Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 6:45 a.m. No.52768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2770 >>2783 >>2820 >>2823

U.S. consumer prices post biggest gain in nearly 12 years as inflation pressures build


U.S. consumer prices increased by the most in nearly 12 years in April as booming demand amid a reopening economy pushed against supply constraints, which could fuel financial market fears of a lengthy period of higher inflation.


The report from the Labor Department on Wednesday also showed a strong building up of underlying price pressures. Demand is being driven by nearly $6 trillion in government relief since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the United States in March 2020 and the vaccination of more than a third of the population.


Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell and many economists largely view higher inflation as transitory, with supply chains expected to adapt and become more efficient. But there are concerns that inflation could linger amid reports that companies are raising wages as they compete for scarce workers. Though job openings are at a record 8.1 million and nearly 10 million people are officially unemployed, companies are scrambling for labor. Generous unemployment benefits, fears of contracting COVID-19, parents still at home caring for children and pandemic-related retirements have been blamed for the disconnect. Average hourly earnings jumped in April.


The consumer price index jumped 0.8% last month, the largest gain since June 2009. The CPI rose 0.6% in March. Food prices increased 0.4%. The cost of food consumed at home also gained 0.4%. The cost of food consumed away from home rose 0.3%. Gasoline prices fell 1.4% after accelerating 9.1% in March. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the CPI climbing 0.2% in April. In the 12 months through April, the CPI shot up 4.2%. That was the largest gain since September 2008 and followed a 2.6% increase in March. The jump mostly reflected the dropping of last spring's weak readings from the calculation. Those so-called base effects are expected to push annual inflation even higher in the months ahead.


U.S. stock index futures extended losses on the data, which investors feared could force the Fed to raise interest rates sooner than expected. The dollar rose against a basket of currencies. U.S. Treasury prices were lower. The Fed slashed its benchmark overnight interest rate to near zero and is pumping money into the economy through monthly bond purchases. The U.S. central bank has signaled it could tolerate higher inflation after years of lower inflation.


Excluding the volatile food and energy components, the CPI soared 0.9%, the largest gain since April 1982. The so-called core CPI rose 0.3% in March. There were increases in prices for used cars and trucks, shelter, airline fares, recreation, motor vehicle insurance as well as household furnishings. In the 12 months through April, the core CPI jumped 3.0% after increasing 1.6% in March.


The Fed tracks the core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index for its 2% inflation target, a flexible average. The core PCE price index is at 1.8%.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 6:50 a.m. No.52771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2780 >>2783 >>2802 >>2820 >>2823

82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA east on a cert. and/or maintenance flight-still no 92-9000

GORDO15 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Lincoln Muni Omnaha NE se

VOTE56 US navy E-6B Mercury also se and from Tinker AFB, OKC

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 6:58 a.m. No.52775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2783 >>2820 >>2823

Japan to restart nuclear reactor beyond 40-year limit in June


An aging nuclear reactor in central Japan will be restarted in late June, becoming the first unit to operate beyond the government-mandated 40-year service period under new rules set after the 2011 Fukushima disaster, the operator said Wednesday.


Kansai Electric Power Co. will begin loading nuclear fuel into the No. 3 unit at the Mihama plant in Fukui Prefecture from May 20, with full operation expected to commence after final inspections in late July, according to the utility. The Nuclear Regulation Authority granted approval in 2016 for the reactor to operate beyond the 40-year limit for an additional period of up to 20 years, after screening the company's safety measures for the unit.


The mayor of Mihama also gave his consent for the resumption in February this year, followed by Fukui Gov. Tatsuji Sugimoto on April 28. But the No. 3 unit, which has been idle since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, will likely operate for just four months until Oct. 25 as the implementation of counterterrorism measures is unlikely to be completed, according to the company. Two other Kansai Electric reactors in Fukui Prefecture have also secured nuclear watchdog approval and local consent to operate beyond the 40-year limit. But the Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at the Takahama plant will not resume operation for the time being as the utility is unlikely to meet a June 9 deadline to complete the implementation of counterterrorism measures.


The Mihama No. 3 unit began commercial operation in 1976. The Takahama No. 1 reactor did so in 1974 and the No. 2 unit in 1975.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 7:18 a.m. No.52777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2783 >>2820 >>2823

Insurance Brokers Sell Assets to Win Approval for $35 Billion Merger


Aon, Willis Towers Watson agree to $3.6 billion deal with rival to help address EU’s antitrust concerns.



Aon PLC and Willis Towers Watson PLC on Wednesday agreed to sell a package of assets to a smaller rival in an effort to win antitrust approval for their $35 billion tie-up to create the world’s largest insurance broker.


The $3.57 billion deal with Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. comes as Aon and Willis are under pressure to address concerns from the European Union’s executive arm around a combination of the No. 2 and No. 3 brokers.


The EU fears that, left unchecked, their merger would narrow customer choice and give the combined entity too much sway over prices for helping clients purchase financial protection against property and casualty damages, trade tensions and cybercrime.


Together, the companies would have combined revenue of more than $20 billion. That would top Marsh & McLennan Cos.’ total of $17.2 billion last year and dwarf the more than $6 billion generated by Gallagher.


Aon and Willis, both registered in Ireland, are betting that the asset sales to Gallagher would resolve the European Commission’s issues by allowing the rival broker to expand its business helping insurers buy reinsurance or protection against claims and extend its reach geographically.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 8:20 a.m. No.52787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2823

Swiss aim to re-open economy, donate AstraZeneca COVID-19 shots


Switzerland aims to expand its economic re-opening and may donate millions of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine doses to developing countries as the Alpine nation grows increasingly confident it is beating back the pandemic.


