Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 1:15 p.m. No.49781   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9782 >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

>>49690, >>49721 pb

82-8000 USAF 747 departing Philadelphia Int'l and heading back to JBA

Also saw dat Not AF1 Joe is scheduled to appear at Yorktown, VA on Monday so likely Joe is in for the weekend nao.


AF2 USAF C-32A departed Cincinnati Int'l Airport back to JBA

RCH780T USAF C-17 Globemaster departed MCB Quantico and likely heading to Cincinnati to pick up Kneepads equipment


French AF FNY5015 Dassault Falcon departing Spooktown-Norfolk VA

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 1:36 p.m. No.49782   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853


82-8000 USAF 747 was given priority approach at JBA (eben though Joe not on it as you wouldn't need the tanker over Delaware if he wuz)

AF2 USAF C-32A had to hold (briefly) for 82-8000's arrival from Philly-Joe not on it and Kneepads still has to wait for it to arrive.

58-0077 KC-135 tanker on the track for Not AF1 Joe in Delaware already

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 2:40 p.m. No.49788   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

CSX Corp. sold by Mantle Ridge LP (Vice Chair of CSX too): $192.68m-Apr 28,30


CSX Corporation is a transportation company. The Company provides rail-based freight transportation services, including traditional rail service and transport of intermodal containers and trailers, as well as other transportation services, such as rail-to-truck transfers and bulk commodity operations. The Company categorizes its products into three primary lines of business: merchandise, intermodal and coal. The Company's intermodal business links customers to railroads through trucks and terminals. The Company's merchandise business consists of shipments in markets, such as agricultural and food products, fertilizers, chemicals, automotive, metals and equipment, minerals and forest products. The Company's coal business transports domestic coal, coke and iron ore to electricity-generating power plants, steel manufacturers and industrial plants, as well as export coal to deep-water port facilities. Number of employees : 19 300 people.

Paul Hilal is the Founder and CEO of Mantle Ridge LP. Over the past two decades, he has built a strong record as an engaged or activist investor, and as a passive value investor. Mr. Hilal has since 2019 served as Vice Chairman of Aramark (NYSE:ARMK), a global food, facilities, and uniform services provider. He joined in connection with a board and executive leadership restructuring in 2019. Mr. Hilal has since 2017 served as Vice Chairman of CSX Corporation (NYSE:CSX). He joined in connection with a board and executive leadership restructuring in 2017. Prior to forming Mantle Ridge, Mr. Hilal was a Senior Partner at Pershing Square Capital Management, where he focused on both passive and activist investing projects. Among these was the successful value creation initiatives at Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (TSX:CP) and Air Products and Chemicals (NYSE:APD). Mr. Hilal served for four years on the board of a CP as the Chair of the Management Resources and Compensation Committee, retiring January of 2016, when he retired from his decade of value and engaged investing at Pershing Square Capital Management.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 2:57 p.m. No.49790   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9794 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Taken from QR bred #17163




[38.89511, -77.05144]

Who signed?

Cold on the outside?

Think [F] intel.

Define [clandestine].

Langley Verification?

Game theory.

If you look you can see.

Locked & Loaded.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 3:01 p.m. No.49791   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9792 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Pentagon Cancels Trump's Border Wall Projects Under Biden Order


The Pentagon said Friday it had canceled projects related to Donald Trump’s border wall and was returning money the former president directed to the project to defense programs.


“The Department of Defense is proceeding with canceling all border barrier construction projects paid for with funds originally intended for other military missions and functions such as schools for military children, overseas military construction projects in partner nations, and the National Guard and Reserve equipment account,” Jamal Brown, deputy Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.


In addition, the Homeland Security Department said it would repair flood barriers in Texas and “dangerous” soil erosion in San Diego that it said were the result of Trump’s wall construction. The department is continuing to review “extensive problems created by the prior administration’s border wall construction,” it said in a statement. The wall won’t be expanded as part of the repair projects, the department said. “Border wall construction under the previous administration tied up more than $14 billion in taxpayer funds, shortchanged our military, and diverted attention away from genuine security challenges, like human traffickers,” the White House said in a statement. “Rushed and haphazard wall construction also resulted in serious life, safety, and environmental issues.”


