Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 8:32 a.m. No.49691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9692 >>9694 >>9730 >>9761 >>9762


The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon run its warehouses at near full capacity. During the pandemic, drivers have made more stops to customers than before, with data showing they're spending less time driving between customers, showing more people are using their delivery services.


The reports say that the pandemics shift to remote computing also helped sales. Amazon reported its web services has $13.5 billion in sales for the quarter.


Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is considered the most wealth person in the world, with an estimated network of $201 billion.


Last month, workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama voted against forming a union, amid employee complaints across the country about general working conditions and those during the pandemic including health and safety, long-hours, and few breaks.


The 26-year-old company is the United States' second-largest employer, employs more than 950,000 full- and part-time workers in the country and nearly 1.3 million worldwide, according to the Associated Press.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 8:37 a.m. No.49693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762


In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 65% of American voters prefer capitalism to socialism, saying it’s a “better system.”


By More Than 3-to-1 Margin, Voters Say Capitalism Is Better Than Socialism


— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) April 30, 2021


However, those in the minority tended to be in the 18-39 age range. 31% of those under 40 prefer socialism to capitalism, according to the poll. Meanwhile, 21% of respondents could not decide which of the two is better.


Democrats were split almost down the middle on the question. According to the poll, 46% prefer capitalism, while 31% prefer socialism and 21% are undecided. Even those who self-identified as liberal split 39% for capitalism, 37% for socialism, with an undecided 25%.


When it came to understanding America’s current economic system, voters were split. 28% of people thought America had a generally free market economy, 33% thought it was a partially free market economy, 23% thought it was a partially socialist economy, 7% thought it was a generally socialist economy, leaving 9% unsure.


Click here to read more.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 8:40 a.m. No.49697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9698


Sux when guud things go greedy and unconstitutional, bastids want to ruin this country

hopin LIndell can mitigate it a bit

"consumers" in general don't care I think

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 8:59 a.m. No.49702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested Tuesday at Los Angeles International Airport on criminal charges related to his alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.


According to court documents, Roman Sterlingov, 32, operated Bitcoin Fog since 2011. Bitcoin Fog was the longest-running cryptocurrency “mixer,” gaining notoriety as a go-to money laundering service for criminals seeking to hide their illicit proceeds from law enforcement. Over the course of its decade-long operation, Bitcoin Fog moved over 1.2 million bitcoin – valued at approximately $335 million at the time of the transactions. The bulk of this cryptocurrency came from darknet marketplaces and was tied to illegal narcotics, computer fraud and abuse activities, and identity theft.


Sterlingov is charged by complaint with money laundering, operating an unlicensed money transmitting business, and money transmission without a license in the District of Columbia.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 9:16 a.m. No.49706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9707 >>9730 >>9761 >>9762


Considering the possibilities


law of war page 901


The 1944 Chicago Convention, however, imposes obligations with respect to entry into

foreign airspace by State aircraft and an obligation with respect to State aircraft and the safety of

navigation of civil aircraft.13 Requirement for State Consent Prior to Entry by Foreign State Aircraft.

The 1944 Chicago Convention provides that State aircraft (which include military aircraft) are

not permitted to enter the airspace of another State without that State’s consent.14

During armed conflict, the requirement for a State’s consent to entry into its airspace

would generally continue to apply with respect to neutral military aircraft seeking to enter the

airspace of foreign States.

This requirement, however, clearly would not apply to belligerent military aircraft

conducting operations in enemy airspace.

The requirement for a State’s consent to entry into its airspace may be characterized as

applicable with respect to belligerent military aircraft and a neutral State’s airspace; however,

even if belligerent military aircraft enter neutral airspace with that neutral State’s consent, such

entry may involve violations of neutrality.15

There are exceptions to the requirement for State consent to entry into its airspace by

State aircraft in certain cases of violations of neutrality.16

There is an exception during peacetime to the requirement for a State’s consent to entry

into its airspace by foreign State aircraft when such entry is due to distress and there is no

reasonable safe alternative.17 Due Regard for the Safety of Navigation of Civil Aircraft. The 1944

Chicago Convention also provides that “[t]he contracting States undertake, when issuing

regulations for their state aircraft, that they will have due regard for the safety of navigation of

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 9:33 a.m. No.49709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the law of war stuffs needs to be gotten out there as it will be the way of the military come soft Z time

crosses muh eyes to read but informative, when not wading through legal eaze and foreign concepts to us laissez faire types, and it hasn't put us to sleep altogether

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.49710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

China is currently using a traditional vaccine instead of mRNA for covid. Could they know something we don't?


