As the world turns.
Could an anon help a phonefag and get the video from this and embed it here?
Anons, you have to watch this.
Does this man look like he gives two shits about their rules or points of order? Note face and body language.
Based Lindsey knows shits gonna rain down.
I’ve had two thought concerning
1) one full revolution, daily
2)Earth's rotation is the rotation of Planet Earth around its own axis. Earth rotates eastward, in prograde motion. As viewed from the north pole star Polaris, Earth turns anticlockwise.
Or, working backwards from here
Or, from a more pop culture slant, ‘this is all a scripted soap opera and will unfold by the numbers. We got this’
I like daily. We’ll see I guess. Or not.
Like saying this will unfold in a very predictable yet highly dramatic way that your average slobbering tars could understand.
Or - it could also mean 24hrs. But, it’s been used before and I’m not sure that time countdown was observed
Well, we are main stream now. We made the Hedge.
Article not new but the sauce is interesting. I don’t recall Tyler even mentioning us before.
Q said attacks would only intensify. I guess I didn’t think those attacks would come from FBI.
This is my shocked face in retrospect.
Really nice touch them smearing us for belief in a nation wide pedo ring, when Eggman and NXIVM are front and center. Whatever.
I’ve always been interesting.
Tea Party under Obama?
I get popular.
Ignore it. Anons aren’t out beating Biden supporters for wearing Biden hats.
It’s an attempt to chill. I won’t.
FBI are dirty cops. Prove me wrong.
As a Hoosier...well, sometimes you’ll have that. But it only happens right around the Illinois boarder. No where else.
I live really far from there. I want to emphasize that.
Thx very much
Hey guise...this very very interdasting, kek inducing and extremely notable.
Coats and Omar have something odd in common
Thanks ICE!
Just change their name to El Uber. This is great, just great.
They really got a knack for this death thing.
You suppose Kennedys can get life insurance?
Check em
A very effective hypnosis technique is to shock or yell a command. I know it sounds funny, but I’ve seen it demonstrated both personally and in videos. If the one employing hypnosis is authorize enough, it can produce amazing deep induction instantly.
The one I saw was a bearded big dude, his name escapes me, be approached the voluntary subject, first in a very calm manner and explained what was about to happen. The he just yelled in a deep and commanding voice “Sleep!” And...bamm. Subject had been induced.
I have fucking seen this. I was I interested in employing hypnotherapy to supplement my workfagging at the time and wished to be trained and certified. I ultimately did. This was at my third seminar. It was such a powerful thing to see but left me feeling concerned for people because I could see how most people I’ve used it on would’ve been susceptible to this particular technique. I don’t think it’s evil per se, but I did and do see a lot of leeway for abuse. I don’t and have never used it personally even though my manner and appearance would most definitely allow me to. I find a more relaxing approach just as effective and more consensual. Basically at a gut level, I got a bad feeling about it.
Fast forward to 9/11. I knew instantly what I was seeing. Period. I told everyone I knew to maintain perspective and avoid media, particularly 24/7 televised media. I was asked why? I said, you are being munipulated.
The shocking events of 9/11. The horror. This is the same as the instructor who commanded “sleep” on a national scale.
Immediately after the shock you are left in a HIGHLY suggestible state. You are receptive to any and all bullshit. The MSM was complicit. Absolutely. By constantly replaying the horror, they were constantly re-inducing and renforcing this process. It is a PROCESS and it was effective beyond their wildest dreams. MK Ultra on a MASSIVE National and to some degree Global scale.
Anyone even vaguely familiar with various hypno state induction methods knew what they were seeing.
Even anon, who was aware instantly that this was being deployed AND knew that the terror narrative was bogus...even anon was effected deeply.
I did way too much self medicating with booze at the time. It was necessary but was disruptive to my ability to function at a normal level.
Beyond Evil. Beyond criminal.
My sauce is out there. Hypnotic induction by shock. If I wasn’t phonefagging I’d run down the Yourube videos myself.
Stay hyper pissed and pressure for answers and justice.
Anon, you can fish for invasive chink carp just by driving you boat down the Wabash river at full speed.
Wear a helmet.
Bring a few friends with helmets and small baseball bats.
They will fly right in your boat from all directions. The bat is to beat the fuckers in you boat. (The fish, not your friends) Once you’ve got a full boat, using additional incoming fish for batting practice.
The more you know.
Just know that what you catch tastes like ass no matter how you cook it. I bag them, sun dry them and wood chip the dried husks for fertilizer.
That’s all they are good for. They’ve made fishing for anything else on that river and others all but impossible.
I used hypnosis for clients seeking higher academic, and sometimes sports performance.
I used a tried and true relaxation method. I audio taped all sessions. I video taped and time stamped all sessions. Clients were provided with audio for home use on their iPod or whatever. Video was absolutely available at request no questions asked. No broken timestamps. If I was having video issues I’d cancel sessions. Period.