President Joe Biden issued an order on his first day in the White House halting construction of the wall, one of Trump’s top priorities. He has drawn fire from Trump and Republican allies for contributing to a crisis-level immigration surge because of his extreme reversal of the previous administration's stricter migration policies.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.49792   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9793


notables,not endorsements

>>49771 12 Armed FBI Agents Kick Down Door of Couple’s Home Looking For Pelosi’s Laptop – Turns Out it Was a Case of Mistaken Identity-gatewaypundit

>>49772 Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”-summitnews

>>49773 Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas warns that Covid-19 tyranny is becoming “a second Holocaust”-dcclothesline

>>49776, >>49781, >>49782, >>49783, >>49789 pf reprt(s) Not AF1 Joe activity-Joe took Marine One to Wilmington from Philly Int'l

>>49778 Why Marxist Critical Race Theory TEACHES AMERICA IS EVIL | Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Ep. 133

>>49780 Q drop #1304-07 3yr Delta April 30th

>>49786 Joe Biden Administration Extends Mask Requirement for Travelers Though September-breitbart

>>49787 Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett: Maricopa County Election Audit on Pace to be Done by Deadline-gatewaypundit

>>49788 CSX Corp. sold by Mantle Ridge LP (Vice Chair of CSX too): $192.68m-Apr 28,30

>>49791 Pentagon Cancels Trump's Border Wall Projects Under Biden Order-newsmax



Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.49805   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9807 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853


When a few of us did the 10Q from in 2018 we found that they basically gave it (dragonfly) away for free or very little money.

Had and continue to habs huge amounts in the

"goodwill" bucket see attached cap 1 for Q2 2019

When they can wash that much through the books under the "goodwill" portion-which is essentially put it here and value it at whatever you like and the higher it is, the better for (((them)))-it becomes a bit laughable going further.


Drop #2620

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.49813   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819 >>9836 >>9852 >>9853


BOXER43 USAF C-40C departed San Francisco Int'l after a quickish ground stop en and back to JBA

The C version of the 737 is moar of a transport AC


The C-40C is not equipped with the advanced communications capability of the C-40B. Unique to the C-40C is the capability to change its configuration to accommodate from 42 to 111 passengers.


Mebby another Dept of Homeland Security or Dept of Health of Human Services "fire" trips

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.49816   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Biden Administration to Allow More White House Aides to Return


Senior Biden officials told the White House staff on Friday that more aides will be allowed to come back to work in-person over the coming weeks, according to two people familiar with the matter.


The loosening of coronavirus restrictions, announced on a conference call, can proceed because vaccines have been offered to all members of the staff, one of the people said. The return will be staggered and won’t take place immediately, added the people, who were granted anonymity to discuss personnel decisions.


The notification applies only to the Executive Office of the President, which consists of President Joe Biden’s immediate staff. Other agencies, however, are likely to follow suit, an aide said.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 5:32 p.m. No.49822   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9852 >>9853

>>47697 pb Federal Reserve Bank of New York Reverse Repo(s) April 8-23: $625.35B

>>49425 pb US Sells Treasury Bills At 0% For The First Time Since The Covid Crash


FRBNY Reverse Repo Operations April 26-30: $766.523B


In the last 5 days they surpassed the prior two weeks.

Total of $1.39T for April 8th-30th.

See 47697 above for moar on this entire process.

Eventually the counterparties will not have the capital to buy this shit from the FRBNY.

Then it gets 'fun' as if they do not have the "cash" they start selling anything and everything not nailed down-markets get hit and then blame will be placed somewhere other than a capital suck instigated by the FRBNY-similar thing in September 2008 which the financial "experts" totally missed.

These transactions occur on a regular basis...not in these amounts though.


The problem(s) arise when the above scenario plays out-namely huge asset selling across the markets to generate the cash to continue to transact with the FRBNY

Wait...the conterparties will eventually lose this battle and one or two will be sacrificed to get it all started.


April 30 $183.234B with 32 counterparties

April 29 $173.469B with 38 counterparties

April 28 $166.732B with 33 counterparties

April 27 $142.172B with 31 conterparties

April 26 $100.916B with 26 counterparties

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.49833   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9852 >>9853

Japan to approve Moderna vaccine as soon as May 21, report says


The government will approve the use of Moderna Inc.’s COVID-19 vaccine as soon as May 21, the Yomiuri newspaper reported Saturday without attribution.


