Link to debunk of that evil slide show on vaccines for schools
Shows the 14 slides with alternative interpretations or commentary underneath. Simple but effective way to rebut evil propaganda aimed at students.
this is an article by Ayaan Hirshi Ali on tribalism:
Tribalism has come to the West
Hostile and polarised, today's America reminds me of my Somalian clan
In tribal communities, neutral institutions of civil society that Westerners take for granted — such as the police, impartial courts, and the rule of law — simply do not, and cannot, exist. In such societies, everything is tribalised, and the task of building civic institutions is laden with difficulties.
In Somalia, I was taught to be suspicious of anyone from a different clan, to always think harm was coming my way and to be guarded against anyone that was “other.” ...
[Speaking of how tribalism shows up now in the USA:]
If such tribalism isn’t overcome, it’s only a matter of time before the situation escalates.
Some of this has its absurd side: for instance, the strange ways that public-health measures such as mask-wearing and vaccination have become politicised, to the point that I know of fully vaccinated people in California who say they will continue to wear masks for fear of being mistaken for Republicans. Bizarre? Of course. But it is also symptomatic of a dangerous trend towards tribalism....
Just as I noticed with my friend over lunch, there is frequently a visceral hostility towards anyone who leans even slightly toward the Right. Today, especially in academia, those who don’t conform with the “progressive” narrative, no matter how ethical they might be as individuals, are vilified as racists, white supremacists, homophobes or transphobes. Individuals can be attacked, cancelled, disinvited or even fired for the tiniest of verbal transgressions....
If we continue to slip down this path, the thirst for tribalism will be unquenchable. That’s why moderate liberals need to stand up to the destructive forces that are taking over the Democratic party, just as moderate conservatives need to resist the tribal impulse that often grows in reaction to the other side’s excesses.
In Somalia, we failed to do this. In America it is imperative that we succeed.
Governor Roy Cooper Declares State of Emergency Over Gas Shortage in North Carolina
just thinking how the pipeline hack makes gas look bad (illustrating its vulnerabilities) - thus turning public opinion against it?
then saw this post:
EU Ombudsman To Probe Gas Projects In Western Balkans To End Fossil Fuels
from the article:
The European Ombudsman will investigate and assess the sustainability of priority gas infrastructure projects in the Western Balkans, following a Bankwatch complaint against the European Commission about its impact on the climate and the displacement of renewable energy.
The priority gas infrastructure projects in the region include 12 gas projects, worth at least € 2billion, which are approved by the Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECI).
The complaint against European Commission raises concerns that their oversight of such projects was lacking.
In 2020, the Ombudsman levied criticism against the Commission for approving several projects without ascertaining what their greenhouse gas emission levels would be. Another similar inquiry was then opened against the Commission regarding similar projects in southeast and eastern Europe.
Bankwatch claims that not only does the Ombudsman have grounds, but that the Commission didn’t undertake sound sustainability assessments. ...
“The Energy Community countries, like the rest of the world, need to decarbonize their energy sectors by 2050 at the latest. Greenlighting gas projects now undermines any efforts…What needs to be prioritized are energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy projects, not gas.”
"Dance Once More"
from World Freedom Alilance
Officer Derek Chauvin's attorneys have filed a motion for new trial.
Allegations include: due process and constitutional violations for failing to transfer venue, failing to sequester the jury; confrontation clause violation of confrontation clause for failing to order Morries Hall to testify; prosecutorial misconduct.
Our analysis: it's a valid motion - and we believe he deserves the appeal to be granted - but appeals courts are very hesitant to grant the relief requested.
Read it here:
ebil trips for an ebil idea
yeah, want to destroy everything good
why it's a precipice
even the fear pron serves a purpose if it wakes people up
better than the slow burn for the last half a century, everything's coming out into the open
American Airlines changing routes due to fuel shortage.
What else will change, or be limited, or supply chain failures - “due to the pipeline.”
Just like “due to COVID.”
These are mere pretenses for the social engineers to implement their agendas — the trajectory remains entirely consistent, propelled forward by these scripted events.
“The hackers” have warned that 24 other companies have been attacked like the pipeline — just as I mentioned when FireEye’s offensive hacking toolkit was stolen, this is CARTE BLANCHE for any attacks on any aspects of critical infrastructure—power grids, supply chains, municipal water, you name it!—and just exclaim “those pesky Russian hackers!”
Note that this media frenzy implies we are in contact with them to. Somehow that’s perfectly normal to get press releases from the cyber criminals holding hostage the most strategic US pipeline ...
here's another post from Ice Age Farmer, documentatin a cnn report saying over 12,000 people die from animal ag each year. Dey goin full bore on their program for no-fun, no-frills agenda, POS swamp creators.
Air pollution from animal agriculture KILLS 12,700 PEOPLE EACH YEAR !
"Animal ag is dirty and dangerous and must be stopped..."
Air pollution from food production in the United States is linked to an estimated 15,900 premature deaths each year, according to a new study published Monday in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Of those, an estimated 12,700 deaths around 80% are connected to production of animal-based foods.
#WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy
will repost
there's s more Genl M images from mideast if anyone wants to get em, sore hands right now
taking a break,