Ok, I came here to drink covfefe and read declass.
Just finished my covfefe.
>was because Coats was in the way, as was Chris Wray, the FBI Director. They were fighting tooth and nail in phony cover-ups, allegedly to protect sources and methods, when Chris Wray was simply trying to protect the FBI from hugely embarrassing details that are going to come out.
That spices and methods canard is as old as Dan Coats underwear. Three times as stale too.
I cannot even beigin to fully express to anons how many times I’ve seen that very canard used in digs I have done. It’s just using classification to conceal crime. Plain and simple. It’s illegal and amounts to something beyond mere obstruction because of how absolutely deliberate the act is and and how many others would be required to use it. And it’s fully documented with signatures and dates.
When you dig, if you see the combo ‘sources and methods’ sitting there glowing and flashing in your mine shaft, know that you are within inches of informational gold. Mother lode.
I first saw this term used in a dig on General Hoss Cartwright (Joint Chief USMC) and how he passed classified information to a NYT reporter and was caught dead to rights. He confessed...yet was allowed to skate because of.....the pressing need to protect sources and methods. The DoJ prosecutor at the time declined to recommend charges against him on this basis.
That prosecutor was a Rod Rosenstien.
This applies to Ivanka too, boss.
I hate to say that. I really do. But her tweets yesterday...the ID politics, the need to use tax dollars for womyn issues and for the po’buckers in shithole cities...is just a more polished and pretty socialist agenda. She’s had her little display. Time to send her back to wherever she’s been for months that doesn’t damage what you are trying to do. Net/net...the only difference on what Ivanka is selling and what AOC is selling is snazzier and prettier packaging.
So no to socialism. Teach your daughter that this isn’t the American way.
Follow up to previous bread notable...
Missing Billionaire Coffee Baron Found.
Death by suicide. Add him to the list. There’s something more here. I rarely see billionaire and suicide in the same sentence.
He makes it look so easy. How can you not love this President?
No time for pro wrestling. I’m just cranky in the a.m. and don’t react to having salt thrown in my face as well as I would otherwise. I took the bait. Shouldn’t have. I rest my case on my other posts here and the ones to follow.
This is for any diggers on the Gilroy shitshow.
Pure propaganda, but those digging should read anyway to see where they are trying to steer this.
This is my personal favorite kind of post.
Commie eats Commie.
[Popcorn is Midwesten]
She is so peeeeeeeeerrrrrrrfet.
Wouldnshould thank God and KEK for her daily.
She is the personification of all,that is disgusting about Marxist cancer.
Look at that face. Those eyes.
A bottomless well of imagined injustice, grievance and misplaced rage.
All quiet on the FF front.
Too quiet.
I don’t like it.
This is how the NFL ultimately dies and we finally get gay soccer forced upon us.
It wasn’t enough for (((them))) to just pervert and twist American football into a social justice cesspit. That’s fine for now, but ultimately they want it gone. It’s just too American to have around.
They have been pushing soccer on us forever, yet most Americans are repelled by it and rightly so. Anything so beloved by EuroGlobal twats and celebrated in 3rd world Marxist shitholes isn’t gonna fly here for most Americans.
Football is dangerous.
Accept the millions and the risk or don’t.
I posted similar from ZH and was the OP when he went missing in a prev bred.
The handwriting in his note is being called into question, too.
For extra Keks, here’s the bridge he ‘jumped’ from. Not exactly Golden Gate material.
Yeah anon, I get it. I get it. It’s distraction. It wasn’t always so. The underlying principles of teamwork, competition and greatness that comes with winning are still important. It wasn’t always a bread and circus distraction. No doubt it is now, though.
It also intertwined in American inconography. It’s symbolic
Smear the Queer.
Damn it feelz good to be genx
Chekkd. Can’t argue w that.
It only works if everyone is smart enough to recognize the dangers of the mob and the underlying weakness of sports to be used for less than good purposes.
Not all propaganda is bad. Memes convey prop ideas.
Wray has done a really good job of convincing us he is one of (((them))).