We must always assume that every action china takes is an action to make themselves stronger as a country and eventually the world superpower, that's why they've rejected and banned western ideas like Wokeism and feminism. They know these things divide and weaken. While they currently have an RNA vaccine in progress it's still in clinical trials, they're currently using a traditional inactivated virus shot called Sinovac. Could they be weary of the mRNA technology and what it could do to their population? Why is it not bigger news that they are using a traditional vaccine while we're stuck with new tech that hasn't even been FDA approved. Not saying I would get it but I would certainly be more open to the vaccine if I had an option that went the more traditional route.


They know the gene therapy is not as safe as our government say it is and they are waiting to see the results on our population before they adopt it.


How does the Sinovac vaccine work?


The Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is behind the CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine.


It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.


By comparison the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines being developed in the West are mRNA vaccines. This means part of the coronavirus' genetic code is injected into the body, triggering the body to begin making viral proteins, but not the whole virus, which is enough to train the immune system to attack.


"CoronaVac is a more traditional method [of vaccine] that is successfully used in many well known vaccines like rabies," Associate Prof Luo Dahai of the Nanyang Technological University told the BBC.


"mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine and there is [currently] no successful example [of them] being used in the population," Prof Luo adds.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:08 a.m. No.49716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9719 >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice Presided Over 20 Years Of War Combined. Now They Want Biden To Nix Biden’s Withdrawal


Two former secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice, reportedly told the House Foreign Affairs Committee Wednesday they’re concerned about the potential effects of President Joe Biden’s planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Rice and Clinton both expressed concern about protecting American diplomats in the country and the future of U.S. counter-terrorism efforts, according to Axios. Rice reportedly told the committee that American troops would eventually have to return if Biden’s withdrawal were carried out.


Condi is as bad as the rest of them.


How else do you think she was invited to join Augusta National?

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.49717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

April 28 (UPI) -- Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into space late Wednesday, deploying its payload of 60 Starlink Internet network satellites into low-Earth orbit.


The two-stage, 70-meter rocket lifted off at 11:44 p.m. EDT as scheduled from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.


Some nine minutes after liftoff, SpaceX recovered its first-stage Falcon 9 booster upon the football field-size drone ship Just Read The Instructions waiting on the Atlantic Ocean as the second stage continued on to its orbital destination.


"This marks our 81st successful recovery of an orbital-class rocket and again the seventh flight and seventh landing for this booster," Jessie Anderson, SpaceX's lead manufacturing engineer, confirmed during a live broadcast of the launch.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:13 a.m. No.49718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory In Government Schools


After the Idaho legislature recently approved a ban on teachers “indoctrinating” students with critical race theory in schools, the Republican governor signed it into law on Wednesday.


The bill, signed by Gov. Brad Little, does not necessarily ban critical race theory fully, but it bans educators from forcing students to “affirm, adopt or adhere to” any doctrines that claim any person’s race, ethnicity, sex, or religion maintain responsibility for past actions of their identity group. Little wrote in the bill’s transmittal letter that critical race theory “undermines popular support for public education in Idaho.”

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:16 a.m. No.49720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

Trump Campaigns for Susan Wright in Texas House Race


Former President Donald Trump continued his push to get Susan Wright elected to Congress in Texas by appearing at a tele-town hall meeting on Thursday to tout her over the 22 other candidates in the race.


