Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 2, 2021, 7:46 p.m. No.50198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0199 >>0211

Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm – Dem Secretary of State Hobbs Is Sneaking Dem Operatives from Biased Orgs into Maricopa County Audit



Arizona GOP Leader Kelli Ward is sounding the alarm.


Deep State players from Democrat Not-for-Profits (NFPs) were snuck onto the Maricopa County Audit these past couple of days. They are as corrupt as their ‘non-biased’ NFPs are and have no business being on the audit floor.


We reported on Thursday that three far-left NFPs requested that the DOJ intervene on the audit in Arizona and stop it.


Of course, these entities are connected to George Soros and will do anything they can to prevent the 2020 election steal from being uncovered.


AZ GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward issued a “Call to Action” asking for supporters to come together and protect the audit from Democrats who are trying to undermine or stop the process. Ward said there were serious developments causing her to believe that“we are at a tipping point”and believes the audit to be in jeopardy.


She said a group of “experts”, (The Brennan Center and The Protect Democracy Group) wrote a letter asking the DOJ to send Federal monitors to “observe” the Arizona audit. She describes them as “aggressive, dirty, back-room players” who work with BLM and Marxist groups intent on destroying our nation.


Ward said that through a court-pushed agreement between the parties, “Arizona Secretary of State (SoS), Democrat Hack Katie Hobbs” gained access to the audit floor for three representatives. But now we have learned those “observers” monitoring the audit are not even from the SoS’s office. One is an “election consultant” with Protect Democracy, and the other is an attorney with The Brennan Center. Not coincidental, it so happens that they are the same Washington groups who urged the Feds to “monitor” the audit.


The move undermines Arizona sovereignty to oversee and administer their own elections and sets a dangerous precedent by injecting the Fed-connected groups.


During the last hearing, the court ordered the parties to work together and come to an agreement about providing the SoS access to monitor the audit, which they did. Now it looks as though the SoS took advantage of an agreement that was seemingly made in good faith, by pulling a “bait and switch”. Last week The Gateway Pundit posted the following statement regarding the audits.


The AZ Senate must do everything in its power to fight the subversion of that which is right by the S.O.S. and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.


page 1, cont.

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 2, 2021, 7:46 p.m. No.50199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0211



__Here are some things the GOP should consider:


  • The GOP should consider seeking a T.R.O. to prevent the S.O.S. from injecting any person or entity who may be acting as an officer, agent or representative of the Federal Government onto the premises of the the Coliseum where the audit is being performed.


  • The GOP could sue these groups for claiming to be non-biased so they don’t have to pay taxes, while clearly showing their bias for the far-left.


  • SoS Hobbs could be sued for inviting NFPs onto the audit floor which was not included in the agreement with the GOP.


The actions of the S.O.S. violate the spirit of the agreement and, if allowed without protest, could be considered acquiescing or agreeing to Federal intervention.


The Democrats are very scared and will do anything to keep their stolen 2020 election hidden.

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 2, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.50202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0211 >>0263 >>0285



CDC: Over 9,000 People Who Got Vaccinated Later Tested Positive For COVID-19, Over 100 Died


Thousands of people continue to contract COVID-19 even after being vaccinated against the virus


According to data made available by states to the CDC, which then publishes the data on its website, over 9,000 people who received one of the controversial COVID-19 vaccines later tested positive for the virus, and over 100 died from the illness.


The latest data shows that 9,245 people tested positive for the China-originated virus after being vaccinated, and almost half – a total of 4,245 – 60 years old or younger, and thus far less likely from experiencing severe symptoms. 2,525 of those who tested positive for the virus experienced no symptoms, 835 were hospitalized due to the illness, and 132 died as a result of contracting COVID-19 while vaccinated.


However, the CDC explains that these numbers areunder reported. “It is important to note that reported vaccine breakthrough cases will represent an undercount. This surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments which may not be complete.” The CDC explains that not every person is tested for COVID-19 constantly, especially “in instances of asymptomatic or mild illness.”


