Anonymous ID: 6386a9 Pompeo IG Post 5.2.21 May 3, 2021, 3:43 a.m. No.50235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0236

Mike Pompeo posted The Gospel. Noting :CTACIC and HANAI This is a "plan B to the Gospel, suggesting different out comes. It is a very good read and is loaded information previously unknown to this Anon. The words lead to several documents from the 1990's from Cisco Systems Eric Rosen. "Internet Standards Process," a workgroup of "entities" that are used as "peer models.' the IAB and IESG are reverenced as the first of such groups. Documentation further explains how "backbone' is provided off of consumers IP and VPN, using halographic images that the "IAB: can use to "watch" whomever they need to. Groups are given rights as individuals and designation of decision making over "persons." Further explains how the entities will have political office among other industries thus the necessity for bylaws and program paths to consumers private spaces through the use of the router. Mind you this is 1996! A 2004 and 2006 documents deal with upgrading protocols and the addition of IETF Internet Engineering Task Force. This offered VPN access on 2-3 layer stretcing "reachability" through "tunnels" to help with "topology" and "membership." See the attachments and noite the links to various customer bases, etc. In addition the Word Hana in the picture is multifaceted, much like "HUMA", with Harvard University involved and offers a wide array of uses "High Performance Analytic Appliance" to name one. There is also show caller The Mary Collins Agency in Dallas Texas that since 1981 has had a voice over agency that also offered "actors" for various uses such as spokesperson to Political as "peer models" her website explains how the early days saw "scripts Fed Ex'd" and "beepers" used to cast on the fly. Further, note Allison Viktron born in Texas 1981 and seems to have quite a career in multi media productions theorize the firsy of many "Allison's" and later "Jennifer's." In politics and military the Cisco venture was POISE, which is currently running today and used by SAF Military and affiliated CBRE with that groups first exercise in 2003 "Diamond Shield" where they used a Bio weapon as a "counter terrorism" exercise and again 2006. SARS come to mind.

Anonymous ID: 6386a9 Further To Mike Pompeo's post May 3, 2021, 4:46 a.m. No.50239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Eric Rosen at CISCO-is this why RR recused from the Mueller investigation involving Barr? Perhaps The AG had prior knowledge of the "invididuals/actors?" This has been going on for decades, as early "Surrogates"like Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy come to mind. Is this why DJT is not only an outsider but the 19th President? Was Abe Lincoln an Actor? Places like Hawaii, Middle East and Taiwan have been in the game a long while. India as well? While watching a documentary on the Gaza Strip noted they have been locked up for 70 years. The Doc featured a photographer who over documented every detail of life in the Strip and interviewed a French woman who's Father was the original photographer. She had memories of the "smells and rge chemicals' he used and said when the fighting started her family went to safety in "a house on the other side" which sounded like a portal in other words. Thought about "photographers" as they are "developers" and may have a place in this dastardly history as well. The Native Americans did not allow pictures to be taken as does the Amish. The Gaza story highlighted how all the community there has camera's wherever they go and the 80's came to mind when Chinese tourists were well known for the Canon camera's noted as the Birth of a New Nation. Suffice to say Canada UK Middle East USA and many more are chock full of various degrees of "Individuals" We do "1000 defects" and Our Savior had a plan. My heart goes out to all esp the ones used for sex trafficking. The Rioters who are constantly whipped into frenzies, the animals humans and insects that have been meshed Adam Schiff has a boyfriend named 509-222 look into that. Linwood spoke "Drew" and let him know he knew what was up. Properties in NY and MN owned by Reginald Archibald who seems to have many "personalities" and looks alot like Sleepy J on paper, with the saving young boys through nude swimming much like the "Y" The location 45 66th Street needs further diggs as there is a Liquid waste water company open 24hrs a day ran by Jack C who looks like "Black" the actor in DC. The Presser Andrew had also had the Orange Cones and a Liquid Waste removal truck right out front in addition to exterior plaque noting the past address as 777 Madison Ave, This goes deep. Think Fathoms and extends to the Oceans and beyond the Islands. LES, the boys charity is in this mix as well. The tunnels underneath are out of this world and every capital city in America has them. I know in my heart the school shootings are using manufactured people as perps and victims. Also looking into Boeing and just how real those airplane crashes were and just exactly what happened to the victims, as the airline's are chock full of the carbon copies of and the shells of the men that were. Check out The Flight Channel and DW Documentary channel for based facts on this. See also,_2004/Haiti

