Might as well try posting on this Domain
It worked!
Now to freshen things up, Notables from endchan qrb:
>3002 Mark Levin Interview Tonight with Devin Nunes @ 8pm Eastern
>>3015 Tlaib frantically asked campaign for personal money, messages show, as ethics probes announced
>>3028 Barr slams Democrats and courts: Avalanche of subpoenas is designed to ‘incapacitate the executive branch’
>>3047, POTUS Twat re Pelosi Fake Impeachment
>>3049, >>3050, >>3136 Highlights from POTUS Interview w/Dan Bongino 11/15/19
>>3053 8kun updates
>>3054, >>3058 BBC Finally Reporting on Sweden Bombing Crisis
baker collector #2
>>3047, >>3048 Request for a Digg on Paul & Nancy Pelosi Charitable Foundation
>>3059 Sperry: List of Repub witnesses should include AMOS HOCKSTEIN (knows where Burisma bodies are buried) Call for a DIGG
>>3221 Hockstein thread on Twatter
>>3060 Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry (Corey's Digs)
>>3063 94% of Mass Public Shootings Occur In Gun-Free Zones: 1950 - 2019
>>3064 Mass shooting study: half of shooters are mentally ill & liberal concealed carry laws reduce the incidence
>>3068 "Gilets Jaunes" in 53rd week of protests (never give up)
>>3136 Paris in flames, YV protestor: “We want Macron out...& a change in the system of gov't")
>>3069 Livingston told State Dept. Ukraine wanted Yovanovitch recalled
>>3070 US Congress urged to suspend Hong Kong's special trade status if Chinese troops are used within the city
>>3082 DJT tweet: Get out and VOTE for @EddieRispone to be your next Gov! (Louisiana)
>>3090 Seattle captain busted in prostitution sting after offering $40 to undercover cop
>>3093 Anon flowchart on Gen'l Flynn
>>3096 Embassy official says he heard Trump-Sondland call about Ukraine ‘investigations’
>>3104 Notorious 8chan Forum Is an Internet Nomad (recent 8kun events; article better than its title)
>>3131 Arrests of 16 Marines in formation at Camp Pendleton for human smuggling ruled unlawful
>>3139 Ari Fleischer: MSM Qs to Dems friends, to Repubs challenging (media never changes)
>>3218 WH: "Donald Trump made an unexpected visit to a military hospital Saturday afternoon"
>>3223 Q thread on half-chan
>>3256 Update from Ron
changed .tw to .top throughout
added caps
consolidated Q posts, all set for baking now
added complete addresses for new Q drops
Anonymous 11/17/2019 (Sun) 01:29:51 Id: 0065eb (17) [Preview] No.3270 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Tired anons should take a break.
Don't come back for a week or two. Enjoy the outdoors. Spend time with the fam. Believe me you'll feel better/recharged.
Anonymous 11/17/2019 (Sun) 01:30:30 Id: beee8a (64) [Preview] No.3271 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Calling attn to new pastebin
at bottom of notables page.
Any word on POTUS?
WHITE HOUSE - U.S. President "Donald Trump made an unexpected visit to a military hospital Saturday afternoon..."
Q posts:16-Nov-2019
Q's Message to Traitor James Comey?
There Is No Escaping God
Video of Michelle and Barack Obama's Disdain for the American Flag
Bad Actors Using Video Game Platforms for Communications
gosh....these notes looks familiar.....
maybe coz i typed em earlier today.
didn't post em here tho
sure would like to make a notes list for QRB 8kun, but i'm not sure when i can get back
Journeying here is a bit like making a journey in the wagon from out on the prairie in 1850....
Think i need to hire an in-house network specialist full-time (as soon as i get a few extra bucks)
Ah, my post on TOR just posted on QR--first time TOR user.Can't post here with TOR so far, get an error message.
Forced? We'll see when i try to post. If it works, then hello anon nice to see you, o7.
Dear meme farmer, an anon was just looking for you at endchan, missing your posts. I said you might be on QRB, so maybe he will look here. Or you could drop by if you've a mind. I remember when you decided to come to QRB, good to see you (from a qrb baker).
thanks anon, everybody helps. But made me think people might want a list of Q drops with caps for the last several days, here is a post at endchan. Was gonna drop it here but you won't get the caps, which are local.
Just baked a fresh bred, better for Q drops and new notables:
Yes, thanks for typing up the notables. I just wanted to get some current content in here to show this place can have a pulse even with all the tumbleweeds flying around.
He went in early for his annual physical. Also, to piss off the libtards.
Just testing if QRB auto updates comments.
Qresearch hasn't updated in 4 hours.
Thanks baker(s).
#ProjectOdin lawyer review is done, im going to do my own review of the returned review to make sure everything is accurate then we should be good to launch after a final round of testing!
Hang out with us.
It's comfy cozy.
We have no problems running a board on cloudflare..
Keeps hanging at 4%
How in tf is a flood detected when I have not made this post before?
I know, had to do it.
Happy Q Day!