The special election to replace Wright’s late husband, Rep. Ron Wright, R-Texas, is scheduled for Saturday. Ron Wright died Feb. 7.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:18 a.m. No.49722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

Supreme Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Challenging Deportation


Strange Bedfellows in this one


The U.S. Supreme Court has sided with an illegal immigrant from Guatemala fighting his deportation by immigration authorities in a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Neil Gorsuch that "focused on a single word," ABC News reports.


Agusto Niz-Chavez brought the case after the government initiated deportation proceedings against him in 2013, about eight years after he first crossed the border into the U.S. in 2005. The government sent two notices, the first alerting him to the charges against him and the second giving the date and time of his court appointment.


Federal law states that an immigrant can only appeal a removal order if they've been in the U.S. for 10 years, and the law says that the delivery of a notice to appear pauses the clock, but Niz-Chavez claimed that the multiple notices did not qualify as the single notice that the law requires, an argument that six of the court's justices agreed with. The majority ruled on Thursday that the Department of Justice broke federal law when it failed to issue a single "notice to appear" that provided details about the charges and a date to appear in court.


"To an ordinary reader — both in 1996 and today — 'a' notice would seem to suggest just that: 'a' single document containing the required information, not a mishmash of pieces with some assembly required," wrote Gorsuch, who was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Amy Coney Barrett.


"Someone who agrees to buy 'a car' would hardly expect to receive the chassis today, wheels next week, and an engine to follow," the justice continued.


"At one level, today's dispute may seem semantic, focused on a single word, a small one at that. But words are how the law constrains power. In this case, the law's terms ensure that, when the federal government seeks a procedural advantage against an individual, it will at least supply him with a single and reasonably comprehensive statement of the nature of the proceedings against him. If men must turn square corners when they deal with the government, it cannot be too much to expect the government to turn square corners when it deals with them," he added.


ABC notes that Gorsuch cites that "square corners" fairness doctrine that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes established in 1920.


Chief Justice John Roberts joined Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh in dissenting, with Kavanaugh writing the minority opinion.


"The Court today agrees with Niz-Chavez that, in order to stop the 10-year clock, the Government must provide written notice in one document, not two. I find the Court's conclusion rather perplexing as a matter of statutory interpretation and common sense. I therefore respectfully dissent," he wrote.


Cornell University's Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law, told Reuters that the ruling will change how the Department of Homeland Security operates and will slow immigration proceedings against a number of people. He also noted that for a lot of people, such as Niz-Chavez, this ruling provides "a second chance to try to prove that they qualify for cancellation of removal and other forms of relief."

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:20 a.m. No.49723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9724


wonder what Condi is saying bout French generals wanting to take over, prolly gonna ruin her dream of French finishing their revolution, like they didn't behead enough peeps already

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:25 a.m. No.49725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

EXPOSED: Biden’s CIA Director Claims He Cut Ties with Chinese Communists, But His Group Maintains Links.


Despite President Biden’s Central Intelligence Agency Director Bill Burns testifying he cut ties to a Chinese Communist Party-linked influence group, The National Pulse can reveal the controversial relationship between the Carnegie Endowment – formerly led by Burns – and the Chinese Communist influence group continued through 2021.




Does anyone in this regime not have ties to the CCP?

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:27 a.m. No.49726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9730 >>9761 >>9762

LIBERAL INSANITY: Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million in Funding Cuts to Police, Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High


The St. Louis City budget board approved a $4 million cut in funding to the city police and the elimination of 98 unfilled police jobs in this years budget bill.


This comes after St. Louis saw its highest homicide rate in 50 years. The unsolved murders occurred overwhelmingly in impoverished black neighborhoods in the city.


The murder rate in St. Louis City hit a 50-year high in 2020.


Mayor Tishaura Jones praised the police budget cuts arguing that the defunding of police will help tackles “some of the root causes to crime.”


Evidently, it’s the cops’ fault.


This is pure insanity coming from the left today in cities across the US.


Marxist Rep. Cori Bush praised the move.


She got her start as a Michael Brown Ferguson protester.


Via Jack Posobiec.


