Anonymous ID: 199350 April 29, 2021, 2:11 p.m. No.49460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9464 >>9478



Ghislaine Maxwell pictured for the first time behind bars — with a bruise


An attorney for Ghislaine Maxwell on Thursday released the first photograph of the accused madam since she was arrested last summer, showing the former socialite with a wrinkly face and a bruise under her eye.


The photo of Maxwell was included in a letter filed in her Manhattan federal criminal case by her attorney Bobbi Sternheim, who wrote that the apparent injury has caused friction between her and guards at the jail, the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.


“Last night, she was confronted by MDC staff due a visible bruise over her left eye,” Sternheim wrote in the letter.


“No guard addressed the bruise until Ms. Maxwell, who has no mirror, caught a reflection of her aching eye in the glean of a nail clipper. At that point, MDC staff confronted Ms. Maxwell regarding the source of the bruise, threatening to place her in the SHU if she did not reveal how she got it,” she added, referring to the special housing unit.

Anonymous ID: 199350 April 29, 2021, 2:12 p.m. No.49462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478

Lawfare Groups Ask For Federal Intervention in Arizona Ballot Audit – Send Letter to DOJ Asking for Immediate Involvement


After the Democrat Secretary of State failed to get the Arizona State Attorney General to initiate an investigation of the audit; and after a Democrat state judge rejected the Democrat effort for a temporary restraining order; and after all other efforts have failed…. now we see three outside left-wing election groups (claiming bipartisanship yet led by lawyers from NYU) asking the DOJ to intervene in the Maricopa County, Arizona, ballot audit.


The audit started on April 23. A judge on April 28 rejected the attempt by Democrats to halt the process.


The Brennan Center, Protect Democracy and The Leadership Conference have signed a letter to the civil rights division of the DOJ asking them to get involved.


The arguments within the letter [pdf here] are identical to the arguments made previously by other Lawfare groups, including Perkins Coie, to a state judge. The state judge rejected the arguments because there was no evidence submitted to the court to back them up.


Obviously there is a great amount of fear amid the network of Lawfare and leftist activists about this ongoing ballot audit. The letter only highlights the worry they carry that Arizona’s election fraud might be demonstrably proven the the wider U.S. electorate.


WASHINGTON DC – A group of election security and administration experts are asking the Justice Department to send federal monitors to Arizona as the Republican-led state Senate carries out an audit of 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in the state’s 2020 presidential election.


In a letter to the top official at the Justice Department’s voting section, five elections experts from the Brennan Center for Justice, Protect Democracy and The Leadership Conference expressed deep concerns about how the audit is being conducted, warning that it has put ballots “in danger of being stolen, defaced, or irretrievably damaged.”


“They failed to ensure the physical security of ballots by keeping doors unlocked and allowing unauthorized persons to access the ballot storage facility,” the letter reads. “They also risk compromising the integrity of the ballots themselves, using materials and technologies that will cause the ballot paper and marks to deteriorate, such as holding ballots to ultra-violet light without gloves. (read more)

Anonymous ID: 199350 April 29, 2021, 2:24 p.m. No.49469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471 >>9473 >>9478


Joint Session Address ratings:


TRUMP 2017— 48M

TRUMP 2018— 46M

TRUMP 2019— 46.8M

TRUMP 2020— 37.2M

BIDET 2021— 11.6M

Anonymous ID: 199350 April 29, 2021, 2:46 p.m. No.49478   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>49382, >>49383, >>49386, >>49387, >>49397, >>49398, >>49399, >>49401, >>49406, >>49416, >>49426, >>49440, >>49455, >>49457 Eyez on the skyz

>>49469 Joint Session Address ratings

>>49467 Alex Oh: The Strange Case of the SEC Enforcement Chief Who Beat a Hasty Exit After Six Days on the Job

>>49462 Lawfare Groups Ask For Federal Intervention in Arizona Ballot Audit – Send Letter to DOJ Asking for Immediate Involvement

>>49460 Ghislaine Maxwell pictured for the first time behind bars — with a bruise/czech it left eye

>>49458 Mexico finance ministry says rise in inflation doesn't appear permanent

>>49456 Amazon has made more profit during pandemic than previous 3 years of earnings in total

>>49446 ANOTHER LEAKED AUDIO: John Kerry’s 2016 Meeting with Syrian “Revolutionaries” Pushing for US Bomb Attacks on Syria


>>49438 Keep your eyes on the Audit!

>>49434, >>49435 GOP ELITES DROP TRUMP!

>>49431 DeSantis on VP list for 2024?

>>49428 Facebook "accidentally" blocks resignation calls against the Indian prime minister Modi.

>>49427 Grassley: Biden’s msg last night made Democrats’ plan to spend spend spend & tax tax tax pretty clear

>>49425, >>49429 US Sells Treasury Bills At 0% For The First Time Since The Covid Crash

>>49424 Not The Bee: Apparently Gen Z Doesn't Know What Meat Is And I Am Now Weeping For Our Future

>>49423 The Bee:'Who Are You? Where Are My Pills?' Says Biden In Dynamic Speech Echoing All Of America's Concerns

>>49417 “The Truth About COVID-19

>>49408 Globalist publication Foreign Policy has squarely pegged Janet Yellen as a Technocrat

>>49407 The U.S. DOJ has repealed a Trump-era policy that cut off hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to sanctuary cities

>>49396 Feeding Chickens Is So Costly It’s Changing Global Trade Flows

>>49395 Taiwan bans recruitment from China to combat chip talent poaching

>>49388 Russian FM Lavrov: US Relations Now Worse Than Cold War

>>49385 Shakeup in Iran's presidential office after leaked FM tape

>>49384 Q1 GDP Unexpectedly Misses Despite Stimmy-Funded Spending Surge

>>49378 CNN Caught Trying to Spread Opposition Research in Alaska



Czech em

thinkin I should bake

lemme know