Meanwhile, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has reached 133,000 reports of adverse reactions.


Among them are 3,607 reports of deaths attributed to the vaccine. National File recently reported that a 16-year-old boy with no allergies or preexisting health conditions died of a heart attack exactly two days after being vaccinated with the controversial Pfizer vaccine:


“The case, listed in the database as VAERS ID 1242573, reveals that the 15-year-old boy was ‘vaccinated with Pfizer/Biontech’ on April 18, 2021. He began to experience adverse reactions to the vaccine on April 19, 2021, and ‘died 04/20/2021, 2 days after vaccination.'” National File reported, “The VAERS database also reveals that he had no other illnesses, no preexisting conditions, no known allergies, no birth defects, and no permanent disabilities. He merely died of “cardiac failure” exactly two days after receiving the controversial vaccine.”


Current research indicates that young, healthy people are highly unlikely to experience severe COVID-19 symptoms, but may be at greater risk of suffering adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 2, 2021, 9:38 p.m. No.50203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0211 >>0263 >>0285

Voters Advance 2 Republicans, No Democrats in Texas Special Election Runoff Race


Two Republicans will advance to a runoff as the top two vote-getters in the race for Texas’s 6th Congressional District, after no one in the 23-candidate field won an outright majority of votes on May 1.


Republicans Susan Wright, wife of the late Rep. Ron Wright, finished with 19 percent of the vote, while Jake Ellzey garnered 14 percent. Democrat Jana Lynne Sanchez finished third with 13 percent and conceded on May 2.


The development will ensure that a Republican will win the seat to represent the northern Texas district following Ron Wright’s death earlier this year. The date of the runoff hasn’t yet been announced.

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 2, 2021, 11:23 p.m. No.50204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0211 >>0263 >>0285

DR. Sherri Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt: The medical industry has now become weaponized


Guest is Dr. Lee Merritt:

Spinal Surgeon associated with the America Assn of Physicals and Surgeons (AAPS) - one of the few medical orgs that still seems to be ethically grounded. Navy surgeon for 10 years.


Dr M: "If we don't win this, they're coming after us." We're getting flack because we're over the target.


Both agree we're living in the Ministry of Truth - 1984.

If we were so wrong, why would they bother?


Dr M: started by talking about the mask mandate. Charged with not knowing about the "science of masks." Not right for children or contagion control. They're about HUMAN CONTROL.


Thinks it's all to get to the vaccine.


Dr TP agrees. Vax - over 3000 deaths now. Became aware of what's up about 2009 - re mandating any medical treatment. MDs were taught about vaxxes at the time of smallpox and polio. Then she looked at flu vaxxes - bad news. That woke her up.


Gulf War syndrome - caused by squalene in vaxxes. bad side effects. took it out but then put it back it, not ethical - We now have a pharmaceutical cabal.


Dr TP: Why are doctors willing to question anything?


Dr M: There's a reason we got here. Obamacare corralled doctors into a pen. Accountable Care Act have bought out MD practices, so very few MDs are independent now. Tony Fauci - key to this whole thing. He's the DS's biggest asset.


$ from Gates was funnelled into NIH thru Fauci. F funded Wuhan lab too. One person controls a lot. "Got a rolodex and a long arm." 3 tiers of MDs: admin, practitioners, MDs in training. Practitioners are doctors who work for hospitals. If they speak, they will lose their job. But - they don't get a pass anymore, not morally exempt at this point.


HCL - we stifled the ability to save people from viral disease and it was stifled/suppressed from the 1970s.


German doctors in WWII - morally corrupt. Hung for crimes against humanity. Titular head of death camp experimentation. Not a bad guy, she says, but that was his position. MDs today are in the same position when patients are given experimental vaxxes wo/informed consent.


Nazi MDs were just like us - but didn't get off the bus when they should have. Went over the cliff.


Dr TP: These shots are"a well-designed killing machine."

24 mechanisms of harm. The proteins being injected are now being SHED - and getting out into the environment.