The Riverfront Times reported:


With the backing of Mayor Tishaura Jones, St. Louis’ top budget board approved an amendment that seeks to reallocate $4 million of the police department’s budget, including the elimination of 98 unfilled positions.


The amendment to the city’s spending plan — which still needs to pass a final vote in the Board of Aldermen — would not remove any active officers from their jobs, but reflects what the mayor’s office calls “an opportunity to ensure that the right resources are distributed to the right call.”

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.49730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9740 >>9750




>>49683, >>49686, >>49690, >>49711, >>49715, >>49721 OO Eyez in da Skyz

>>49728 Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother

>>49727 Yep, UV workstations are gonzo.

>>49726 Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million in Funding Cuts to Police, Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High

>>49725 Biden’s CIA Director Claims He Cut Ties with Chinese Communists, But His Group Maintains Links.

>>49722 Supreme Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Challenging Deportation

>>49720 Trump Campaigns for Susan Wright in Texas House Race

>>49718 Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory In Government Schools

>>49717 Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into space late Wednesday, deploying its payload of 60 Starlink Internet network satellites into low-Earth orbit.

>>49716, >>49719 Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice Presided Over 20 Years Of War Combined. Now They Want Biden To Nix Biden’s Withdrawal

>>49714 Baker Hughes sold by General Electric Co.: $971.13m-Apr 29

>>49712, >>49713 A Record 34% Of All Household Income In The US Now Comes From The Government

>>49710 China is currently using a traditional vaccine instead of mRNA for covid. Could they know something we don't?

>>49705, >>49706 Killery decode

>>49704 Redpill site to check out

>>49703 For the children!

>>49702 A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested Tuesday at LA Int'l Airport on criminal charges related to his alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.

>>49700 Watching Unemployment fraud bleed

>>49699 Dims don't disagree enough

>>49695 restaurant in Virginia where the owners are reminding Americans of their rights .

>>49693 In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 65% of American voters prefer capitalism to socialism, saying it’s a “better system.”

>>49691, >>49692 >>49694 The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon run its warehouses at near full capacity.

>>49689 Dallas Fed President Spooks Stocks: "We've Got Real Excesses In The Housing Market", Rate Hike Needed In 2022



czech em

lemme know

ya'll know imma perfect


Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:53 a.m. No.49734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762

Tesla Just Paid Back $614 Million In Loans It Received For Its Shanghai Gigafactory


As the ongoing soap opera between China and Tesla continues - with the Chinese government looking as though it may be less-than-amused with boy wonder "visionary in chief" Elon Musk of late - it appears that Tesla may also be working to separate its ties from the Chinese government.


The company has paid back $614 million in loans that it took out for the Shanghai Gigafactory, according to Tesmanian, citing the company's recently filed 10-Q.


Tesla's 10-Q stated:


"In April 2021, we fully repaid the $614 million in aggregate principal of our secured term loan facility in connection with the construction of Gigafactory Shanghai (the“ Fixed Asset Facility ”) and the facility was terminated."


The company also noted that it no longer had access to $758 from a fixed asset facility as a result:


"After the termination, the $758 million of unused commitment under the Fixed Asset Facility included in the debt and finance lease table as of March 31, 2021 above was no longer available."

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:56 a.m. No.49736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762

Exxon Pays Down Billions In Debt Thanks To Soaring Cash Flow As Profitability Returns


After loading up to the gills during the 2020 oil crash, Exxon is slowly but surely emerging from the crisis period (which it survived without slashing its dividend unlike so many of its peers) and moments ago the former world's largest company reported stellar earnings which not only snapped a record streak of losses as rising oil and natural gas prices bolstered one of the biggest dividends in the S&P 500 Index, but beat across the board.


More importantly, Exxon revealed a surge in cash flow as oil prices have rebounded, allowing Exxon to not only comfortably pay its dividend and capex, but also aggressively pay down debt: the key line from CEO Darren Wood.“Cash flow from operating activities during the quarter fully covered the dividend and capital investments.”