All clients received the entire list of scripted suggestions prior to anything and we encouraged to add suugestions of their own and omit ones that weren’t considered useful to that client.
Trust is absolutely crucial as is active participation and team effort. It’s YOUR mind. My goal is 100% to help you optimize it to your wishes in the most transparent and careful way.
I’ve had wild success. Amazing. Money back was always my policy. I’ve only done two that I wasn’t paid for. They simply couldn’t be induced. There are many reasons, but this is likely more my problem for failing to make them comfortable. It happens. Some people kinda want the benefit, but just deeply distrust the method and totally fine. And healthy. Your mind is yours and you don’t want just anyone walking through it. I failed to establish trust most likely.
I don’t do Therapeutic or lifestyle work. I’ve done some for friends, but I just don’t feel qualified to do it regularly. I’ve seen frightening things come out just in my normal sessions, and I just suggest during the session the client note this, the refocus. I then show the client what came forward and discuss. I refer them to a very legit psychologist I’ve worked with if needed.
And yes, some of what surfaced in some cases was Ayy lmao related. I make no judgements.
It does concern me though.
Anyway, consider my safeguards listed above if you chose to use hypnosis fir sleep therapy. It’s probably the easiest thing for hypnosis to address effectively.
Even audio sessions with this work extremely well.
I would recommend one that’s widely available on iTunes and Audible apps. Her name is Anna Thompson and she is amazing. You’ll never hear a more relaxing voice. I don’t know her personally, but I have colleagues that do. I’ve seen her scripts and they are extremely well written, all on topic and very effective. She’s just a smidge new agey and granola. A lot in hypnosis are. I’m not, it’s not my style I’m more straightforward and practical.
But Anna is very honest caring and her voice is golden.
Or, just observe good sleep hygiene. Go and stay dayshift bred and keep your bed for only two purposes. Sex and sleep. In that order. Watch what you eat as you get close to bedtime. Don’t skimp on mattress choice. Keep ur boozing limited to weekends. Grass is fine as far as I can tell, but don’t quote me. I don’t use, but I’ve never met a user with sleep issues.
Anyway, I’m way long. Good luck. I had insomnia in college and it’s a vicious cycling bitch.
I highly recommend the movie remake of Manchurian Candidate for EVERY SINGLE ANON
The one with Denzel. As someone who both knows and has studied hypnosis and is also extremely familiar with its evil abuse coupled with other methods most anons here are familiar with, this movie is required viewing, multiple times with a very alert and critical eye. Take notes and watch time stamps.
Whoever did this remake was a white hat that knew what the fuck they were presenting.
This movie is a warning. Whoever made it was trying desperately to tell people the deal.
It’s disturbing. Deeply. I hate just about every actor in it but Denzel, so never mind that.
Someone put some truth out with this. Big truth on many levels and topics. It’s relevant right up to exactly this moment, too.
It’s your mind. Sounds like you have a fine one too.
But, if you do chose to explore it, just demand all the things I listed as an absolute base level precaution and never, ever, ever....go anywhere near a psychiatrist employing hypnosis.
That’s my opinion.
I’d never go to a psychiatrist, period. For anything.
I’m married to an MD and she did a psych rotation in med school. She thinks they are all bat shit crazy and trying to fix themselves.
If you want to talk about issues of personal andhuman nature find a legit TRULY Christian minister or a bartender who has been doing his job 10 yrs minimum. Cheaper and much wiser council can’t be found.
I put the They Live movie in the same importance level as Manchurian Candidate.
The aesthetic aspect of They Live hasn’t aged well to the level of near distraction, but the message and info are right on point to this day. I’d almost wish for a refresh update, but I’d be afraid they’d fuck it up, strip out the most important part of the message and nobody would pay attention to the original, so I can live with a little cheesy as long as it comes with truth.
Other anon correct Wabash River Indiana
Do. Not. Want.
Don’t want psychedelic snek
Don’t want Gungrabbing cultist
See little difference
Yeah, that’s it alright. It’s dangerous if there’s a lot of other boats out. I have family along that river that used to tube down it and won’t now.
You could have a Bluetooth speaker blaring Ozzy or something and they’ll just go nuts. Not relaxing.
They should just rig DNR center console boats with nets on either side and crusie in a row. Or shock and kill everything and restock with native.
Negative. But his pretender predecessor was 100 percent Manchurian from birth.
Again, when you apply what I’ve described about to ANY speed this bot gave, i’d turn it of immediately. It wasn’t just his golly gee manner either. Listen to a good hypnotic induction, listen to someone skilled at NLP then, listen to his speeches. I’d rather you didn’t for your sake but trust me, he was employing the technique.
What most would call just dry and mind numbing, those who know what we are hearing perked up and said this is wrong this is creepy.
Mind numbing is a good term. That is exactly what hypnotic induction is doing. Numbing and shutting down your waking mind. Your on sub conscious auto pilot and open to suggestion. He did this by the numbers.
I was so alarmed my wife made me explain it point for point and I did. I recorded a speech, waited fir the transcript and marked it up.
