Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 3:25 p.m. No.49794   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819 >>9852 >>9853




[38.89511, -77.05144]

Who signed?

Cold on the outside?

Think [F] intel.

Define [clandestine].

Langley Verification?

Game theory.

If you look you can see.

Locked & Loaded.

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 3:30 p.m. No.49795   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9798 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Is [It] really closed?

Was it ever closed?

What are they trying to prevent?

Who are they trying to protect?

Who benefits the most?

Money buys POWER.


Think MSM daily attacks [losing ground].

[CLAS 1-99: future]

Something BIG…

They can no longer hide in the shadows.

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.49812   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9814 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853

Rachel Maddow’s defense to OAN defamation lawsuit is that on-air statements shouldn’t be considered fact


MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is defending herself in court by claiming her statements on air should not be taken as fact.

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 4:46 p.m. No.49814   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9818 >>9819 >>9852 >>9853


lets set the panic dial up to 11shall we?


A liddle help for the moist b.i.tch kek!!




PDF to ballet audit below !!!

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.49815   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819 >>9826 >>9852 >>9853

James Madison, hailed as the father of our Constitution, is probably turning over in his grave given the shredding of our God-given constitutional values and principles upon which we were founded.

Madison recognized that since concentrating power leads to tyranny, dividing government power was essential for the preservation of liberty. He will never be accused of being short-sighted about the threats government would pose to the people.

Madison and others set out deliberately to design a form of government that would limit abuses and withstand the test of time. America now faces that test, and the central question that has emerged is: Will we pass the test, or will we fall into the abyss of history as other nation-states have done?


Along with other framers of our nation’s Constitution, Madison argued for dividing federal power among the three branches of our government — legislative, executive, and judicial. These should be studied and clearly understood by every American schoolchild from an early age, but to our nation’s and our children’s detriment, they are not.

And what is even less understood is why the Founders adopted a structure that they knew would result in conflict among the branches. In truth, the constitutional structure was designed not to enhance the efficiency of the government but to impede the exercise of raw governmental power and to protect the liberty of the people.

Separation of powers is not a flaw in our system of government, as many demanding changes increasingly assert. It is purposely designed to protect our constitutional republic from the tyranny of a few — tyranny that today is knocking down the door of America.

Contrast the original design chosen by our framers with the intemperate statements of President Biden, who demands Congress yield to his will on matters such as gun control, under the threat that he will usurp the role of Congress by signing executive orders.



Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 5:07 p.m. No.49818   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819 >>9852 >>9853



President Trump at Mar-a-Lago: “Let’s See What They Find… You’ll Watch Pennsylvania…Georgia… Michigan… Wisconsin…New Hampshire!”


President Trump spoke this week at his home in Mar-a-Lago about the ongoing forensic audit in Arizona.


President Trump warned what was coming next following the Arizona audit.


President Trump: “Now let’s see what they find… you’ll watch Pennsylvania…Georgia… Michigan… Wisconsin…New Hampshire. They found a lot of votes up in New Hampshire JUST NOW…”


The Gateway Pundit has been reporting for weeks on the New Hampshire voting scandal in Windham.


On Saturday we are interviewing Bruce Breton, the lone Windham Selectman who voted against using Mark Lindeman for the forensic audit.

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.49819   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9820 >>9823




#141 Crowd bake/notetakers

>>49776, >>49781, >>49782, >>49783, >>49789, >>49808, >>49811, >>49813 pf reprt(s)

>>49771 12 Armed FBI Agents Kick Down Door of Couple’s Home Looking For Pelosi’s Laptop – Case of Mistaken Identity-gatewaypundit

>>49772 Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”-summitnews

>>49773 Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas warns that Covid-19 tyranny is becoming “a second Holocaust”-dcclothesline

>>49776 Not AF1 Joe activity-Joe took Marine One to Wilmington from Philly Int'l

>>49778 Why Marxist Critical Race Theory TEACHES AMERICA IS EVIL | Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Ep. 133

>>49780 Q drop #1304-07 3yr Delta April 30th

>>49786 Joe Biden Administration Extends Mask Requirement for Travelers Though September-breitbart

>>49787 Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett: Maricopa County Election Audit on Pace to be Done by Deadline-gatewaypundit

>>49788 CSX Corp. sold by Mantle Ridge LP (Vice Chair of CSX too): $192.68m-Apr 28,30

>>49791 Pentagon Cancels Trump's Border Wall Projects Under Biden Order-newsmax

>>49794, >>49795, >>49796, >>49803 Q likes

>>49790, >>49797, >>49798, >>49799, >>49800, >>49801, >>49802, >>49804, >>49805 decodes

>>49812, >>49814 Madcow 2019 and now

>>49815 Gen Flynn

>>49816 Biden Administration to Allow More White House Aides to Return

>>49818 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago: “Let’s See What They Find… You’ll Watch Pennsylvania,Georgia,Michigan,Wisconsin,New Hampshire!”


gb you guud with changes?

lemme know

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 8:42 p.m. No.49850   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Mar 23, 2019 7:43:56 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: eb7cf3 No. 5853007




Democracy matters.