Here are the Q1 highlights which as noted, were solid across the board:


Revenue $59.2bln (exp. $4.60bln);


EPS $0.64 (exp. 0.59),


Capex $3.1bln (exp. 3.33bln, -4bln Y/Y)


The company's Adjusted net income of $2.76BN (above the $2.55BN expected), was the first profitable quarter for XOM since Q1 2020, and benefited among other things from a boost in output in the Permian Basin, the world’s busiest shale patch, by 12% to the equivalent of 394,000 barrels of oil a day:

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.49737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762

BIDEN EFFECT: GM Flees To Mexico To Invest $1 Billion In Electric Vehicles


Humiliating news for Biden regime, which hopes to invest $174 billion in domestic EV production


General Motors announced on Thursday that it will be investing some $1 billion into electric vehicle production in the country of Mexico, dealing a humiliating blow to the Biden regime, which has begged companies to “Buy American” and “Make It In America.”


The Biden regime’s plans to invest $174 billion into the production of electric vehicles, as Biden called for on Wednesday, and somehow transfer the entire U.S. vehicle fleet to electric-only powertrains suffered a severe blow on Wednesday after General Motors’ announcement.


“At a time when General Motors is asking for a significant investment by the U.S. government in subsidizing electric vehicles, this is a slap in the face for not only UAW members and their families but also for U.S. taxpayers and the American workforce,” United Auto Workers Vice President Terry Dittes said in a statement.


Dietz also called GM “unseemly” for asking for U.S. government subsidies while moving to make vehicles outside the U.S.


Biden claimed this week that “there’s no reason why American workers can’t lead the world in the production of electric vehicles and batteries,” but he appears to have been proven wrong within 24 hours.


Many U.S. manufacturing companies, including General Motors, opened new warehouses in the U.S. during the administration of President Donald J. Trump.


Trump has indicated that he will resume holding rallies in May:


Speaking with podcast host Dan Bongino, President Trump insisted that his post-White House life is still “very political” and seemed to suggest he has not left the political arena. “It’s a different kind of life, but still very political because of the endorsements. Everyone comes and they all want the endorsement, more than they’ve ever wanted an endorsement,” said President Trump. “It’s never been an endorsement that’s meant so much, which is an honor to me.” He added, “It means victory.”


President Trump then revealed that the famously enthusiastic Make America Great Again rallies will return as soon as next month, stating that they will first be aimed at securing the midterm election for candidates he has endorsed. “It will definitely be different in terms of the setup, but we got really good at planning these events in 2020, so we will probably use a lot of those same vendors again,” a person close to President Trump reportedly told national media.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 11:01 a.m. No.49739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9744 >>9761 >>9762

We are sharing the grief sorrow of Jordan and sincerely express our deepest condolences on the demise of His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Talal. May God give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the loss.


Muhammad bin Talal.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.49741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762

Florida Passes New Elections Bill Adding Restrictions To Vote-By-Mail And Ballot Drop Boxes


Florida’s Republican-controlled Senate on April 29 passed a new bill that places several restrictions around vote-by-mail and ballot drop boxes.


The bill, SB 90 (pdf), was passed in the state House 77-40 and in the Senate 23-17. It now goes to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is expected to sign it.


If signed, it would require signature verification for voters, provided by a “wet signature” physically signed on paper kept on file, and access to drop boxes would be limited to early voting hours unless they are located at election supervisors’ offices. Drop boxes would also have to be monitored in-person by an elections official, and ID would be required when dropping off ballots.


Other aspects in the bill include limitations on who can return a finished mail-in ballot, preventing election officials from entering consent agreements, and requiring voters to request a mail ballot every election cycle, rather than every two, as under current law.


The legislation would also ban anyone from “engaging in any activity with the intent to influence or effect of influencing a voter” but allow election supervisors to provide “non-partisan assistance,” such as giving items, including food and water, to voters within the restricted zones.


The bill also requires supervisors to set and publish drop box locations 30 days before the election. Those locations cannot be moved for any purpose.


SB 90 was amended from a previous stricter version which had originally banned drop boxes completely.


DeSantis has previously expressed his support for enacting stronger election integrity protections and providing unprecedented election transparency for Florida residents.

