Anonymous ID: 7164f5 June 13, 2021, 4:06 a.m. No.62604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2605

I hope this may be helpful as a jumping off point for those who sesne someting is amiss with what we're taught and for whose ultimate benefit.


There is plenty of information available in the public domain, but my summary of 25 years of having this as a constant background dig on human health in general, is as follows where germ theory and 'virus' are concerned;


Pasteur was wrong and his theory on germs only became prominent, accepted and taught, due to his proximity to Napoleon.


Antoine Bechamp was much closer to the truth in his terrain theory.


It is important to recall that much of the foudnations laid for the educations of future generations was funded/sponsored by industrialists and their ilk with vested interests.


A key 20thC character to furthering the Bechamp position on germ theory, is found in the work of Gaston Naessens.


He made many discoveries by observing live blood and tissue cultures under his dark-field (UV) microscope.


In the blood, he found an organism which had only been observed in a crystaline/'dead' state in blood samples baked under orthodox microsopes of the time which were lit by heat producing light sources.


He dubbed it the somatid and went on to document its behaviours and lifecycle.


Somatids appeared to be a fundamental and near indestructible life-form, found in ALL higher/gross life forms (understanding that all gross life forms may be reasonably viewed as conglomerates, albeit of varying awareness/conciousness).


Stages 1-3 sees somatids appear to peform a normal/vital regulatory function, and especially in the blood and lymph systems.


If the body/host becomes toxic, this can trigger a regional (or later, wider) shift in the life-cycle of somatids.


If they move beyond stage 4, they are seeking to evolve and exit to a viable host. The symptoms of dis-ease may begin to manifest within the host, and it should be no surprise to find these morphing bacterial forms are present by the time symptoms are exhibited in the higher/gross life form (mistaken for viruses or some other novelty by the current paradigm).


At stage 8, somatids consist of a fragile RNA nucleus surrounded by a fatty lipid membrane.


The ultimate stages see the somatid completely transformed and capable of travel by sporing.


Much of all that occurs in the natural worls may be better understood, by paying due attention to this smallest and most fundamental of lifeforms, so vital to the health of us 'conglomerate' forms.


The observation that introducing toxins into a body/host can reliably cause certain conditions may be overlooking an important actor occupying a responsive mediating role.


Naessens work on cancer treaments is worth a look. Simply, he administered a notrogen based camphor to the blocked lymph nodes of terminal patients ('reliquitfying' and restoring somatid flow through) and tumours reduced naturally.