They have a soyincelantifa glow
Thx Baker
Guy wearing pro and hearing protection has dark shirt but tan pants.
You girl makes them sound more all in black...
Frustrating as always.
Mixed reports, cops are now likely trying to pare it down to lone douche narrative. I’m just going to scrape and pile it up for now. My internet is going to shit...oddly...and my vpn has shat the bed as ell...
Fuck. Looks like covfefe over beer time...damnit
If that doesn’t scream antifaggit tryhard asshole I don’t know what does. He looks like one of the faces in back of squad car LB
She appears absolutely tramatized.
For fucksake, an AK doesn’t pop! And indoors?
It’s texas. There are fun people all over. Someone there knows what a pop and an AK sounds like.
Mines rowdy as fuck
Well I’m just glad the Arizona field office of the FBI was able to seed this in time.
Was a close one.
ZeroHedge sticking with lone gunman lie at present.
El Paso police chief says its rooted in hate crime.
FBI spokes follows him and reels it back to still investigating...blah blah
This ‘lone gunman’ only toooed the charts at #8 on the PopFF Charts
This is the clowns listing the fuse on Antifa
Gladio over and over. FBI plants bulletin. Hogg is already on the set.
Dems eat up half of recess with endless shit.
By the numbers
I’m sure El Paso is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cartels, and DNC by default.
Time to look into El Paso Chief Allen’s political leanings.
Security cam photos vs google street view photo cam array.
Add to that time between pix.
I see fresh blue bollard on street view. I see faded one on sec cam photo.
I think the photo is legit. It’s one of the shooters.
Now, let’s have moar from those Walmart sec cams that are coving every inch.
But hell, we got nada from Vegas, and there are cams watching other can in Vegas.
It’s out of our reach. We have what we have.
Round it up
further, I speculate that Texas was chosen for a reason. That being, if you are retard, you’d think Texas would be a wonderful place to lite this powder keg and set off full on insurrection. And those retards would be right for once in their retard lives.
Down home Texans get a whiff, just a whiff this is true Bolshevik action in their back yard?
Broken Arrow
Feels like Vegas to me
Better than you think.
Takes a whole lot of psychological conditioning to even get dogs and marines to pull the trigger.
And even more to do so under stress.
Killing isn’t a natural act for most.
But still. These guys were just good enough.
We are here cracking at this. It did the job.
Cause they are jack boot clearing the entire town for a show. That’s where my whiff of Boston comes from. Big display.
Like they wouldn’t get killed in cartel crossfire
Nevertheless, is a big part of the motive now