>"It's a conspiracy theory!"
>"It's a conspiracy theory!"
10% of the population with a favorable view is pretty yuge.
from qr notables
How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare
As Jeffrey Epstein’s links to intelligence in both the United States and Israel began to be revealed in full, his financing of Carbyne came under scrutiny, particularly for the company’s deep ties to Israeli intelligence as well as to certain Americans with known connections to U.S. intelligence.
Ehud Barak’s own role as both financier and chairman of Carbyne has also added to that concern, given his long history of involvement in covert intelligence operations for Israel and his long-standing ties to Israeli military intelligence.
Appears so, anon.
>Project Looking Glass
>It appears rather to be a direct, unambiguous reference to advanced technology for viewing the future, as challenging as this possibility might be to the world views of some anons, not to mention the general public.
Agree that it does seem so and willing to accept that challenge. That said, maybe the Area 51 device described in the videos is looking in the past at outdated tech?
Assuming that the device (or some facsimile) does/did exist, as far as I understand, it works based on the consciousness of one individual and thus the readings are subject to all the perceptual errors and biases of that particular person. Even if it was used on a collection of trained individuals, the sample size would still be a tiny section of the population who are way outside the social norm. That seems archaic to me.
If we make the assumption that all human beings have a latent 'psychic' ability (whether most consciously recognize it or not), then what could be built to tap into a broader section of the population and collect & process the information for analysis?
The answers might be right here in this bread. Alas, I give you the sisters Maxwell:
>2005 - Chiliad described its software for DoD procurement, revealing its sophistication with regard to ""real-time analysis of live network data to determine predictive behavior"":
>"Unlike traditional approaches to predictive analysis driven only by historic data models, the proposed approach will combine well-understood behavior and patterns to anticipate likely courses of action, with new behavior patterns detected from live field sensor data, leveraging value from real-time analysis of 'unstructured' content, deriving structured data from these sources, and leveraging further value from these structured data with triggers on relational databases.
>Analysis and metadata generation are executed on-the-fly, moment-to-moment using live network data, not yet indexed. Detected strategy changes from field data are fed back into the continuous monitoring loop in near real-time, improving adaptive and responsive capability that is proactive, anticipatory, and reactive at the same time... Response-time can be almost immediate in time-critical situations."
This software (and others like it) exists - there's documented proof. It's not a rumor based on a conjecture given by one potentially compromised individual on a 'conspiracy theory' channel. Thus, it's more normie friendly.
Not to say that the device doesn't exist - maybe it does, maybe it doesn't - but that maybe the tech has moved well beyond it in capability.
Something like this?
>DeepMind was creating a god-like AI system that is able to ingest the available public information on the internet and make sense of it. Think of it like Amazon Alexa except much much much more intelligent. This AI system was moved out of the UK I believe and placed into China, and it’s been dubbed the AI Manhattan Project.”