Really good. Academy Award level good.
But, has his performance convinced (((them))) that he is one of (((them)))?
There’s still swamp creatures out there to flush out.
My 10cents.
Listen to a Lee Greenwood song.
Some among us require that kind of reinforcement. For whatever reason.
Propaganda is in the eye of the beholder.
Some of ours I find particularly cheeseball, but if that makes some of the softer headed ourguys comfy. So be it.
Propaganda, ritual, memes, symbolism, patriotism, religion.
All lies? Only when used by a liar.
Organizing principles and expressions of meaning, They spring from ambasic human need back to the beginning.
Don’t lecture me, fren.
We use the same principles for good. All the time. Everyday. Right here. Whatever you chose to call it doesn’t matter. What works does and why.
I really think this mode of communication is failing me and (you).
Pretty sure we are seeking the same thing. Truth in the noise.
Maybe I am diet woke. I know I’ve been that before.
I know that jut when you think your woke is when the rug is about to be pulled from under you.
I know more exists than black and white.
I know from this discussion I really have no quarrel with you.
You’ve never lived a day of life on any other foundation.
You just noticed. And ‘it’ probably noticed that you noticed.
That is when it fabricates a moar better lie to replace the old less effective ones.
The ability to keep noticing doesn’t seem to be enough, though.
Saying propaganda = lies
Is like
Saying Gun = killer
When both are neutral inanimate tools.
How they are used is something else entirely.
The black and white simplicity of your basis is what I’ve been trying to highlight here. I’m failing. It’s ok.
>information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
Especially of, but not limited to...
You simpleton. And your unplugged lifestyle virtue signaling is read loud and clear over many posts.
Do you want a merit badge? A cookie?
Do you think you are the immune from deception by just unplugging? Ask an ostrich if that method is effective on a long enough timeline.
I stay connected to see the lies, not to hide from them.
The analogy stands because both guns and propaganda get bad press because they are effective tools. They aren’t good tools. They aren’t evil tools.
That...can only be assigned when and how the tool is used.
You tool.
It’s more complex, simpleton.
Information. Is information ALL LIES?
That video is an appeal to emotion.
And a damn good one.
You are hung up on the word.
We call ourselves American Patriots.
They call us Jingoistic Fascists.
Who is right?
>Semantics are everything.
That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.
Semantics mean jack and shit. There are a whole universe of things outside of our ability to describe and convey with words, grasshopper. Words are clumsy AF, but that’s what we got to work with.
And I almost forgot, Mr. SuperWokeUnpluggedfaggit...how is it that one so woke and unplugged can communicate with me here?
You will get your recommended daily intake of lies no matter how fast you run.
Black Americans just might be the ones to save all our asses.
These guys are beyond effective.
You and I exist in a reality all our own.
You keep mentioning truth when you should be referencing your unique POV you assume the same is ours.
Truth alludes thee. You’ve bought a bigger lie. That words are the same as what they attempt to describe and that the map truly is the territory.
Truth and reality is a swamp you are up to your chin in and you stab wildly at.
Truth cannot be described and realities are constructs...and not all constructed equally.
And you willfully ignored synonyms of the word you found uncomfortable.
That’s kinda untruthy. I’ll try again, bigger this time.
If propaganda is synonymous with information.
And propaganda is all lies, in your reckoning.
Then, I simply ask. Is information all lies?
And I stand by that statement and gave examples of good propaganda, on of which is in this dough.
And you can get your head around the fact that it’s simply a mode of communication and persuasion in order to advance a point of view.
That’s all it does.
The point of view can be a good or bad one. Thus, the mode is neutral. It just carries the information.
Like advertising.
And memes.
You know that.
I know that.
The trannies and some normies do not.
So, these fine men harnessed the power of propaganda in a very artful attempt to change the point of view of others.
Prop.a.gan.da and Bob’s your uncle.
I know you, faggit. Every time anyone here calls you out and disagrees with you, yo tell everyone what true Patriots do and hide behind...WWG1WGA.
I’ve seen you do this in so many breds it’s ridiculous and gay.