The Moderna vaccine would be the second to get approved in Japan and will be used in the nation’s large inoculation centers that will open in Tokyo and Osaka from May 24, the paper said. Currently, only the Pfizer Inc. vaccine is cleared for use in Japan. Japan has a contract with Moderna for enough shots to inoculate 25 million people, and is set to receive sufficient deliveries for 20 million by June and another 5 million in the following three months, the paper said.


The European Union said on Monday that it had authorized some 52.3 million doses made in European factories by companies including Pfizer and Moderna for export to Japan, the highest volume among all 43 countries to which vaccines have been shipped.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.49843   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9852 >>9853

ASEAN seeks to bring US and China on board to end Myanmar crisis


The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has begun negotiations to hold a foreign ministers' meeting with the U.S. as well as with China, as the bloc seeks support for its efforts to resolve the crisis in Myanmar triggered by its Feb. 1 coup.


Preparations for the meeting with China are moving ahead, and the two sides could meet soon, an ASEAN source told Nikkei. But ASEAN and the U.S. are still ironing out the details, including the format of the meeting should Myanmar send a member of its junta as its representative. ASEAN leaders met on April 24 to discuss Myanmar's military coup, which ousted its democratically elected government, and the subsequent crackdown on protests that have left more than 750 people dead, according to human rights groups. Following the summit, the ASEAN chair issued a statement calling for the "immediate cessation of violence in Myanmar." The leaders also agreed that "a special envoy of the ASEAN chair shall facilitate mediation" in Myanmar, and that the bloc would "provide humanitarian assistance" to the country, the statement said. Still, ASEAN has no way to enforce these clauses. It believes that it needs the support of the broader international community, particularly the U.S. and China, to persuade the Myanmar military to take action.


ASEAN usually holds a foreign ministers' meeting with China and with the U.S. at the ASEAN Regional Forum each summer. In light of the April 24 summit, the bloc has decided to push for earlier meetings this year. "We appreciate efforts by ASEAN to support a peaceful resolution of the crisis caused by the Burmese military," U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price had tweeted this week, referring to Myanmar's former name.


While China has remained fairly quiet on the issue since the ASEAN summit, Foreign Minister Wang Yi has repeatedly expressed support for ASEAN taking a lead on the situation in Myanmar.

Anonymous ID: 6825c8 April 30, 2021, 8:17 p.m. No.49847   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9852 >>9853

The Italian F-35As Have Deployed To Estonia For NATO’s Baltic Air Policing Mission


On Apr. 30, 2021, four Italian Air Force F-35A Lightning II jets landed at Amari Air Base, Estonia, to take over the NATO’s BAP (Baltic Air Policing) mission. It’s the first time the Italian stealth jets deploy to Estonia (even though the Italian Eurofighter Typhoons operated there for BAP in 2018) and also the first time that 5th generation aircraft support NATO’s mission in the Baltic States.


The Italian F-35s belong to the 13° Gruppo (Squadron) of the 32° Stormo (Wing) from Amendola Air Base, in southeastern Italy, and their deployment to Estonia was supported by a KC-767A tanker, flying as IAM1447 (and tracking online)**, from Pratica di Mare Air Base. As part of the “Baltic Eagle II” mission, the Italian F-35A aircraft, operating within the Task Group Falco of the Task Force Air Estonia will replace the German Air Force Eurofighters which have been deployed to Amari since late August. At the same time, after leading BAP for 8 months, the Italian Typhoons have completed their rotation at Siauliai, Lithuania. Although it’s the first time they operate from Estonia, the Italian Air Force F-35A jets have already supported NATO Air Policing mission in Iceland twice: the first time in 2019, the second in 2020, when the Italian Lightnings scrambled for the first time to intercept a formation of three Russian Tu-142s.


** Good example of wut you are allowed to see- the tanker and not the F-35's.

Seen these Italian tankers out periodically in muh morning(s) also see US tankers in north fueling F-18's out of Aviano AB (ne of Venice)


Interdasting to see how these perform and if they have any 'issues'.

Like the Japanese one in 2019.