Anonymous ID: aa32b5 April 30, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.49746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749 >>9761 >>9762



more from the website:


Before becoming president, Joe Biden made lots of promises to our community—a moratorium on deportations and swift action on immigration reform. Now that he's in office, he has deported thousands of immigrants and excluded undocumented workers from the COVID stimulus bill. Our families are struggling and Biden is only offering us crumbs and empty promises....




  1. #FreeThemAll by using emergency powers to order the release of all ICE detainees and incarcerated people locked up in New York State to safeguard human life and public health.


​2. #DefundThePolice, and remove them from schools, emergency rooms, subways, and mental health crisis response. Withdraw state funding for all police departments across New York State. Tear up police contracts with state agencies, including social services and care services.


  1. Establish an immediate emergency relief fund for the undocumented community who are suffering from loss of jobs and income, left out of federal/state relief, and cannot qualify for unemployment benefits.


  1. #CancelRent during COVID-19, don’t just defer evictions until later. Many New Yorkers, especially undocumented people, are struggling to pay rent due to the effects of this pandemic and will be in danger of losing their housing.


​5. #ProtectAllWorkers. Immigrant workers and all workers need proper PPE, hazard pay, and paid sick leave. Immigrant workers are #EssentialNotDisposable. Don’t allow schools to reopen in unsafe conditions, putting teachers, students, and their families at risk. Don’t use police to harass sex workers, and stop arresting people for #WalkingWhileTrans.

Anonymous ID: aa32b5 April 30, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.49750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>9758


mornin doc

finish tax stuff then appts so mostly out for a few hours

"i shall return"



mornin' gb

anon was askin last night about Gates catamaran in Canary Islands,i said he seemed to flying rather than boating, got any thoughts?


Anonymous ID: aa32b5 April 30, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.49759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761 >>9762

Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co.



EXCLUSIVE: Trump supporter shares what he uncovered after infiltrating anti-fascist group in Sonoma Co.

By Dan Noyes

Thursday, April 29, 2021 9:32AM

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The Trump supporter tells the I-Team he infiltrated a group of activists in Sonoma County who call themselves anti-fascist, and he gave us what he says is their "target list" and recordings of their planning sessions.

SONOMA COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- Shocking comments were made during an online meeting of far-left activists in Sonoma County, discussing a possible protest for this Saturday.


Group leader: "It's May Day, baby, like come out and take, take somethin' over with us, I don't, I don't (bleep)-ing know."

Member: "Let's kill people. (laughs)"

Group Leader: "Let's kill some cops."

Member: "Yeah."


The ABC7 I-Team has been investigating the group's possible connection to recent acts of vandalism, including an incident at the former home of a Derek Chauvin defense witness one week ago.


The Trump supporter tells the I-Team he infiltrated a group of activists in Sonoma County who call themselves anti-fascist, and he gave us what he says is their "target list" and recordings of their planning sessions....


The I-Team has learned the group's leader who goes by the screen name "Marb" is a 25-year-old college student, who was arrested for "felony assault on a police officer" last year at this Oakland riot after the death of George Floyd; the district attorney declined to file charges. The Trump supporter says he made this recording in March, when Marb discussed naming the group "SoCo Antifa.".....


The infiltrator tells the I-Team he's been careful about protecting his identity during interactions with SoCo Radical Action that began last year.


"It felt like seeing Antifa getting sort of a pass all the time from government saying they don't exist, saying that they're a myth, saying that they're just an idea. You know, when obviously, they are very real, and they're a big threat."


Since we've been working on the story, Marb has been taking down his social media, both the public and private accounts.

Anonymous ID: aa32b5 April 30, 2021, 12:04 p.m. No.49760   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Gates fancy boat

>park em and fly in

sounds great

floating villas in exotic locales

where ya can relax in between world-takeover bids