Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 4:31 p.m. No.50460   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0461


the reason dey call it a 'come to Jesus' moment is coz it's completely outta left field.

Then again, anybody who would stand it their kitchen wearing a mask that looks like iit needs a matching hijab - not a likely candidate.

But marriages like this ARE strategic, so why a divorce? (real reason)

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 4:41 p.m. No.50462   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0464


>not gonna habben

just playin with it, does it mean he'll change the foundation name? made it "bill and linda" to be pc i imagine - got it chiselled into the bldg too. could be an expensive divorce, having to change everything. but he'll have to if there's a new marriage. next name: gates foundation. kek.

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.50463   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0470 >>0488

more CodeMonkey:


Why would the government announce a partnership to utilize private industry for spying on citizens?

Do they already have the data they need?

Can data obtained illegally be used in court?

By showing the data was obtained “legally”, can illegally obtained data now be presented “legally” in court?


First Amendment Loophole

Step 1

Government asks Big Tech to censor you

Step 2

Big Tech censors you




Since the government didn’t technically censor you, your First Amendment right was not technically violated.

You are effectively silenced by the government with no standing to claim your rights were violated.

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.50465   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0467 >>0470 >>0488

Windham, NH Board WALKS OUT of Town Meeting After Outraged Residents Shouts Them Down Over Audit!

HUNDREDS of local citizens turned out to the Winham, New Hampshire City Meeting tonight at the city hall.


The city leaders or “selectmen” moved the meeting back to the smaller venue at the city hall sometime today.

That way HUNDREDS of concerned citizens were left standing outside!


The Windham residents WERE NOT HAPPY after city leaders held the meeting in a room that only held a few dozen people.

The Windham residents are also outraged that city leaders announced they were going to use a corrupt deep state organization to hold the audit!

This is outrageous!


Tonight during the meeting the city residents confronted city leaders. The board members then WALKED OUT of the meeting.

They did not expect the locals to fight back against their corruption!

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 5:24 p.m. No.50477   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0487 >>0488


Biden did say it - it's in the clip.


In an April 2007 interview, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) declares “I am a Zionist’ and discusses his support for Israel.


looks like his purpose was to show support for Israel in order to get elected.

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 5:27 p.m. No.50478   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0488



Gov Inslee (WA) INSTITUTIONALIZES vaccinated sections for Washington venues as #MedicalApartheid grows:


OLYMPIA, Wash. — Gov. Inslee announced Monday that venues in Washington state are now allowed to have vaccinated sections to increase capacity.

The new rules, outlined in a release from the governor’s office says that vaccinated sections can increase the allowed total capacity to 50% or 22,000 people, whichever is smaller.

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 5:46 p.m. No.50482   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0485 >>0488


Apologies. Followed up on this - the video makes it sound like this just happened and emegency mtg is now.


But these events tood place day before yesterday- hate it when they do this (post something a day later, don't give the date, and it sounds like it's hot off the press). Here is the Epoch Times article from May 1 with more details.


Firm Overseeing Arizona Election Audit Says Court Released Security Plan to Public



The Florida-based firm that’s overseeing the 2020 election audit in Arizona’s largest county on April 30 claimed that a court released its security plan to the public, despite knowing it was meant to be shielded from public view.


Cyber Ninjas submitted a slew of documents to the Maricopa County Superior Court in response to a recent ruling by Judge Daniel Martin, who rejected an attempt to file the documents under seal because of their sensitive nature and ordered them filed by noon local time on April 29.


But even the plaintiffs in the case, the Arizona Democratic Party, agreed that one exhibit, which gave an overview of the security for the audit, should be withheld from the public.


The seven-page plan appeared on the website of the court on April 29; it was available for anyone to view and download. The Epoch Times obtained the plan while it was publicly accessible.


According to a request for an emergency hearing, the court was aware the filing was meant to be shielded but still published it online for anyone to see.


At 11:02 a.m., about an hour before the deadline, lawyers for Cyber Ninjas informed Martin’s judicial assistant that the exhibit shouldn’t be publicly released. They offered to send over a stipulated motion saying as much.


The court, approximately 30 minutes later, asked for the motion. Lawyers drafted the motion and sent it to all parties involved. The court at 12:58 p.m. asked about the motion, and lawyers promptly informed the assistant that all parties had been provided with the proposed motion and they were waiting for approval. At 3:32 p.m., Cyber Ninjas filed the stipulation. Three minutes later, the judicial assistant responded, “Thank you.”


Additionally, the court’s clerk said in an entry from 3:20 p.m. that it received the stipulation and that the exhibit would be sealed.


But the security plans, known as Exhibit D9, were still released to the public.


“Although the Court had knowledge since 11:02 am that the Parties agreed that Exhibit D9 should be sealed and not made available to the public, the Court released Exhibit D9 to the public via Maricopa County’s Clerk of the Superior Court website,” Cyber Ninjas lawyers wrote in the request for a hearing.


The exhibit began to appear on the internet after 6 p.m. and later that evening, a local media outlet published an article describing details of the exhibit.


The request was for an emergency status conference regarding what happened.


The court and Cyber Ninjas didn’t respond to requests by The Epoch Times for comment.


Martin was appointed by a Democratic governor. He took over the case, an attempt to block the audit by Arizona Democrats, after another judge had recused himself. On April 28, Martin rebuffed a bid to immediately halt the audit.


The audit started on April 23 and is scheduled to continue until May 14. Workers are reviewing ballots cast and machines used in Maricopa County in the 2020 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 6765ab May 3, 2021, 6:03 p.m. No.50489   🗄️.is đź”—kun


yw, mebbe we'll find out why Gen M brought it up right now....he's got kind of a grab bag tonite so idk.


yawning has resumed, will resume recumbent posture and hope to achieve an optimal state of rest and relaxation upon awakening