Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 3:42 p.m. No.49506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9586

>>49469 pb Joint Session Address ratings


here comes the apologists

President Biden’s first formal address drew nearly 27 million viewers.

Nearly 27 million people watched President Biden’s first formal address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, a large audience for television these days but a much smaller audience than similar speeches by other presidents, according to data from Nielsen.


Shown on all major networks and cable news channels starting at 9 p.m. Eastern time, the speech attracted a much larger television audience than Sunday’s Oscars telecast on ABC, which was watched by about 10 million people. But the audience was significantly smaller than the one for President Donald J. Trump’s first formal address to Congress in 2017, which drew 48 million viewers.


The television audience for Mr. Biden’s address also fell shy of those for equivalent speeches by other recent presidents. Barack Obama had an audience of 52 million in 2009; George W. Bush drew 40 million in 2001; and Bill Clinton’s first address was watched by 67 million in 1993. Several factors contributed to the smaller ratings. Because of public health and security concerns at the Capitol, Mr. Biden’s speech came later in his presidency than those delivered by his recent predecessors, which all took place in February. There was also less pomp on Wednesday. Instead of an in-person audience of 1,600 senators, Supreme Court justices and other dignitaries seated cheek by jowl with House members, only 200 people were present because of social-distancing restrictions.


TV ratings, in general, have sunk in recent years, as more people have dropped cable subscriptions in favor of streaming, a shift that was accelerated by pandemic viewing habits. And the number of people watching television in the spring, compared with the winter, tends to be smaller.


Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 4:03 p.m. No.49510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9586

>>49387, >>49440 pb

SAM265 USAF C-40B State Dept AC going to Hawaii from it's Peterson AFB ground stop

VV200 US Navy G5 departing NAS North Island heading east now after a ground stop-inbound from Bremerton, WA

RUDY31 Osprey floating around off Baja Norte

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 4:33 p.m. No.49515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9532 >>9542 >>9586

>>49440 pb

97-0401 USAF G5 departed Peterson AFB around the same time as SAM265 departed ws

Back to JBA

Some Space Force Meetings going on here with the State Dept (SAM265)

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 4:55 p.m. No.49520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9521


was just making fun of it

unfortunately must agree.

thought the election should have never been held but once it became obvious it would then made some 'adjustments' to all this.

The same power that allowed the '16 victory also allowed '18 and this too.

early '20 thought late this.

not gonna get solved by voting either.

All that is treading water imo.

Not advocating doing nuffin however a political solution it most certainly will not be.

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.49522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9586

Not AF1 Joe 82-8000 USAF 747 departed Dobbins ARB, GA about 15 minutes before Sundown


09-0016 USAF C-32A departed Robins AFB and on a hold waiting for Not AF1 Joe outta Dobbins ARB


KBAR61 USMC Beech C-12 Huron departed Cobb County Int'l Airport-Kennesaw just up the road from Dobbins, es prior to 82-8000


RCH774T USAF C-17 Globemaster on descent for Dobbins ARB picking up the equipment and got waved off 'cause Not AF1 Joe is always late-wouldn't mind it if he actually did something but I digress.

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.49524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nuffin wrong with having it right.

agree with that or this habbens over and over.

like the ijits screaming for jubilee..

unless the structure is changed that would last two years mebby three tops then right back in same position.

I guess it's the shit-show aspect about it

as in how can peeps not see this??

Amazes me almost daily that.

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 6 p.m. No.49534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9542 >>9586

82-8000 USAF 747 began descent for JBA from Dobbins ARB

09-0016 USAF C-32A on final approach

RCH874T C-17 bringing back the equipment from Ft. Benning load in

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.49554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9586

62-4126 USAF Rivet Joint se of Hong Kong with PEARL33 KC-135 tanker both sw

PEARL33 just south dropped altitude and prolly hooked up with sumthin'

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.49560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9586

South Korean President Moon will visit White House on May 21, confirming ‘ironclad alliance’


South Korean President Moon Jae-in

will visit the White House on May 21 for talks with US President Joe Biden, highlighting the “ironclad alliance” between the two countries, the White House said on Thursday. The event will mark the second in-person summit with a foreign leader of Biden’s presidency, which began in January. Both meetings have been with Asian allies. The first, earlier this month, was with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.


Moon’s senior press secretary, Chung Man-ho, told a televised briefing that the two leaders will reaffirm the solidity of their countries’ alliance and look forward to expanding comprehensive and reciprocal cooperation based on the friendship of the two nations.


cause the last one went so well

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 8:26 p.m. No.49562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9563



n'bor asked me about the 'ROMEX' the other day.

thinking you building a house or something??

Didn't know so 'splained a lettle

can't go too far, too fast with it or zzzzzz for most

Anonymous ID: fcf526 April 29, 2021, 8:42 p.m. No.49567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9569 >>9579


think it's got to be a combo of real assets and not just gold.

hear ya cause not many choices.

Tried dat before you know..didn't work out so well (for us) the Supernotes and various schemes with gold-backed bonds Greenspan fuckery after the 2008 shit..etc.

Eben if you own land, home (titles-not enough space to go into dat) you don't really own it if you read the way it's all structured.


The whole fuggen thing needs a top down nuke and clense