Anonymous ID: c35359 May 6, 2021, 8:55 p.m. No.51472   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hola negros


>>51324 pb Civil War? in Columbia czech it for yourself


The situation in Colombia is complicated but I would not say "civil war".


It's more like rebellion with high popular support. The common people and the workers are tired of the government that steals everything. They have tryed to force some "reforms" like higher taxes and higher healthcare costs, and people have been protesting all over the country. It is difficult to travel now where I am, you might get in a traffic that lasts for 1 or 2 days behind a protest that has lit a fire in the road, and there are some curfews and restrictions by region. This stopped some parts of the economy. Other parts of the country are probably very unsafe, but that is common here.


Due to the protests they took out the part for the tax reform and they are going to "rewrite" it but people are still angry. They said they needed to raise taxes because of the pandemic, and they tried to push all the reforms through after the big campaign of fear of covid for more than one year now.


There is vandalism and people are destroying some stores and bus stations but most of the time the protests are peaceful... and then sometimes they are not. There is also many people who think this is just delinquentes causing trouble and fucking up, and these people want the military and the police to "restore order", which is how we have "disappeared persons" here, about one hundred already. There is political group in particular that uses this kind of language. It is led by Álvaro Uribe, who has some puppets like the president Iván Duque and some senators. Uribe is famous here because many people believe that he was responsible for this:


Anyways, People say that the protestors are all violent but then we see many men leaving a police station dressed like civilians and carrying weapons. I have posted one video here. Many people have reported things like this happening in different places.


Finally we write the name of our country as Colombia.

