Comfy, Q. Settled in for the shitshow.
Time to Bldg 7 QResearch
I'll ask again. Does anyone know the security status of ??
Does it rely on the data from >>>/qresearch/ ??
Is the owner of a Patriot??
Just looking out for resources
Where's BO II live? Maybe Jack is the next [ ] Wouldn't that be swell.
This seems like a serious message to Jack.
Boy, wouldn't wireless power transmission be amazing right about now. Shame Tesla got fucked over by a Mega-Tycoon. That asshole, Edison, was almost as bad as these fucksticks who operate the Twitter and Facebook servers. Pure evil.
God Bless you and our hard-working ancestors who've borne the burden the Slavemasters for far too long. In our time, it will end.
Fox News banner reporting power is out from
71st to 42nd
5th to the West Side Hwy
Hell's Kitchen