Then we sat and watched and I noted everything to her. The downward cadence, the low monotone, the specific metaphor employed and what it meant. Then I stopped the recording and said, you just got the induction. He will lead into suggestions now, point for point. More forcefully. Notice the change in all the other vocal characteristics mentioned prior. He’d finish listing off his agenda delivered as suggestions, then slowly bring you up and out.
Goodnight America and God Bless.
She made me do the same with Regan and Clinton.
Totally different. Just purely classical rhectoric. Persuasion. Nothing outside of normal political speech.
Then I showed her Obama talking in informal settings. Totally different guy. None of that slow, mopey all shucks step down, then fast switch to drill sergeant.
If you found yourself listening and became irritated and angry, then just switched it wasn’t just his policy and what he was selling.
It was what he was doing and you sub mind knew it and resisted it. Was repelled by it.
It was how he delivered it. Pure glowing manipulation.
There’s break downs out there on this, I’m sure. It was discussed amongst my peers every speech.
I agree with all that and double for Enoch.
This will get me painted a hippy but I don’t care. I’m the most conservative hard charging patriot I know. I’m so conservative I monitor Tucker for sneaky commie tricks. So far he’s fine, so anyway.
I am a right wing tree hugger. I plant on average 50 a year reforesting my property, which was half ag at one time and grossly overtaxed at soil level. I’m getting there tho. And there was plenty of woods there also. But yeah, that’s where I feel closest to Him and everything else.
My best and most effective therapy is so simple, but if anons tried it they’d be different anons in 3 weeks. First thing to do when you open your eyes...hop in your flip flops or whatever, grab the dog if you have one and go outside. Let dog potty. Kick off your flops and stand barefoot in grass for about 10-15 min while looking eastward to sun and drinking coffee. I’m not saying look at the sun. Just let first morning light into your peepers. Have 10-15 minutes of skin to direct earth contact.
This isn’t voodoo, hippy or bullshit.
It’s connection. Grounding. Like lighting. No insulation between you and the ball you are spinning on. It works, it’s easy and the dogs cool with it too.
Glad I can help. There’s many people trained like me that want people to know what’s going on. Advertising is equally bad and I can dissect a pharma commercial like a frog.
It’s disgusting what’s being done in plain sight. It’s why I bang the gong here. It is matrix like in a way because once someone really breaks it down for others at a technical level, it stops working and your mind just starts tagging shit for you to notice continually.
It’s what people label gut level intuition, but it’s really more like most of us stop listening to the warnings for the subconscious mind. It keeps trying to push it up, you keep thinking you can think ur way around without it and it gets pissed and just says fine...don’t want to listen or act on my advice? Have at it and good luck. Get back in touch when you’re ready to listen again.
It’s a simple analogy but it’s simply that simple.
It can take in more data than you could possibly realize and it’s not only the data recirved via your normally accepted 5 senses. It’s all that, and more.
So, call up your subconscious mind and bury the hatchet. Make nice and when you get that unmistakable signal, lean into it.
I dunno anon. They taste pretty bad.
I know a Vietnamese American guy I hunt with that will eat them and I give him shit for it. He eats ferns too. He never really said why. He’s not really chatty until we get a few beers in us, then he’s funny as hell.
Quiet sneaky fucker in the woods too. He makes Indiana’s sound rowdy. He’s not old enough to be ex VC, though, because that did cross my mind.
He named the clown!
Shit the bed, junior is letting all the cats outta the bag.
I broke my KEK gland.
Baker - Notable Don Jr Twat. He knows the glow.
They say never trust a guy with a pig farm.
I don’t know if that’s 100% solid info, but I would be reluctant to piss one off just the same.
Prolly skip the slumber party invite too.
Well, there ya go. I’m going try some. All you can eat and free range. They grow waist high here.
I let him shroom my property in May. He cleaned up on those. About a dozen 5 gal buckets heaped high.
I can only each maybe a quarter of a bucket before I get tired of them.
Oh, yeah...these are confirmed fiddleheads. All over the place in anonville and keep getting bigger as you go north to anon heap big lakes
Maybe. He’s s subtle mofo, no doubt. His wife is my wife’s nurse and we’ve been hunting buddies/drinking buddies for about 10 yrs now. It’s hard to tell his age cause he looks my age, I just know he’s older. I’m mid 40s. I’d ballpark him at 60 maybe. He’s lived right. Looks young
Tulsi just doesn’t know with way to lean.
If she was pro 2A, had a less sketch background and would stand her ground on what she knows to be true in Syria and elsewhere, she’d have a shot.
I could probably live with her if that were the case.
She’s doing the opposite of what DJT did. She’s backing down and going with Muh Assad Butcher.
She done.
She coulda beena contenda.
That’s just hypothetical anyway. Potus would punt this surfin commie lite of the pier.
Would knock bottom right out of dat.
Will not vote for tho
The dot make up is a tough meme cuz she’s still hot AF