Anonymous ID: 4b75ad June 9, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.42437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2438


>Those who see know. Those who don't only blind themselves.

>This world is yours for the saving or losing.

>Be smarter fren. Or pay attention on /qr/ and maybe you would know who I/We are.

>The TOP requested we push this.

^^This is why you don't get any traction.

Beside the claiming to be someone with some type of special assignment. Q 513

Stop talking like Shakespeare in the park, and just get your point across directly and succinctly.

Part of the reason you got called out initially is that bullshit.


>Alot of the notables suck its not condescending it is true

Won't argue there, the solution is to make notables as an example. Stop trying to preach. Leading by example will get more results.

Not sure how much real life experience you have with groups of people like anons here, but the manner in which you are communicating isn't going to provide much in the way of results.

Only saying that from 20+ years working in software and tech. The last bit of which was Team Lead and management.



Got news for you that has been going on since 2018.

>Will be known as /qr/ where truths go to hide and die if anons just continue to sit on the truths rather than expose them to light.

>You have 3 years worth of dirt and NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING WITH IT. .

>We are here to tell you you should. and you NEED TO TO WIN.

Anons are spreading the information social media, news orgs.... Have seen diggs and research become news.

Some anons do great write ups (twatter threads, many of which Q points out), articles and so on.

Not sure where you are getting your information, or what you are trying to get at.


Who is the TOP you are talking about, and why is their information so bad?

Or is it just your ability to communicate with a group of skeptical, free thinking, highly intelligent, excessively independent, salty, selfless anons?

Anonymous ID: 4b75ad June 10, 2020, 12:30 a.m. No.42439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2441


>since 4/22 when we announced ourselves?

Have been tracking.


>Also been on the chans since at least 05 so.. chill newfag.

Okay a couple of years on me there, mostly lurked though.


>Donald and Q team.



>You are still missing the point.

Probably because the wall of text, and Shakespeare thing.

Keep in mind from this anons perspective (reading/writing technical docs and manuals - dry and direct)


>Yes SOME do. Most do not.

>This is the EXACT ISSUE. Anons wait for Q to call out these people to share this content. This is making him no better than the MSM.

Agreed. Noticed that on twatter, people run to some new source rather than digg and be the source. Will take a long time to unlearn what MSM has taught.


>Anons do not support each other. You only wait for instructions from Q.

Some do yes.


>You know where to find us if you have any questions.

Prefer this communication version.

Anonymous ID: 4b75ad June 10, 2020, 12:59 a.m. No.42442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2443


Good night anon.

Have all of that downloaded from first couple of weeks.

Don't think because I push you that I have completely dismissed you.

Trust issues..have to find verification in my own way.