Health Minister Alain Berset on Wednesday said the country may give 3 million of 5.4 million AstraZeneca doses it has reserved to the COVAX vaccine sharing programme. Switzerland has enough mRNA shots from producers including Pfizer and Moderna to cover 2021 and 2022, Berset said. The government announced plans starting May 31 to re-open indoor dining in restaurants, increase attendance at public events and ease work-from-home requirements as infections, hospitalisations and deaths have fallen. A final decision is due on May 26. AstraZeneca’s shot, restricted in some countries or limited to certain age groups after links to very rare blood clots, has yet to be approved in Switzerland as the Swiss regulator seeks more data. “If it is approved, then only a limited number would be deployed in Switzerland,” Berset told a news conference in Bern. “We looked at it today, and the Interior Ministry has been tasked with making necessary inquiries about how we would donate 3 million doses available to COVAX.”


So far, Switzerland has ordered more than 40 million vaccine doses, including 13.5 million in 2021 and 7 million in 2022 from Moderna, 6 million from Pfizer and its German partner BionTech , 5 million from CureVac and 6 million from Novavax. Berset said mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, as well as CureVac’s yet-to-be-approved shot form the backbone of Switzerland’s strategy for initial shots and future refresher jabs, seen as likely as the coronavirus mutates.


Berset said people should continue to stick to social distancing, mask wearing, and getting COVID-19 vaccines. About a quarter of the 8.6 million population has got jabs so far.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 9:09 a.m. No.52790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2792 >>2820 >>2823



Stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready.


soldiers with the 1st Brigade,


check accuracy on their M2A2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle ahead of operations in the


area of responsibility.



12:00 PM · May 12, 2021·

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 9:16 a.m. No.52791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2823

Dip-Buyers Disappear As Bonds, Stock Bloodbath Escalates


Nasdaq is now down 2.5%, rapidly approaching red for the year and it is dragging the rest of the equity market lower. And the selling pressure continues with NYSE downticks have dominated for 15 minutes. And while stocks are being dumped, bonds are also seeing liquidations to a key level.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 9:33 a.m. No.52797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2823

Global firms leave Myanmar office block with military ties


A number of tenants of a high-end office block in Myanmar that the United Nations said is built on military-owned land have moved out or are reviewing their leases, including McKinsey, Coca-Cola and Reuters, the companies said.


Activist group Justice for Myanmar last month called on commercial tenants of the Sule Square complex of offices and shops in the heart of Myanmar’s commercial hub of Yangon to stop indirectly supporting the army. “Sule Square has big-name tenants that continue to lease office space in the building, indirectly supporting the army,” Justice for Myanmar said in a report in which it identified 18 of the tenants.


Reuters approached all of the companies named in the report. Of the eight that said they had moved or were reviewing office plans, two cited the military link. Others cited various reasons including business prospects and staff safety. Business has collapsed in the Southeast Asian country since a Feb. 1 coup that prompted widespread protests and strikes, during which the army has killed hundreds of civilians and arrested thousands. Opened in 2017 near the historic Sule Pagoda, Sule Square was developed by a local affiliate of Hong Kong listed Shangri-La Asia, which also manages the building and an adjacent hotel. The site was leased from the military, according to a 2019 fact-finding mission established by the United Nations to investigate the army’s economic interests, media and human rights groups. As the basis for its conclusion that the land is owned by the military, the mission in its report cited what it called digital records. One of the authors of the report, human rights consultant Chris Sidoti, said the material had been archived and was not immediately available. On Tuesday, Reuters made a request to the United Nations to get access to the records. Shangri-La, which said in 2017 it had invested $125 million in the development, declined to comment on Reuters’ questions about land ownership.


A spokesman for Myanmar’s junta did not answer calls seeking comment. Reuters could not independently verify details of the land lease deal. Myanmar’s military, which directly ruled for almost 50 years after taking power in a 1962 coup, owns large tracts of land and controls conglomerates that span everything from mining to banking. McKinsey & Company terminated its lease of serviced office space in Sule Square in early 2021, said Melissa Yeo, director of reputation and communications, Southeast Asia, at the consultancy, without elaborating. In an emailed statement, Coca-Cola said it would not be renewing its lease when it ends in mid-June citing “changing business requirements”.


When contacted for comment, a spokesperson for Reuters, which was not one of the companies named in the report, said it is not currently using its Sule Square office and was reviewing its tenancy. The spokesperson did not comment on the building’s possible military ties.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.52800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2823

Government warning to gas hoarders: Don't put gasoline in plastic bags


The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a warning to people attempting to hoard gas amid the chaos prompted by the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.


"Do not fill plastic bags with gasoline," the agency warned in a Twitter thread. "Use only containers approved for fuel." The CPSC says consumers should follow the gas canister manufacturer's instructions for storing and transporting gasoline. When filling a gas canister, individuals should never pour gasoline over or near an open flame. Doing so will lead to flame jetting, "a sudden and possibly violent flash fire," the agency wrote. "We know this sounds simple, but when people get desperate they stop thinking clearly. They take risks that can have deadly consequences," the CPSC concluded. "If you know someone who is thinking about bringing a container not meant for fuel to get gas, please let them know it's dangerous." Cars have lined up for hours at gas stations across the East Coast to fuel up, causing over 1,000 locations to report gasoline outages.


That this eben needs to be mentioned.....wait a few weeks when they don't vent them too.

Anonymous ID: 9303cc May 12, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.52822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2823

SAM368 USAF G5 (ghost AF2 AC from 0322) departed JBA west

German AF GAF906 Airbus A340 departed Dulles Int'l after an overnight-inbound from Koln/Bonn Luftwaffe home base-This AC is used as German AF1

82-8000 USAF 747 ne after a trip into and out of Gulf 'o Mex and likely heading back to JBA

VOTE56 US Navy E-6B Mercury nw after some werk in the Florida Keys