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.49743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762


Florida State Senate Upholds Private School’s Decision To Keep Recently Vaccinated Teachers Away From Students



Florida Senator Jason Pizzo (D-Miami) filed an amendment on Thursday aimed at preventing private businesses from prohibiting employees from receiving experimental COVID-19 vaccines.


The amendment was filed in response to a private school in Miami that made headlines this week after its co-founder Leila Centner announced teachers vaccinated for COVID should not get physically close to the children soon after the shot.


“So right now, this is it. My district is counting on us to push back against this quackery,” Pizzo told his fellow senators.


However, the concept of vaccine shedding is far from “quackery” and even the FDA admits the jabs are only fit for “emergency approval” at this time.


Pizzo’s amendment was to be added to a bill intended to place a ban on “vaccine passports,” which was called for by Gov. Ron DeSantis.


After a 19-19 vote in the state senate, Pizzo’s amendment failed.


After his amendment was voted down, Pizzo complained, “In Florida, you can get fired for protecting your health. That’s the message my Republican colleagues sent when they failed to protect everyday Floridians from being discriminated against or fired for following CDC guidance and getting a COVID vaccine.”


Watch the video below to further understand co-founder and CEO of Centner Academy Leila Centner’s reason for keeping COVID vaccinated teachers away from students.


The folks at have compiled a fact sheet showing Centner has a right to be concerned when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccination experiment.


Dr. Jane Ruby of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the true dangers of submitting to experimental Covid-19 injections.


In case you missed it...


CNN Analyst Says White House Should Tell Americans: “The Moment Of Freedom For You Is When You Get Vaccinated”


Were COVID-19 Vaccines Made To “Self-Spread” To Non-Vaccinated People?


Bali Threatens YouTubers With Deportation for Filming Fake Mask Stunt Inside Grocery Store

U.S. News

Leaked Memo Shows Border Patrol Chief Rejected B

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 11:21 a.m. No.49745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9746 >>9761 >>9762

MayDay MayDay


The illegals protesting in DC appear to be part of this:


"If Biden does not guarantee permanent protection for all 11 million undocumented immigrants by May 1, we will mobilize to DC to demand it ourselves. Join undocumented workers and families across the country on May 1 International Workers Day in DC to say Papers Yes, Crumbs No!"

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.49761   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>49683, >>49686, >>49690, >>49711, >>49715, >>49721, >>49758 OO Eyez in da Skyz

>>49759 Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co.

>>49745, >>49746 MayDay MayDay

>>49743 Florida State Senate Upholds Private School’s Decision To Keep Recently Vaccinated Teachers Away From Students

>>49741, >>49756 Florida Passes New Elections Bill Adding Restrictions To Vote-By-Mail And Ballot Drop Boxes

>>49739, >>49744 We are sharing the grief sorrow of Jordan and sincerely express our deepest condolences on the demise of His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Talal.

>>49737 BIDEN EFFECT: GM Flees To Mexico To Invest $1 Billion In Electric Vehicles

>>49736 Exxon Pays Down Billions In Debt Thanks To Soaring Cash Flow As Profitability Returns

>>49734 Tesla Just Paid Back $614 Million In Loans It Received For Its Shanghai Gigafactory

>>49733 John Kerry discloses millions in income from finance, energy firms

>>49728 Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother

>>49727 Yep, UV workstations are gonzo.

>>49726 Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million in Funding Cuts to Police, Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High

>>49725 Biden’s CIA Director Claims He Cut Ties with Chinese Communists, But His Group Maintains Links.

>>49722 Supreme Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Challenging Deportation

>>49720 Trump Campaigns for Susan Wright in Texas House Race

>>49718 Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory In Government Schools

>>49717 Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into space late Wednesday, deploying its payload of 60 Starlink Internet network satellites into low-Earth orbit.