The WILL of the PEOPLE.

UNITED not divided.



Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 8:49 p.m. No.49852   🗄️.is đź”—kun

#141 Crowd bake/notetakers

>>49776, >>49781, >>49782, >>49783, >>49789, >>49808, >>49811, >>49813, >>49827, >>49836, >>49839 pf reprt(s)

>>49771 12 Armed FBI Agents Kick Down Door of Couple’s Home Looking For Pelosi’s Laptop – Case of Mistaken Identity-gatewaypundit

>>49772 Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”-summitnews

>>49773 Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas warns that Covid-19 tyranny is becoming “a second Holocaust”-dcclothesline

>>49776 Not AF1 Joe activity-Joe took Marine One to Wilmington from Philly Int'l

>>49778 Why Marxist Critical Race Theory TEACHES AMERICA IS EVIL | Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Ep. 133

>>49780 Q drop #1304-07 3yr Delta April 30th

>>49786 Joe Biden Administration Extends Mask Requirement for Travelers Though September-breitbart

>>49787 Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett: Maricopa County Election Audit on Pace to be Done by Deadline-gatewaypundit

>>49788 CSX Corp. sold by Mantle Ridge LP (Vice Chair of CSX too): $192.68m-Apr 28,30

>>49791 Pentagon Cancels Trump's Border Wall Projects Under Biden Order-newsmax

>>49794, >>49795, >>49796, >>49803 Q likes

>>49790, >>49797, >>49798, >>49799, >>49800, >>49801, >>49802, >>49804, >>49805 decodes

>>49812, >>49814 Madcow 2019 and now

>>49815, >>49826 Gen Flynn

>>49816 Biden Administration to Allow More White House Aides to Return

>>49818 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago: “Let’s See What They Find… You’ll Watch Pennsylvania,Georgia,Michigan,Wisconsin,New Hampshire!”

>>49822 FRBNY Reverse Repo Operations April 26-30: $766.523B

>>49832 Kekistan sanctions John Kerry.

>>49833 Japan to approve Moderna vaccine as soon as May 21, report says

>>49843 ASEAN seeks to bring US and China on board to end Myanmar crisis

>>49847 The Italian F-35As Have Deployed To Estonia For NATO’s Baltic Air Policing Mission

>>49848 Red Red



czech em

gonna set up the bake

Anonymous ID: d7fcc2 April 30, 2021, 8:50 p.m. No.49853   🗄️.is đź”—kun

#141 Crowd bake/notetakers

>>49776, >>49781, >>49782, >>49783, >>49789, >>49811, >>49813, >>49827, >>49836, >>49839 pf reprt(s)

>>49771 12 Armed FBI Agents Kick Down Door of Couple’s Home Looking For Pelosi’s Laptop – Case of Mistaken Identity-gatewaypundit

>>49772 Poll: Majority of French Agree With Military Generals That the Country is Heading Towards “Civil War”-summitnews

>>49773 Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas warns that Covid-19 tyranny is becoming “a second Holocaust”-dcclothesline

>>49776 Not AF1 Joe activity-Joe took Marine One to Wilmington from Philly Int'l

>>49778 Why Marxist Critical Race Theory TEACHES AMERICA IS EVIL | Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense Ep. 133

>>49780 Q drop #1304-07 3yr Delta April 30th

>>49786 Joe Biden Administration Extends Mask Requirement for Travelers Though September-breitbart

>>49787 Arizona Audit Director Ken Bennett: Maricopa County Election Audit on Pace to be Done by Deadline-gatewaypundit

>>49788 CSX Corp. sold by Mantle Ridge LP (Vice Chair of CSX too): $192.68m-Apr 28,30

>>49791 Pentagon Cancels Trump's Border Wall Projects Under Biden Order-newsmax

>>49794, >>49795, >>49796, >>49803 Q likes

>>49790, >>49797, >>49798, >>49799, >>49800, >>49801, >>49802, >>49804, >>49805, >>49808 decodes

>>49812, >>49814 Madcow 2019 and now

>>49815, >>49826 Gen Flynn

>>49816 Biden Administration to Allow More White House Aides to Return

>>49818 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago: “Let’s See What They Find… You’ll Watch Pennsylvania,Georgia,Michigan,Wisconsin,New Hampshire!”

>>49822 FRBNY Reverse Repo Operations April 26-30: $766.523B

>>49832 Kekistan sanctions John Kerry.

>>49833 Japan to approve Moderna vaccine as soon as May 21, report says

>>49843 ASEAN seeks to bring US and China on board to end Myanmar crisis

>>49847 The Italian F-35As Have Deployed To Estonia For NATO’s Baltic Air Policing Mission

>>49848 Red Red
