Anonymous ID: 2373b5 June 21, 2020, 3:52 p.m. No.42522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2523

My twatter account got blowed up by @jackhole 3 days ago. I appealed but the fuckery runs deep and my account withers in limbo. For a memefag, this is the height of getting shot in the ass and being taken off the line.


I am by nature inclined to vengeance, but am having trouble formulating a winning plan for dropping a choad right smack dab in the middle of @jackoff's beard. I yearn to accomplish such a counter dick-move, but no salient scheme comes to mind. It's a very nonplussing experience.


I hate being on the good guys' team. It's restraining, sometimes uncomfortably so.