Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.44965   🗄️.is 🔗kun



gettin da loaves out, love seeds on bread



posted right thru the lock, got BO creds on coz i was getting "unknown error" message before.


when we get a few more anons (as opposed to bv-bakerers) will ask if anyone wants Reporter status in order to post during certain kinds of attacks. Not the solution all the time, but can help.



qr a great place to look for anyone who wants to study psyop techniques.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 4:51 p.m. No.44968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4970 >>4971


Was looking at an old bread - from mebbe a year ago -

although there are always shills on QR, were far fewer when there was a kitchen there. Dif between single bakers/notetakers and a kitch is BIG. Just as there's a big dif between shill activity in breads w/signed in baker/notetaker and ghosted breads.


Kitch supports the bakers, who in turn support the board. Gotta have good comms to have a stable board - have said so there, dey still stuck on "anon ideal" too much. But all the power positions have named people - Site owner, staff, BOs, BVs. Unnamed anons can't even organize.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 5:02 p.m. No.44973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4974


>Fauci ‘Not Sure’ Why Open States are Winning

music to muh earz


>It has been reported that sunlight and ventilation can damage the virus

something dey prolly knew in Babylonia

we just catchin' up

>risk of catching COVID-19 from surfaces is miniscule

you don't say??

<"actual science"

wat's dat? gonna have to start teachin high schoolers stats so they can call out fake data

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.44976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>they brewin sumpin else with this lockdown sheitz

yeah, sounds about right

creating conditions like Victorian cities - overcrowded, cramped conditions, people cowing in fear of 'da bosses'

pushing the 'science is in charge' thing (not God)

Still gotta wait to see the next move

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 5:43 p.m. No.44980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5021 >>5028 >>5030


>Pompeo tweet on Taiwan, pineapple, chess, Mercer fam, angels

looks like comms all right.



Is same thing as the Mercer fam?

see homepage for

GLOBALIST - totally.




Mercer fam is conservative but started backing away from Trump as Nov 2020 approached, according to info retrieved in search.

see CAP - couldn't get on the site, access denied. Tried elsewhere, even Wayback doesn't have it.*/ttp://


Mercer family:

Republican powerhouse

6 Things You Need To Know About The Mercer Family

Mar 30, 2017

  1. Robert Mercer is the co-chief executive officer of the Renaissance

  2. Mercer has been described as a Ayn Rand-esque libertarian with a searing hatred for the Clintons.

  3. The other Mercer power player is Mercer’s middle daughter, Rebekah.

  4. Steve Bannon has been described as the “Svengali” of the Mercer family.

  5. The Mercer family initially supported Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

  6. The Mercer family transformed Trump’s campaign; their influence can be seen in Trump’s cabinet.


Note also the plaque with ANGELS on the counter.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 11, 2021, 6:02 p.m. No.44985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5016 >>5019 >>5021 >>5028 >>5030


Cambridge links mental illness with questioning the mainstream covid narrative.


Is it their plan to eventually label you mentally ill just because you are looking for answers instead of obediently accepting their narrative?


Coronavirus conspiracy beliefs in the German-speaking general population: endorsement rates and links to reasoning biases and paranoia

16 March 2021



Coronavirus-related conspiracy theories (CT) have been found to be associated with fewer pandemic containment-focused behaviors. It is therefore important to evaluate associated cognitive factors. We aimed to obtain first endorsement rate estimates of coronavirus-related conspiracy beliefs in a German-speaking general population sample and investigate whether delusion-related reasoning biases and paranoid ideation are associated with such beliefs.



We conducted a cross-sectional non-probability online study, quota-sampled for age and gender, with 1684 adults from Germany and German-speaking Switzerland. We assessed general and specific coronavirus conspiracy beliefs, reasoning biases [jumping-to-conclusions bias (JTC), liberal acceptance bias (LA), bias against disconfirmatory evidence (BADE), possibility of being mistaken (PM)], and paranoid ideation, using established experimental paradigms and self-report questionnaires.



Around 10% of our sample endorsed coronavirus-related CT beliefs at least strongly, and another 20% to some degree. Overall endorsement was similar to levels observed in a UK-based study (Freeman et al., 2020b). Higher levels of conspiracy belief endorsement were associated with greater JTC, greater LA, greater BADE, higher PM, and greater paranoid ideation. Associations were mostly small to moderate and best described by non-linear relationships.



A noticeable proportion of our sample recruited in Germany and German-speaking Switzerland endorsed coronavirus conspiracy beliefs strongly or to some degree. These beliefs are associated with reasoning biases studied in delusion research. The non-probability sampling approach limits the generalizability of findings. Future longitudinal and experimental studies investigating conspiracy beliefs along the lines of reasoning are encouraged to validate reasoning aberrations as risk factors.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 1:17 a.m. No.45016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5019 >>5021 >>5028 >>5030


There are strong parallels between this argument saying people who question CCP virus are crazy and Soviet psychiatrists saying Soviet citizens who questioned the state narrative in the 1970s and 80s.