>>49716, >>49719 Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice Presided Over 20 Years Of War Combined. Now They Want Biden To Nix Biden’s Withdrawal

>>49714 Baker Hughes sold by General Electric Co.: $971.13m-Apr 29

>>49712, >>49713 A Record 34% Of All Household Income In The US Now Comes From The Government

>>49710 China is currently using a traditional vaccine instead of mRNA for covid. Could they know something we don't?

>>49705, >>49706 Killery decode

>>49704 Redpill site to check out

>>49703 For the children!

>>49702 A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested Tuesday at LA Int'l Airport on criminal charges related to his alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.

>>49700 Watching Unemployment fraud bleed

>>49699 Dims don't disagree enough

>>49695 restaurant in Virginia where the owners are reminding Americans of their rights .

>>49693 In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 65% of American voters prefer capitalism to socialism, saying it’s a “better system.”

>>49691, >>49692 >>49694 The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon run its warehouses at near full capacity.

>>49689 Dallas Fed President Spooks Stocks: "We've Got Real Excesses In The Housing Market", Rate Hike Needed In 2022



czech em

bake set up now

lemme know

hold em for nb

Anonymous ID: 0c0a1b April 30, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.49762   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>49683, >>49686, >>49690, >>49711, >>49715, >>49721, >>49758 OO Eyez in da Skyz

>>49759 Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co.

>>49745, >>49746 MayDay MayDay

>>49743 Florida State Senate Upholds Private School’s Decision To Keep Recently Vaccinated Teachers Away From Students

>>49741, >>49756 Florida Passes New Elections Bill Adding Restrictions To Vote-By-Mail And Ballot Drop Boxes

>>49739, >>49744 We are sharing the grief sorrow of Jordan and sincerely express our deepest condolences on the demise of His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Talal.

>>49737 BIDEN EFFECT: GM Flees To Mexico To Invest $1 Billion In Electric Vehicles

>>49736 Exxon Pays Down Billions In Debt Thanks To Soaring Cash Flow As Profitability Returns

>>49734 Tesla Just Paid Back $614 Million In Loans It Received For Its Shanghai Gigafactory

>>49733 John Kerry discloses millions in income from finance, energy firms

>>49728 Lebanese prosecutor opens probe into central bank governor and brother

>>49727 Yep, UV workstations are gonzo.

>>49726 Radical St. Louis Board Approves $4 Million in Funding Cuts to Police, Elimination of 98 Jobs after Homicide Rate Hit a 50 Year High

>>49725 Biden’s CIA Director Claims He Cut Ties with Chinese Communists, But His Group Maintains Links.

>>49722 Supreme Court Backs Illegal Immigrant Challenging Deportation

>>49720 Trump Campaigns for Susan Wright in Texas House Race

>>49718 Idaho Bans Teachers From Forcing Students To ‘Affirm’ Critical Race Theory In Government Schools

>>49717 Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into space late Wednesday, deploying its payload of 60 Starlink Internet network satellites into low-Earth orbit.

>>49716, >>49719 Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice Presided Over 20 Years Of War Combined. Now They Want Biden To Nix Biden’s Withdrawal

>>49714 Baker Hughes sold by General Electric Co.: $971.13m-Apr 29

>>49712, >>49713 A Record 34% Of All Household Income In The US Now Comes From The Government

>>49710 China is currently using a traditional vaccine instead of mRNA for covid. Could they know something we don't?

>>49705, >>49706 Killery decode

>>49704 Redpill site to check out

>>49703 For the children!

>>49702 A dual Russian-Swedish national was arrested Tuesday at LA Int'l Airport, alleged operation of the longest-running bitcoin money laundering service on the darknet.

>>49700 Watching Unemployment fraud bleed

>>49699 Dims don't disagree enough

>>49695 restaurant in Virginia where the owners are reminding Americans of their rights .

>>49693 In a recent poll, Rasmussen found that 65% of American voters prefer capitalism to socialism, saying it’s a “better system.”

>>49691, >>49692 >>49694 The high volume of orders during the pandemic has let Amazon run its warehouses at near full capacity.

>>49689 Dallas Fed President Spooks Stocks: "We've Got Real Excesses In The Housing Market", Rate Hike Needed In 2022
