An update on London pics. So far this is the best we (at UK thread) can narrow the timeframes of the pic series:
2013 Winter Wonderland ran from 11/22/13 to 1/5/14. Not enuf in pics to do any better.
Betw 12/10/13 and 1/18/14. An anon noticed little Christmas trees in the flower boxes above the entrance. These decorations vary seasonally. Narrowed this using a combination of StreetView and Ytube posted video caps.
NSA TRAF CAM/CORINTHIA HOTEL PICS between 3/17/14 and 3/22/14. The CH1 pic is likely taken around 5pm or so. An overcast day with what looks like a reddish sky in the distance to the SouthWest. Although overcast with little evidence of shadows, there appears to be just enough of a light source to cause a slight shadow on the dewy sidewalk from the hedges along the border of Whitehall Gardens near the Boris Bikes hire station to tell us the light source (Sun) is directly ahead. There is also a streetlamp that seems to be casting a slight shadow of its finial onto its dome. This agrees with the other shadow The Sun being in the Southwest means this pic is not morning but late afternoon. This has been a long dig with many "moving parts". Lot's of digging for pics along with caps from vids taken by tourists and locals which provided us with our "bookends". One moving part was evidence of construction shrouding on a particular tower at Westminster Palace. This white shrouding can be seen in LISAMI6 and ROT2 and 3 (near Big Ben). The pic and vid evidence on the shroud yielded bookends from October 2013 to April 2014. A 2014 St. Patrick's Day vid showed an absence of 3 advertisement boards on the gangplank walk to the restaurant ship HISPANIOLA that are seen in ROT1. We looked for evidence of these advert signs on SV and can't find them until April 2014. So we have a "not-before" date if 3/17/14. Another, no less important "moving part" is over on Hungerford Blvd where a traffic sign was evident in the CH1 pic. This sign was the subject and cause of a fatal traffic accident which occurred on 3/5/14. Pic and vid evidence lead us to believe that there was a memorial placed on and around this traffic sign not long afterward. It may have gotten out of hand and was "cleared" by workers and temp signs put up in April.
Best Moon matches for ROT1 were 3/17 thru 3/22 as well. Used to look for Moons at a bearing of 151.5 degrees. Best match/estimate for weather and moon looks 3/20/14 for ROT1/CH1.