: “Aspen.”

diGenova: “Ah…where he made some snitty remarks about the President of the United States, ah, he…he was done. That disrespectful performance among friends at the… Aspen Institute, just came into my head…ah, was the end of his job. But, but here’s the truth. The reason Barr was given declassification, was because Coats was in the way, as was Chris Wray, the FBI Director. They were fighting tooth and nail in phony cover-ups, allegedly to protect sources and methods, when Chris Wray was simply trying to protect the FBI from hugely embarrassing details that are going to come out. By the way, the declassification will start this week. There are going to be documents released I think by Wednesday. The Attorney General is I understand, in the process of getting those ready to come out. There are going to be some of the Devin Nunez documents that were requested, and a series of other releases will come after that, and that is because Durham is progressing very, very quickly, in his criminal investigation. This is not a quote n’ quote review of what went on. This is a criminal investigation of senior FBI and DOJ officials in the Obama administration and intelligence community people, including John Brennan. This is a Federal Grand Jury. This is not a review, an IG audit, not some Congressional research service, ‘look at history’; this is a criminal investigation of a bunch of people who tried to seditiously overthrow the President of the United States. So the stuff is going to start coming out this week.”


What has me scratching my head is Q said trust Wray, yet Joe says he has covered up much. Just dunno at this point. But this gives us a clew about tomorrow and the rest of the week.

Anonymous ID: f4ec1f July 31, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.33935   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for that anon.

Sometimes when we get so far into the weeds, the 'simple',and most logical tends to allude us.

Will put your post in my 'should have thought of that ffs pile.

Anonymous ID: f4ec1f July 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.33996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4016 >>4025


>Judge Richard Berman set next June as the start date for his federal trial on charges of sex trafficking


Am I understanding this correctly?

We are not going to see anything pertaining to this case until JUNE 2020?

An entire year?...While possible witnesses/plaintiffs have a high chance of having 'an unfortunate fatal accident' before trial, like suiciding with two bullets to the back of the head?

Anonymous ID: f4ec1f July 31, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.34013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017 >>4040 >>4444 >>4466



Semantics are everything. Learn to use the English language properly. Know the meaning of the word(s) you are using. To not do so is Progressive Liberal fuggery. It's their NO.1 tactic.



>a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church

Why did you only post 1/2 of the definition?




noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda


information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Sauce the vid plz, and show us anons where/what in that piece, the biased/misleading nature of the information presented is located?

This anon would like to know.

This vid is about a man and country trying to overcome evil, NOT promote 'biased/misleading information.

Just my 2¢ worth.

Anonymous ID: f4ec1f Aug. 1, 2019, 2:45 a.m. No.34338   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hours after Trump retweet, Twitter account Suspended

vid avail. across the isle.