Anonymous ID: c80d67 April 22, 2021, 1:14 p.m. No.47499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7502 >>7503 >>7510





>>47420, >>47422, >>47463, >>47467 GOLD Eyez in the Skyz

>>47497 Religious Leaders Hold Home Depot Hostage Unless Company Meets Demands Over Election Reform

>>47493 CEO Of Turkish Exchange Thodex Flees Country, Leaves User Funds Irretrievable

>>47488 Scavion tweet/Q#3551

>>47487 Tokyo, Osaka region to come under COVID-19 emergency from Sun. to May 11

>>47484 Goodbye evidence. Yup. Hiding DNA, NO more DNA/ Epstein's Florida beach estate demolished

>>47483 (0) Delta hhmmmmmm

>>47481 @USNavy Mastering the air and sea…from the shore!

>>47479 @DeptofDefense Stryker set.

>>47477, >>47489, >>47490, >>47495 Maricopa County Is Moving Voting Machines to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum Where the AZ Audit Will Be Performed

>>47476 Senate passes anti-Asian hate crimes bill

>>47473 @US_SpaceCom #satellites #MILSTAR #SATCOM

>>47470 @USMC Locked On Target

>>47469, >>47478 Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for ISIS-inspired Bombing in New York City Subway Station in 2017/Q posted bout this

>>47456 London Mayor Candidate Laurence Fox Says ‘Get Your Mask Off; Grow Some Balls!’

>>47455 UN special envoy to meet ASEAN leaders;Myanmar

>>47454 Xi Jinping Promotes ‘Green Belt and Road’ at Biden Climate Summit

>>47453 North Dakota's Republican governor vetoes transgender sports bill, kicked responsibility for governing state sports to the North Dakota High School Activities Association

>>47452 Microsoft Partners With Chinese Military-Linked Huawei Spinoff.

>>47451 Pompeo: The Paris Climate Accord has no enforcement mechanism and will cost the American people a fortune with no benefit.

>>47450 Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases

>>47449, >>47468 Who will speak for the children?/Scavino puts it out there! Winning

>>47448 Stocks Puke As Biden's Capital Gains Tax Reality Strikes

>>47446, >>47447 Scavino on Operation Warp Speed

>>47445 welcome to Instagram, MI5

>>47444 Dem/commies are so stupid they don’t realize Washington DC is NOT part of US

>>47443 SEC Chief Gensler Names Alex Oh to Lead Enforcement Division

>>47439 Read between the lines, anons. The kids were sold for abuse & sex

>>47436 Mike Lindell asks us to call and email Alan Duke and lawyer at Lead Stories who are censoring us all

>>47432, >>47434, >>47440 U.S. House passes bill to make DC the 51st state./Requires Constitutional amendment

>>47428 Nazism

>>47426 Greensill: Bank of England releases emails amid Cameron lobbying row

>>47421, >>47423, >>47438 Neuro-Weapons/Protection



lemme know

Big BUNZ now

Anonymous ID: c80d67 April 22, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.47500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514

North Carolina's Lt. Gov. Robinson goes nuclear on 'insane' and 'insulting' leftist narrative on voter suppression


A requirement to show ID to vote is not voter suppression.


The lieutenant governor of North Carolina, the first black man to hold that office, excoriated arguments from Democrats that compare voter integrity measures such as the new law passed in Georgia to racist voter suppression laws of the Jim Crow south


On Thursday, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R) testified at a hearing in the House of Representatives titled, "Oversight of the Voting Rights Act: The Evolving Landscape of Voting Discrimination." In his opening remarks, he said it was "insane" and "insulting" for anyone to compare the voter ID laws passed in Georgia and other states to Jim Crow laws that were used to tyrannize black Americans and keep them from voting.


"My people were put in the belly of ships, bound by chains, and endured the middle passage. My people were whipped, beaten, and sold as property. In Reconstruction and throughout Jim Crow, black people were intimidated, harassed, and even killed to keep them from having a voice in government," Robinson told House lawmakers. "Symbols like chains, nooses, and burnt crosses are not just symbols of death, they are symbols of forced and coerced silence.


"The sacrifices of our ancestors so I could have the opportunity to become the first black lieutenant governor of my state, to see a black man sit in the White House, and for millions of us to be leaders in business, athletics, and culture is incredible," he continued.


Turning to the Georgia law, which Democrats have accused of implementing "Jim Crow in 2021" by suppressing the minority vote, Robinson demanded to know how black voices were being silenced or kept out of the political process.


"How? By fear of a noose or chains? To be fired from work? To be ostracized by their communities? No. A free ID to vote. Let me say that again, a free ID to vote," he said.


He continued:


How absolutely preposterous. Am I to believe that black Americans who have overcome the atrocities of slavery, who were victorious in the civil rights movement, and who now sit in the highest levels of government cannot figure out how to get a free ID to vote?


That we need to be coddled by politicians because they don't think we can figure out how to make our voices heard? Are you kidding me!?


The notion that black people must be protected from a Free ID to vote is not just insane, it's insulting.


📺 MUST WATCH: North Carolina Lt. Gov. @MarkRobinsonNC destroys the Left's narrative on voter discrimination and ele…


— House Judiciary GOP (@House Judiciary GOP)1619099871.0


Later in the hearing, Robinson made it clear that historically it was the Republican Party that supported voting rights for black Americans and the Democratic Party that supported voter suppression and Jim Crow.


"That history is clear who stood on which side at every turn in history. It is clear, it's not even in dispute," Robinson said. "What we want is integrity, we don't want power. We want integrity."


He also defended Republican-supported voter ID laws as "simple American responsibility" and reminded the Congress that Jim Crow laws "wasn't just a poll tax."


"You stepped outside the line during Jim Crow, you'd find yourself swinging from a tree," he said.


“Requiring an ID to vote is just simple American responsibility.” Watch here as @MarkRobinsonNC exposes everything…


— Rep. Dan Bishop (@Rep. Dan Bishop)1619105916.0


Robinson called voter ID "common sense legislation for the common good."


"To say that somehow poor people, black people can't be involved in that responsibility, again, is insulting," he said.