>putting the links in the /qr/ dough
kek, I saw that. Stuck out to me on the learn to bake section a few weeks back. Didn't ask any questions or bring it to attention, but it made me laugh.
Sorry I missed out on the seminar. As you guessed, I was sleeping. Normally I don't sleep that much, or it hasn't been the case ever since I met that anon that goes by Q, but last night I needed to desperately rekindle my relationship with Morpheus. I took part in the second seminar, but have missed out on the third and fourth. If there's another, I'll try to make it.
>consolidating Q posts
They certainly do go green fast. But since we are /"Q"rb/ thought I at least make the effort. Not sure if it's necessary. Thoughts on the subject appreciated.
We in here fren. Glad you could you could stop by. Don't be stranger.