Dr M: This war started 25 years ago, even more. ][A certain perspective] is needed to prop up a totalitarian takeover. Notion fed to young doctors: only medical establishment is worthwhile, needs 30 years double-blind trials to support anything. New doctors no longer value clinical experience. They were brainwashed. Modeling was sold as the way to go, too. We should accept truth from authority. German Prussian education system.


Pejorative terms used to denirate those who won't knuckle under - "anti-vaxxer", "conspiracy theorist", "McCarthyite". Next they'll start picking off people individually.


Talked to Judy Mikovits about shedding. She think the problem is not not so much the mNRA - it's the reactivation of latent viruses within our own bodies. Dr M doesn't know whether she agrees but it's interesting.


Peer review system - no longer works. Looked at brain bleeds and the vaxxes. There seem to be bleeding problems associated with the covid vaxxes. But hard to get it out in journals.


Dr TP: Peer review is a scam. Too many good studies get turned down. Story: somebody submitted a good study which was accepted - subbed out the word drug with "herb" - rejected. Told her all she needed to know. Problems with clots, block brain flow - when blocked, very painful. All the shots cause this. Incidence is extraordinarily high. Relates to Guillain-Barre.


Flu shots and Guillain-Barre - Dr M thinks there's a link. Covid shots seem to cause those symptoms too. One of the VAERS goals - to detect new, unusual, rare events after the vax. Why don't the MDs see this? Gives credit to Michael Yeadon for saying "they're trying to kill us." started out with science, now they're seeing the MOTIVE.


Are the [top] doctors just wrong about everything? NO. Got to know. Not innocent mistakes.


She's done research on thalidomide, how it got used. Why not detected. Some did. Spectrum of disorders, but only noticed by clinical observation. You need to read the actual cases, not just look at numbers. Dr TP tells the story of an MD noticing a problem with flu shots (w/mercury or phenol) and complications w/kidney disease - fellow doctors weren't interested.


Dr M: Study on younger people in military, effect of flu shots: these had a 36% increased chance of acquiring corona virus (NOT covid-19 but ordinary corona). Nobody disrecommended flu shots - very bad. But CDC slowed down on recommending flu shots for a while.


Dr TP: gave a talk on problems with flu shots. Older nurse saw more deaths after flu shots. Last words?


Dr M: website:

This problem could go away if we just got on with our lives. We've just entered the age of viral weapons. You'll be vaccinated to death if you let them do this. We have to fight back.

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 3, 2021, 12:05 a.m. No.50210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.


means a lot of people will eventually go to jail

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 3, 2021, 12:14 a.m. No.50211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0212

>>50194 da doh



>>50198, >>50199 Kelli Ward Sounds the Alarm – Dem Sec of State Hobbs Is Sneaking Dem Operatives into the Audit - see VID


Night Crew callin' the ball, we hard at work

nappening now tho

bak latah

>>50200 Economic Schedule for Week of May 2, 2021

>>50202 CDC: Over 9,000 People Who Got Vaccinated Later Tested Positive For COVID-19, Over 100 Died

>>50203 Voters Advance 2 Republicans, No Democrats in Texas Special Election Runoff Race

>>50204 DR. Sherri Tenpenny & Dr. Lee Merritt: The medical industry has now become weaponized

>>50205 Finland: Int'l Criminal Court should investigate its govt for large-scale & systematic crimes against humanity

>>50206, >>50208 Nuremberg Code: ten standards in experiments on human subjects

>>50209 Must-see vid for KEKS

board owner !!wfVoXtXvss ID: 9ba5f1 May 3, 2021, 12:40 a.m. No.50223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


looks like i succeeded in whitelisting that one

u wanted at bo or bv

easy to show u another way, just edit something

Anonymous ID: 9ba5f1 May 3, 2021, 8:04 a.m. No.50281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0282 >>0283 >>0284

mornin' friends

night baker taking a break from sleep



>begging bakers

yeah but look at the tone

"mother fucking faggot" ain't gonna attract the steady types



>oss baked

yes, he did

after baking, said it was a pleasure.

like thanking the victim after a rape