>>34493 pb
Are any of you guys regular flyers/pilots/etc? The reason is because probably the first thing that would happen is you would end up on a no fly list. I haven't heard of that at all honestly so that is something to think about. Are we being tracked though? Well, ofcourse. Probably by a shitload of outfits. If you don't scrub your memes of identifying information, re-name them (since the download name likey is not randomized and would link you back to the point where you got it) or regularly repost the same stuff keying all the post's content to a single individual... etc then you can be tracked that way. Hell, we can all be tracked simply by common misspellings/ a sticky key on a keyboard causing double-capitalization etc. Do you post memes here and at the same time post them on fagbook... with your phone...? See what I mean? With enough moeny and resources none of us are really anon.
Nearly any state-level actor could ID every person here with only a little effort is my guess. Only normies (like me) would struggle to do the above. Hell, there are probably smart individuals here who can do much of what I described themselves.
We stand behind The First Ammendment IMO. It is protected by The Second Ammendment so we speak freely as long as we can. The first is my sword and the second is my shield.