Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 4:13 p.m. No.44667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4683

>>44648 pb


missed ya this morning

think i pulled a muscle, has kind of a ripple effect -

was achin', not wanting to stay up too 'earlies'


was a achin'

not a bakin'

or a fakin'

or a wakin',

or a cakin', flakin', makin'

but a brakin', bread forsaken


jus' got home, nap sounds good


Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 4:35 p.m. No.44670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4699 >>4701 >>4733 >>4749

Attorney Matthew DePerno Releases Michigan Elections Forensics Report – 66,194 Unregistered Ballots Tallied in JUST 9 COUNTIES


Among the findings:


• Modem Chipsets Installed In Voting System Motherboards


• 66,194 unregistered ballots tallied in just 9 counties.


Much more to come…

Here’s the link to Matthew DePerno’s findings:


here are the PDFs on the site:

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.44672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4675 >>4678 >>4679 >>4699 >>4701 >>4733 >>4749



~~Liberal~~ Far-Left Boston Hospital to Set Up Preferential Treatment Based on Race, Whites Last – Want to Make This a National Policy


A Boston hospital is set to offer preferential care to patients based on race. The proposed “pilot initiative” uses a “reparations framework” that focuses on “Black and Latinx patients and community members” and prioritizes their care.


The authors of the program insist that the Boston initiative be a “replicable pilot program” to be launched in hospitals across the country.


The Washington Examiner reported:


Brigham and Women’s Hospital hospital says it will offer “preferential care based on race” and “race-explicit interventions” in an attempt to engage in an “antiracist agenda for medicine” based on critical race theory.


A Boston Review article titled “An Antiracist Agenda for Medicine” lays out a plan from Brigham and Women’s Hospital that implements a “reparations framework” for distributing medical resources in order to “comprehensively confront structural racism.”


“Together with a coalition of fellow practitioners and hospital leaders, we have developed what we hope will be a replicable pilot program for direct redress of many racial health care inequities,” Harvard Medical School instructors Bram Wispelwey and Michelle Morse wrote in the article.


So now the left is actively pushing racist policies to punish white Americans.


These people are sick.


A Boston hospital is set to offer preferential care to patients based on race. The proposed “pilot initiative” uses a “reparations framework” that focuses on “Black and Latinx patients and community members” and prioritizes their care.


The authors of the program insist that the Boston initiative be a “replicable pilot program” to be launched in hospitals across the country.


The Washington Examiner reported:


Brigham and Women’s Hospital hospital says it will offer “preferential care based on race” and “race-explicit interventions” in an attempt to engage in an “antiracist agenda for medicine” based on critical race theory.


A Boston Review article titled “An Antiracist Agenda for Medicine” lays out a plan from Brigham and Women’s Hospital that implements a “reparations framework” for distributing medical resources in order to “comprehensively confront structural racism.”


“Together with a coalition of fellow practitioners and hospital leaders, we have developed what we hope will be a replicable pilot program for direct redress of many racial health care inequities,” Harvard Medical School instructors Bram Wispelwey and Michelle Morse wrote in the article.


So now the left is actively pushing racist policies to punish white Americans.


These people are sick.


Even the worst criminals are treated just like others - or were

(they get preferential treatment, too now??)


That Wispelwey guy looks awfully white

he gonna be happy for him and his fam to be last in line at the ER? Something smells.....

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 5:01 p.m. No.44675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here's a re-do - duplicate copypasta, sorry bout dat


~~Liberal~~ Far-Left Boston Hospital to Set Up Preferential Treatment Based on Race, Whites Last – Want to Make This a National Policy


A Boston hospital is set to offer preferential care to patients based on race. The proposed “pilot initiative” uses a “reparations framework” that focuses on “Black and Latinx patients and community members” and prioritizes their care.


The authors of the program insist that the Boston initiative be a “replicable pilot program” to be launched in hospitals across the country.


The Washington Examiner reported:


Brigham and Women’s Hospital hospital says it will offer “preferential care based on race” and “race-explicit interventions” in an attempt to engage in an “antiracist agenda for medicine” based on critical race theory.


A Boston Review article titled “An Antiracist Agenda for Medicine” lays out a plan from Brigham and Women’s Hospital that implements a “reparations framework” for distributing medical resources in order to “comprehensively confront structural racism.”


“Together with a coalition of fellow practitioners and hospital leaders, we have developed what we hope will be a replicable pilot program for direct redress of many racial health care inequities,” Harvard Medical School instructors Bram Wispelwey and Michelle Morse wrote in the article.


So now the left is actively pushing racist policies to punish white Americans.


These people are sick.



Even the worst criminals are treated just like others - or were

(they get preferential treatment, too now??)


That Wispelwey guy looks awfully white

he gonna be happy to be last in line at the ER?

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.44677   🗄️.is 🔗kun

u got da 'pf's aloft' joke....

pf's aloft and bf's afloat

ima da one who likes to do dat

(spoze that means boaty is floaty....)

sleepy here, too bright

bak for night shift -

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 7:39 p.m. No.44687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4699 >>4701 >>4733 >>4749

Seattle Students to Return to Schools Now Covered With Homeless Camps

Connor Grant

April. 7. 2021


Seattle Public Schools are starting to return to in-person learning this month, and parents are concerned about it - not because of COVID-19, but because two school campuses are now the sites of up to 40-tent homeless camps.


Fox News’ Lawrence Jones recently traveled to Seattle to speak to parents and residents on the issue of Edmond S Meany Middle School and Broadview Thomson K-8 now sharing their playgrounds and outdoor facilities with homeless people.


During his visit to the schools, Jones said he found drugs, needles, and other paraphernalia as he walked through the tent encampments, some of which were even using outdoor playground equipment as part of their lean-to structures.


“Just in the last three weeks there has already been four incidents with homeless individuals and children, and residents are reaching a breaking point,” Jones reported.


One Seattle parent told Jones that their teenage child has been “distressed” about the situation.


"I would like to see more leadership on the part of the city and I do have a teenager. He’s just really distressed about the situation," the parent said.


The Seattle School district released a statement on the issue, explaining that schools will reopen as currently planned, but the district did not commit to removing the camps prior to the students' return.


“We are working in partnership with the City of Seattle to support community members residing at the encampment near Meany Middle School. SPS will be identifying the area of the encampment that is close to the school, supporting City contracted outreach partners to identify solutions to challenges, and making clear the boundaries between city property and district grounds," the district said in a written statement, according to KOMO News.

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 8:01 p.m. No.44695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4697


der's yer answer re gb



doin' fine

btw, dis board has a notables thread

from when fj set his up

decided to keep it up last yr, just updated it

so all notables from bread #1 are there

kind of noice, wouldn't have started it originally but another anon did, so there it is.

bakers can add notes if they want, but if they don't, i'll update it every so often

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 8:07 p.m. No.44700   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i hated the damn thing on qr, bc of how it was started - also, coz it was full of garbage

when fighting fj's "no notes in the dough" policy, made a point every bread to add a post with notables near the top of the bread, me n rgb always doin' that. sleep deprivation put an end to it after 3 days, how i ended up here.

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.44706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4710


hey froggy

u bakin' tomorrow or takin' it easy?

should be ok, either way



depending on what ya wanna do, i can bake later tonite

might be good to stretch it a little, since it 's the weekend - bake before i go to bed, then fresh bread til mebbe late am your time

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 9 p.m. No.44720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4722


stepping out for a while, laundry and such

be back later, just ghost and i'll pick it up

wanna take a look at the dough, anyway, b4 baking - see what links are either dead or have info too old to be useful

if any of ya'll know of anything to add, lemme know


if i make any dough changes, will itemize em here, both is for good comms and in case i screw up - info is only one bread back


Always did that last yr when doing dough cleanup, so anons could see 'sup (although nobody really cared too much)

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 9:28 p.m. No.44731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4732


g'nite, rest well.


great one! ha-ha


agree - waiting better, we don't need a scoop, need the news.

just got thru p 3 in dough - easy to find bad links

page 4 will be more tedious

will also take a look at what's in QR & MNR that might be good that missing here


try to streamline whenever possible wo/losing useful stuff

Anonymous ID: f8cdf6 April 9, 2021, 9:35 p.m. No.44732   🗄️.is 🔗kun


will prolly stick dough deletion with/crossed out info in the tryout thread, so they can be easily viewed

then link to here.

easy to see


usually, dough changes are just a line or two at a time

but at this point, there are more than a few outdated links, espec re Q material (502s) - sealed indictment material still completely good


ok - gonna leave for a bit, will ck in periodically for next 2-3 hours, then finish up and bake