>æıđ нœреđ chans would be an round table =sooperĒłíțė thinktank/brainstew fer possible solutions [er at least palliative measures] against the darkness endemic to all that is perceivable to æı§ eye
it could have been. it still could be. but most, even here, have forgotten. and reminding them over and over does not seem to be working. tis a shame of fucking monumental proportions.
we could have the timeaus but we continually settle for baseness of newton. we fucking traded access to the infinite via the logos for fucking ever increasing (though at an ever decreasing rate for there is a limit) control over the physical. we develop our mastery over matter while diminishing our souls.
hate begets hate. but righteousness will win in the end. and along the way only one elijah is required to rid us of the prophets of baal. but perhaps we no longer deserve it.
this anon has seen your service.
thankee-sai anon.