Here's one article.


“Medicine Standing on its Head”: Snezhnevsky, Sluggish Schizophrenia and Soviet Political Abuse of Psychiatry

4 April 2016

In this essay, I analyze political abuses of psychiatry in the Soviet Union by exploring Andrei Snezhnevsky’s diagnosis of sluggish schizophrenia—a fictional branch of schizophrenia.


Snezhnevsky used his false diagnoses to claim that those who opposed the Soviet state were suffering from delusions and an “incoherent relationship to their objective social world.”[1] The purpose of this was to discredit dissidents.


I first trace the history of the politicization of psychiatry from tsarist times through the Soviet Union with an emphasis the Marxist-Leninist conception of mental health. Next, I discuss practices used by Snezhnevsky and his colleagues at the Serbsky Institute to diagnose and thereby commit thousands of sane political dissidents to psychiatric prisons. I then discuss the historical consequences of Soviet psychiatry in the continued operations of the Serbsky Institute and in the continued politicization of psychiatry in Russia today to categorize homosexuality as mental illness or to protect criminals from serving sentences....

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 1:34 a.m. No.45019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5021 >>5028 >>5030




Here's a thoughtful rebuttal to the idea that those who question the official narrative re masks (etc) are crazy.


On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier: A closer look at the class that mocks



Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?


History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound.


We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms – that corruption surrounds us.


We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice....


To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and sceptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organisations without question? How is this rational?...

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 1:38 a.m. No.45021   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>44981 Planefags aloft

>>44969, >>44972 Texas and Florida Continue to Beat Lockdown States: Fauci ‘Not Sure’ Why Open States are Winning

>>44975, >>44980, >>45008 Pompeo tweet on Taiwanese pineapple/checkmate - ANONS DIGG

>>44985 CM: Cambridge trying to link mental illness with questioning the mainstream covid narrative

>>45016 Sluggish schizophrenia = fake psychiatric disorder used against dissidents who questioned the Soviet narrative in 1970s and 80's

>>45004 Economic Schedule-week of April 11th

>>45010, >>45013, >>45015, >>45017 BLM Terrorists riot in Minnesota: multiple videos

>>45019 On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier: A closer look at the class that mocks



making the rounds to see what else can go in....

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 1:50 a.m. No.45022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028 >>5030

Fox News Under Fire As Mike Lindell Hires Investigators To Look Into Them



Conservative entrepreneur and My Pillow founder and president, Mike Lindell, is launching an investigation into Fox News.


Lindell appeared on Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast to discuss his upcoming documentary film on the 2020 election which he continues to believe was stolen from Donald Trump, when he was asked about Fox News, Business Insider reported.


“I don’t remember seeing you on Fox recently…Why are the Murdochs afraid of Dominion? Why is Mike Lindell not on Fox and why do they seem to say, hey, when Dominion says something, we’re just gonna shut up about it and talk about Biden’s tax bill?” Bannon said.


“You know, I’m gonna have those answers soon, ’cause I’ve hired private investigators and I’ve spent a lot of money on them to investigate everything,” Lindell said.


“The bots and trolls, who’s behind them? Why is Facebook involved, Wikipedia involved? And then the big question: why isn’t Fox having people on? Why isn’t Fox on there talking about Dominion and Smartmatic and the election fraud?” he said.


Lindell complained last month to the “Eric Metaxas Radio Show” that Fox News would not let him go on their programming to talk about his documentary “Absolute Proof.”


“I want to say one thing here — here’s things that don’t make sense,” he said. “Let’s just talk about Fox. You’re already sued! It’s too late to close the gate. The cows are already out of the barn!”

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:05 a.m. No.45023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028 >>5030


MORE MERCER - Mercer Law School


Looking at 'sup on qresearch, ran across anon mentioning that "Mercer" is also connected toMercer Law School- where Lin Wood went to school - and which LW has mentioned many times in connection with the dean, Cathy Cox, their efforts to 'cancel' him, and the corruption he says is associated with the school.


See e.g., Lin Wood vs Mercer Law School


see also Lin Wood's telegram account for many references to Mercer Law School.



The truth about the Georgia election fraud has been revealing itself since at least December of 2020.


On a personal note, please keep in mind the direct ties of Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox to Diebold and Dominion.


I am checking but I believe South Carolina uses ES&S voting machines.


Diebold, Dominion, and ES&S - “The Devil’s Voting Triangle!”


P.S. Whose work was Dean Cathy Cox doing when she viciously and falsely attacked me and even stooped so low as to denigrate my personal relationship with my children?


You know the answer and so do I.