(el testo)
Just noticed that myself.
You were one second off of an awesome timestamp!
Hoping for a Q post storm today.
baker assuming responsibility
for collecting notes.
Welcome FAM.
Looks like we might have enough for a bun, at this point. We'll patch it together as best we can, with love & bailing wire.
Nom & post, frens. We make this home again.
Baker on duty, just taggin this post so you know if you return, BR. Took the bake back from you, fren--after 3 mos. Hope to see you here soon.
Looks like the theme here concerns Soros' changing the justice system from the bottom up by financing the campaigns of local DAs.
George Soros' quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system
>>37813 Here’s why George Soros, liberal groups are spending big to help decide who’s your next D.A.
>>37813 NYC reform requires defendants be set free with no bail for all but a few violent crimes
tried posting the last article--it has great flowcharts. But it's too long & complex to post for now.
Notes #50 thru @37813
baker collector--pre-deplatforming'
>>37621, >>37652, >>37677 Prayers for this bread & board
>>37622, >>37661Teen arrested re child thrown from 10th floor London Gallery
>>37626, >>37635, >>37637, >>37640 Dayton shooter Connor Betts = Dem, supporter of Antifa/Bernie/Warren
>>37638, >>37642 Dayton shooter, anons on sister
>>37665 Dayton shooting timeline
>>37640, >>37643 USMC message: "Muddin'"
>>37663 Something in our darkest hour: US may be returning to gold standard
>>37666 Ron/CodeMonkey's first message: expect some minutes of downtime" (historic)
>>37672 El Paso / Garlic shooter look alike; need more digs on both shootings
>>37673, >>37678, >>37678 Moar on Garlic Festival shooting
>>37679 Continuing anti-semitic bread titles on QR
>>37692 Cloudflare Raises $150M and Adds to Board of Directors
baker collector--post-deplatforming
>>37696 Hello patriots welcome home!!
>>37699, >>37742, >>37748 BO tests board & posts QRB 8kun logo
>>37733 Ron: Project Odin the best way to avoid deplatformming
>>37756, >>37770, >>37776, >>37792, >>37796 Q's first few posts (CAPS)
>>37788 Learn how to archive offline
>>37795 Eric Ciaramella DIGG & pic
>>37798 Ron: will migrate /PatriotsFight/ whenever the board owner requests it here
>>37990, >>37813 How George Soros is trying to subvert the US justice system from the bottom up
>>37825 USA, Australia & Japan challenging China's "belt & road"!
>>37825 Trump Offers To Help Mexico "Clean Out These Monsters" After American Family Murdered In Gang Crossfire
>>37825 Gregg Jarrett: Here’s Why The Justice Department Must Investigate Joe Biden’s “Quid Pro Quo”
>>37825 John Solomon: Hunter Biden’s Ukraine gas firm pressed Obama administration to end corruption allegations, memos show
not done collecting yet
but posting just in case things get shaky
welcome feedback
Notes could get rather long
Because bred is so incredibly slow
But that wouldn't be so bad
For our first "resurrection" bread
We will figure it out together
>>37825 USA, Australia & Japan challenging China's "belt & road"!
So while this is happening: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This is also happening: vvvvvvvvvvvvv
China bought most of Greece’s main port and now it wants to make it the biggest in Europe
Since the Greek financial crisis, Beijing and Athens have deepened their links.
Greece announced in August of 2018 that it was formally joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
During a visit to Athens earlier this week, President Xi said: “We want to strengthen Piraeus’ transshipment role and further boost the throughput capacity of China’s fast sea-land link with Europe.”
Sounds like Greece may be caught in the crossfire.
fantastic article
A Great Awakening to the Fight Is Upon Us
Last week in a dinner speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., Princeton professor Robert George had some advice for social and religious conservatives: “You must fight.”
It was an exhortation that does him no good in the academic world. A distinguished Ivy League scholar and teacher isn’t supposed to talk about the “culture war.” George has strong connections with the established conservative world, too, which balks at the confrontational style. In my year at the James Madison
Program at Princeton, which George directs, visitors included George Will, Steve Forbes, and Andrew Napolitano. But the other night was a firm declaration of resistance.
It was fantastic.
One of the people cheering at the end was William Barr, who delivered his own call to arms last month in a speech at Notre Dame. “I think we all recognize that over the past 50 years religion has been under increasing attack,” he said. Traditional believers have felt the “force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault” again and again. Barr called it “organized destruction,” a deliberate campaign to destroy the religious foundations of American society.
Baker here
Finished with notes thru no. 37993
But want to work with the 11-11 bun that an anon kindly created b4 posting again. Bun is great but too much of a mixed bag of stories--need to sort out b4 finalizing current notes.
Also want to post all the recent Q's from 11-2 thru 11-16. Will put in the dough too but we're not baking for a while. Goal is to just get current, generate drops here so anons will have them as a reference.
Next task is to dig out the Q post caps and post them here; then a list can be posted in the bred and used for an updated pastebin.
New QMap v. 1.Q release !