I venture a guess that Dean Cox and Mercer University President Bill Underwood are not sleeping too well at night these days. They falsely attacked the wrong person. They know it. I know it. You know it. On my time, soon many, many, many more will know it.


To Georgia Governor Brian “CCP” Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State Brad “Jordy” Raffensperger, Mercer University Bill “Take the Money and Hide” Underwood, and Mercer Law School Dean Cathy “Diebold” Cox, I wish you luck.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸 (

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:12 a.m. No.45024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028 >>5030



French Police Tell Airbnb To Report Customers Who Violate Lockdown Rules


The request was made after cops noted an increase in Parisians attempting to evade the city’s new lockdown by renting out larger Airbnb properties for rule-breaking gatherings.


According to Marlène Schiappa, the Ministry of Interior’s Minister Delegate in charge of citizenship, there have been “354 festive gatherings in private spaces and sometimes places that have been rented” since mid-December.


“There were sometimes parties in homes that the police thought were rented through the Airbnb platform, so it’s very important for us to work with all the platforms,” said Schiappa.


Authorities are also working directly with Airbnb, and Gîtes de France and have requested that they demand more information from customers, such as a reason as to why they’re renting large apartments.


As we previously highlighted, while the social activities of normal Parisians are being ruthlessly patrolled by the authorities, for the wealthy and politically well connected it’s a different story.


French TV channel M6 aired secretly recorded footage exposing how elitists, some of them government ministers, had been flagrantly violating lockdown rules by having secret dinners at luxury restaurants, with the meals costing as much as €490 euros per person.


As ever, it’s one rule for them and another for everybody else.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:20 a.m. No.45025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028 >>5030

Blinken Warns It Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’ for Beijing to Attack Taiwan



U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on April 11 that it would be a “serious mistake” for the Chinese regime to attack Taiwan and expressed “real concern” about Beijing’s growing intimidation against the island.


In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” however, Blinken stopped short of saying whether the United States would respond militarily if the Chinese regime were to seize Taiwan by force, saying he wasn’t “going to get into hypotheticals.”


“All I can tell you is we have a serious commitment to Taiwan being able to defend itself,” he said, referring to the United States’ obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act to provide arms to the island for its self-defense. “We have a serious commitment to peace and security in the Western Pacific.


“In that context, it would be a serious mistake for anyone to try to change that status quo by force.”

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:30 a.m. No.45026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5027 >>5028 >>5030

Do mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease?



A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.


Could use a DEEPER DIGG.

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:33 a.m. No.45028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5030


>>44981 Planefags aloft

>>44969, >>44972 Texas and Florida Continue to Beat Lockdown States: Fauci ‘Not Sure’ Why Open States are Winning

>>44975, >>44980, >>45008 Pompeo tweet on Taiwanese pineapple/checkmate/Mercer - ANONS DIGG

>>45023 More on "Mercer" - Mercer Law School, Lin Wood, Cathy Cox

>>44985 CM: Cambridge trying to link mental illness with questioning the mainstream covid narrative

>>45016 Sluggish schizophrenia = fake psychiatric disorder used against dissidents who questioned the Soviet narrative in 1970s and 80's

>>45004 Economic Schedule-week of April 11th

>>45010, >>45013, >>45015, >>45017 BLM Terrorists riot in Minnesota: multiple videos

>>45019 On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier: A closer look at the class that mocks

>>45022 Fox News Under Fire As Mike Lindell Hires Investigators To Look Into Them

>>45024 French Police Tell Airbnb To Report Customers Who Violate Lockdown Rules

>>45025 Blinken Warns It Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’ for Beijing to Attack Taiwan

>>45027, >>45026 Do mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease?

Anonymous ID: c4549b April 12, 2021, 2:39 a.m. No.45030   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>44981 Planefags aloft

>>44969, >>44972 Texas and Florida Continue to Beat Lockdown States: Fauci ‘Not Sure’ Why Open States are Winning

>>44975, >>44980, >>45008 Pompeo tweet on Taiwanese pineapple/checkmate/Mercer - ANONS DIGG

>>45023 More on "Mercer" - Mercer Law School, Lin Wood, Cathy Cox

>>44985 CM: Cambridge trying to link mental illness with questioning the mainstream covid narrative

>>45016 Sluggish schizophrenia = fake psychiatric disorder used against dissidents who questioned the Soviet narrative in 1970s and 80's

>>45004 Economic Schedule-week of April 11th

>>45010, >>45013, >>45015, >>45017 BLM Terrorists riot in Minnesota: multiple videos

>>45019 On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier: A closer look at the class that mocks

>>45022 Fox News Under Fire As Mike Lindell Hires Investigators To Look Into Them

>>45024 French Police Tell Airbnb To Report Customers Who Violate Lockdown Rules

>>45025 Blinken Warns It Would Be ‘Serious Mistake’ for Beijing to Attack Taiwan

>>45027, >>45026 Do mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease?