Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 3:46 a.m. No.54089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4090


got the g to agree to take out dead trees so gotta think through landscape clean up, all done at once, poof, best way round here, done and forgotten but mostly done, roof, windows, etc

guud weekend, all smooth like, Drs this week, am visits, nothin big, just time away

they are both healthy enough considering, labs don't lie

it'll all be worth it, hopes for ya bro, island livin comin at ya


Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:23 a.m. No.54105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4108

POTUS will be up all night.


Watch the news tomorrow.

'tomorrow' = [MONDAY]


Seems the Rothschilds might have a problem?

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:26 a.m. No.54107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Boris Johnson and Allegra Mostyn-Owen, Sultans Ball, 1986

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:40 a.m. No.54112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Beluga Whale Image In That Popular Melania Trump Tweet Mysteriously Turned Into A Giraffe


Twitter told BuzzFeed News the image switch was due to "an internal issue."

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:49 a.m. No.54117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4120 >>4128 >>4150 >>4183


The Mogul in Search of a Kinder, Gentler Capitalism


Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, believes change will come when hedge fund billionaires and Pope Francis work together.


A self-made multimillionaire who married into a revered European banking dynasty, Lynn Forester de Rothschild now spends her time calling for higher taxes on the wealthy, stricter regulation of big business and a wholesale reordering of the capitalist system that has delivered her such privilege.


It is an unlikely reformation for a woman who came from modest origins, made a fortune in the 1980s and could have spent her later years enjoying a sumptuous life of aristocracy.


Born to a middle-class family in the New Jersey suburbs, Ms. Rothschild began her career at the white shoe law firm Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett, then started working with John Kluge, a telecommunications mogul, in the 1980s. Ms. Rothschild eventually struck out on her own, working for, running and founding a series of successful media companies.


In 2000, she married Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, a British financier. (Henry Kissinger introduced them at the Bilderberg conference; the Clintons invited them to honeymoon at the White House.)


Despite her pedigree, Ms. Rothschild has in recent years come to understand that while she and her associates have enjoyed the fruits of capitalism, not all have fared so well. Many workers are struggling to get by. The environment is in serious trouble. Government often cleans up the private sector’s messes.


Sociable and well-connected, Ms. Rothschild has tapped her expansive network to launch a multipronged assault on the status quo. In 2014, she founded the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, an effort to get business leaders more engaged in environmental and social issues. And she has parlayed that into a related group, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, that is working with Pope Francis, and a new fund focused on socially responsible investing she founded with Jeff Ubben, a successful hedge fund manager.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.54118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great Reset Timeline


2014-2017: Klaus Schwab calls for Great Reset and WEF repeats message


Between 2014 and 2017, the WEF called to reshape, restart, reboot, and reset the global order every single year, each aimed at solving various “crises.”


Then in 2018, the Davos elites turned their heads towards simulating fake pandemic scenarios to see how prepared the world would be in the face of a different crisis.


2018-2019: WEF, Johns Hopkins & Gates Foundation simulate fake pandemics


2020: WEF declares ‘Now is the time for a Great Reset’


And that’s where we’re at today.


Next on the agenda is a complete makeover of society under a technocratic regime of un-elected bureaucrats who want to dictate how the world is run from the top down, leveraging invasive technologies to track and trace your every move while censoring and silencing anyone who dares not comply.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 5:55 a.m. No.54119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4120

Rare orange-eyed owl spotted for the first time in more than 125 years


Sat, May 15, 2021, 12:54 PM

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 6:06 a.m. No.54122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4123 >>4128 >>4150 >>4183

Military Intelligence Leader Lt. Gen. James Clapper Joins LookingGlass Advisory Board


Reston, VA., February 16, 2021 – LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, a leader in operationalizing threat intelligence, announced the appointment today of Lt. Gen. James Clapper to its Advisory Board.


Clapper served from 2010 – 2017 as the Director of National Intelligence. In that position, he led the United States intelligence community and served as the top intelligence advisor to the President.


Previously, Clapper served in two administrations as the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, where he was the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on intelligence, counterintelligence, and security matters for the Department. In addition, he simultaneously served as the first director of defense intelligence within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


Clapper’s career began in 1961 when he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and culminated as a lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force and Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Following his retirement from the military, Clapper worked in industry for six years as an executive in three companies focused on the Intelligence Community. He also served as a consultant and advisor to Congress and to the Departments of Defense and Energy, and as a member of a variety of government panels, boards, commissions, and advisory groups. He was a senior member of the Downing Assessment Task Force which investigated the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996, was vice chairman of The Gilmore Commission, and served on the NSA Advisory Board.


He returned to the government two days after 9/11 as the first civilian director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). He served in this capacity for almost five years, transforming it into the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA).


Clapper’s service and dedication to the security of the U.S. can be seen in the many awards he has received: three National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medals, two Defense Distinguished Service Medals, the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal, the Coast Guard’s Distinguished Public Service Award, three Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Awards, the Presidentially-conferred National Security Medal, and many other U.S. civilian and military, as well as foreign government, awards and decorations.


He is the also author of the New York Times best seller book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence.”


“General Clapper’s experience, spanning over five decades at the highest levels, is unparalleled. He is uniquely positioned to advise LookingGlass as we develop the next generation of cybersecurity products, ones that can operationalize threat intelligence to mitigate cyber threats at machine speeds. We are delighted that he has joined our Advisory Board,” said LookingGlass CEO, Gilman Louie.


“Over my career, I have watched the evolution and growth of cyber threats, which represent profound jeopardy to the nation’s safety and security. I was pleased to be asked to join the team at LookingGlass as an Advisory Board member. LookingGlass is an emerging, world-class company, which is committed to, and capable of, the prevention of cyber espionage such as we recently experienced with SolarWinds. Its proactive approach to cybersecurity is exactly what the nation needs,” added Clapper.


LookingGlass empowers organizations with threat intelligence and active defense through the company’s product portfolio to monitor, model, manage and mitigate risks in real time. The company’s portfolio of products includes scoutPRIME, which allows you to see what the adversary sees through an “outside-in” view of your internet infrastructure, and scoutTHREAT, which guides and enables your analysts to model adversarial capabilities and intent.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 6:16 a.m. No.54125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


everything you want to know, you can find out from watching these videos from Ronald Bernard, especially the part embedded, the missing interview part 3




It is the most informative of the lot when it comes to children, it seems like RONALD was abused as a child, used as a sex slave by the people who were supposed to protect him. A real life MK Ultra subject into the top levels of finance. WELL WORTH A WATCH.








Note: Will list them all on this post, plus have archived them offline incase they are taken down!!!





3) <-Solid unskiable adds to get through before you are allowed to watch, archived,



Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:30 a.m. No.54161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183


C-SPAN June 21, 2018


Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, & Ron Wyden Talk About How Easy It Is To Hack American Elections

guud vid

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:33 a.m. No.54164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


all clear this am

got the trees in the works over the phone, quick pic

Dr.s on 19 and 24, quick lab mabbe tomorrw, pee test only, be a quickie

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:40 a.m. No.54165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183 >>4187

An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci


Originally published May 31, 1988


“You care, I'm told (although I no longer believe it). I've even heard you called a saint… But saints have imaginations vivid enough to know how to spend $374 million in a dire emergency.”


I have been screaming at the National Institutes of Health since I first visited your Animal House of Horrors in 1984. I called you monsters then and I called you idiots in my play, The Normal Heart, and now I call you murderers.


You are responsible for supervising all government-funded AIDS treatment research programs. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call that murder.


At hearings on April 29 before Representative Ted Weiss and his House Subcommittee on Human Resources, after almost eight years of the worst epidemic in modern history, perhaps to be the worst in all history, you were pummeled into admitting publicly what some of us have been claiming since you took over three years ago.


You admitted that you are an incompetent idiot.


Over the past four years, $374 million has been allocated for AIDS treatment research. You were in charge of spending much of that money.


It doesn’t take a genius to set up a nationwide network of testing sites, commence a small number of moderately sized treatment efficacy tests on a population desperate to participate in them, import any and all interesting drugs (now numbering approximately 110) from around the world for inclusion in these tests at these sites, and swiftly get into circulation anything that remotely passes muster. Yet, after three years, you have established only a system of waste, chaos, and uselessness.


It doesn’t take a genius to announce that you have elected to personally supervise the study of a broad range of new drugs. Yet, two years later, you are forced to admit you’ve barely begun.


It doesn’t take a genius to request, as you did, 126 new staff persons, receive only 11, and then keep your mouth shut about it.


It takes an incompetent idiot.


To quote Representative Henry Waxman at the above hearings: “Dr. Fauci, your own drug selection committee has named 24 drugs as high priority for development and trials. As best as I can tell, 11 of these 24 are not in trials yet. Six of these drugs have been waiting for six months to more than a year. Why the delays? I understand the need to do what you call setting priorities but it appears even with your own scientists’ choices the trials are not going on.”


Your defense? “There are just confounding delays that no one can help… we are responsible as investigators to make sure that in our zeal to go quickly, that we do the clinical study correctly, that it’s planned correctly and executed correctly, rather than just having the drug distributed.”


Now you come bawling to Congress that you don’t have enough staff, office space, lab space, secretaries, computer operators, lab technicians, file clerks, janitors, toilet paper; and that’s why the drugs aren’t being tested and the network of treatment centers isn’t working and the drug protocols aren’t in place. You expect us to buy this bullshit and feel sorry for you. YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH OF A DUMB IDIOT, YOU HAVE HAD $374 MILLION AND YOU EXPECT US TO BUY THIS GARBAGE BAG OF EXCUSES!


The gay community has been on your ass for three years. For 36 agonizing months, you refused to go public with what was happening (correction: not happening), and because you wouldn’t speak up until you were asked pointedly by a congressional committee, we lie down and die and our bodies pile up higher and higher in hospitals and homes and hospices and streets and doorways.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:41 a.m. No.54166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183

An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci


Part 2 of 4


Originally published May 31, 1988


Meanwhile, drugs we have been begging that you test remain untested. The list of promising untested drugs is now so endless and the pipeline so clogged with NIH and FDA bureaucratic lies that there is no Roto-Rooter service in All God’s Christendom that will ever muck it out.


You whine to Congress that you are short of staff. You don’t need staff to set up hospital treatment centers around the country. The hospitals are already there. They hire their own staff. They only need money. You have money. YOU HAVE $374 MILION FUCKING DOLLARS, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.


The gay community has, for five years, told the NIH which drugs to test because we know and hear first what is working on some of us somewhere. You couldn’t care less about what we say. You won’t answer our phone calls or letters, or listen to anyone in our stricken community. What tragic pomposity!


The gay community has consistently warned that unless you move quickly your studies will be worthless because we’re already taking drugs into our bodies that we desperately locate all over the world (who can wait for you?!!), and all your “scientific” protocols are stupidly based on utilizing guinea-pig bodies that are clean. You wouldn’t listen, and now you wonder why so few sign up for your meager assortment of “scientific” protocols that make such rigid demands for “purity” that no one can fulfill them, unless they lie. And why should those who can obtain the drugs themselves take the chance of receiving a placebo in one of your “scientific” studies?


How many years ago did we tell you about aerosol pentamidine, Tony? This stuff saves lives. And we discovered it ourselves. We came to you, bearing this great news on a silver platter, begging you: can we get it officially tested; can we get it approved so insurance companies and Medicaid will pay for it (as well as other drugs we beg you to test) as a routine treatment, and our patients going broke paying for medicine can get it cheaper? You monster.


“Assume that you have AIDS, and that you’ve had pneumonia once,” Representative Nancy Pelosi said. “You know that aerosolized pentamidine was evaluated by NIH as highly promising… You know as of today that the delays in NIH trials… may not be solved this year… Would you wait for [an NIH] study?”


You replied: “I probably would go with what would be available to me, be it available in the street or what have you.”


We tell you what the good drugs are, you don’t test them, then YOU TELL US TO GET THEM ON THE STREETS. You continue to pass down word from On High that you don’t like this drug or that drug — when you haven’t even tested them. THERE ARE MORE AIDS VICTIMS DEAD BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T TEST DRUGS ON THEM THAN BECAUSE YOU DID.


You’ve yet to test imuthiol, AS101, dextran sulfate, DHEA, Imreg-1, Erythropoietin — all drugs Gay Men’s Health Crisis considers top priority. You do like AZT, which consumes 80 percent of your studies, even though Dr. Barry Gingell, GMHC’s medical director, now describes AZT as “a cumulative poison… foisted on the public.” Soon there will be more AIDS patients dead because you did test drugs on them — the wrong drugs.


ACT UP was formed over a year ago to get experimental drugs into the bodies of patients. For one year ACT UP has tried every kind of protest known to man (short of putting bombs in your toilet or flames up your institute) to get some movement in this area. One year later, ACT UP is still screaming for the same drugs they begged and implored you and your world to release. One year of screaming, protesting, crying, cajoling, lobbying, threatening, imprecating, marching, testifying, hoping, wishing, praying has brought nothing. You don’t listen. No one listens. No one has ears. Or hearts.


Whose ass are you covering for, Tony? (Besides your own). Is it the head of your Animal House, the invisible Dr. James Wyngaarden, director of the National Institute of Health (and may a Democratic president get him out of office fast)? Is it Dr. Vincent DeVita, head of the National Cancer Institute, another invisible murderer who lets you be his fall guy? Or Dr. Otis Bowen, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, no doubt the biggest murderer on the list; Shultz and Weinberger would never take such constricting shit from the Office of Management and Budget. All the doctors have continuously told the world that All Is Being Done That Can Be Done. Now you admit that isn’t so.




I don’t know (though it wouldn’t surprise me) if you kept quiet intentionally. I don’t know (though it wouldn’t surprise me) if you were ordered to keep quiet by Higher Ups Somewhere. You are a good lieutenant, like Adolph Eichmann.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:45 a.m. No.54167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183 >>4191

Emerald Robinson ✝️ @EmeraldRobinson


Bill Gates visited Jeffrey Epstein's NYC house DOZENS OF TIMES.


We all know what that means!


RIP: Bill Gates.


Jeffrey Epstein 'gave marital advice to Bill Gates'


Bill Gates met with Jeffrey Epstein 'dozens of times' at the pedophile's $77million Manhattan townhouse, left, where the pair would gossip about his marriage to Melinda, top right.


Jeffrey Epstein 'gave Bill Gates advice on how to end his 'toxic' marriage


to Melinda during dozens of 'men's club' meetings at pedophile's NYC home', claims new report


  • Jeffrey Epstein, who died in prison while awaiting trial for child sex offences, reportedly gave marriage advice to tech mogul and billionaire Bill Gates, 65


  • The pair met dozens of times at Epstein's $77million Upper East Side townhouse, far more frequently than had previously been known, The Daily Beast reported


  • Their meetings often resembled a 'men's club' atmosphere, where the pair would gossip about Gates' marriage, according to a person who attended them


  • The two men were 'very close', according to the source


  • A spokeswoman for Gates said the report was a 'mischaracterization'


  • The revelations came after Gates admitted to having an affair 20 years ago, and after a report said he asked two employees on dates while he was married

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 8:48 a.m. No.54168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183

President Trump Will Headline NCGOP 2021 State Convention In Greenville, NC:


Trump will be the featured speaker at the NCGOP 2021 State Convention, which will be held in Greenville on June 5.


The former president will speak at the Convention Dinner on Saturday night. The dinner will be closed to the press.


"President Trump won North Carolina in 2016 by promising to put America First, and he won North Carolina in 2020 by keeping that promise," NCGOP Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. "We are honored to welcome President Trump to our convention as the Republican Party launches our campaign to retake Congress and the Senate in the 2022 midterms."


Greenville is a familiar spot for the former president. Trump made multiple campaign stop there, including one in 2019 that made national headlines when the crowd, incensed by Trump, chanted "send her back" in a jeer targeted at four Democratic Congresswomen.


Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) May 17, 2021

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 9:09 a.m. No.54172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4180 >>4183

Kevin Runbeck's maternal grandfather was H. A. Liem. H. A. Liem was Superintendent of Clifton School District and later became Superintendent of the Washington School district in Phoenix. Kevin's mom is Kathryn "Kay" Liem Runbeck, H.A Liem was her dad. Clifton and Morenci are the mining towns where "The Arizona Orphan abduction" took place.


James Liem was Kay's brother.


James H. Liem, 83, of Paradise Valley passed away on June 10, 2015 from complications of Parkinson's and Lewy Body Dementia. An Arizona native, he grew up in Clifton and Phoenix. He attended Kemper Military, then went to North Phoenix High School, graduating in 1949. He graduated from the University of Arizona where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Having been active in ROTC, he joined the Air Force as a 2nd Lieutenant shortly after graduation. He became a CPA and founded James H. Liem CPA firm. He later became Vice President - Finance for Schuck & Sons Construction Co. until his retirement. He was a member of Phoenix Rotary 100, where he was a Paul Harris Fellow, on the Board of Directors of the Better Business Bureau, member of the Arizona Foundation for Medical Care, United States Power Squadron and Ducks Unlimited. His love of adventure resulted in having many toys - A Mooney airplane, a Harley Davidson and an array of boats over the years. He was an avid duck hunter, loved fishing in lakes and oceans and skiing. Travel was high on his priority list resulting in many exciting trips for Jim and Mary Lu with friends at their side. He is survived by his Wife, Mary Lu, children Robin Thurman (Bob), Kristen Moser (Tom), Mark Liem (Donnell), their mother, Sue Liem, stepchildren Kristie Ritchey, Kevin Krause and Nicole Krause, twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Brothers Don Liem (Barbara) and Hank Liem (Tina) and sisters Kay Runbeck (Chuck), and Marjie Dunbar (Dave). He will be deeply missed by the large family which surrounded him and all of his dear friends. Services will be held Tuesday, June 16, 11:00 a.m. at Hansen Desert Hills Chapel, 6500 E. Bell Rd., Scottsdale. In lieu of flowers, donations will be appreciated in Jim's name to Hospice of the Valley or a charity of your choice.

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 9:23 a.m. No.54180   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kathryn "Kay" Runbeck also had a brother named Donald Robbins Leim who married a girl who's maiden name was Nasser. I wonder if she is related to Larry Nasser?


Charles "Chuck" Runbeck had an uncle named O.M. Hooper who owned a Concrete pipe company in Phoenix.


AZ Republic, May 28, 1954

Anonymous ID: 88a436 May 17, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.54183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4184


>>54129, >>54141, >>54146, >>54179 Eyez on the skyz

>>54182 How can we ever trust politicians and media acting like they're critiquing Biden when they won't stand up when it counts?

>>54172 Runbeck fam diggz

>>54171 Dan/45/Q How do you hide a message in clear sight?

>>54170 War Of Words Over Inflation Stirs Questions for the Fed

>>54169 Deperno booms incoming

>>54168 President Trump Will Headline NCGOP 2021 State Convention In Greenville, NC

>>54167 Bill Gates visited Jeffrey Epstein's NYC house DOZENS OF TIMES.

>>54165, >>54166 1988 An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>54161 2018 Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, & Ron Wyden Talk About How Easy It Is To Hack American Elections

>>54156 Gold Surges To 3-Month Highs As Bitcoin Loses $45k

>>54148 China extends tariff exemption for U.S. imports ahead of trade talks

>>54145 Trump Nears Deal With House on Deutsche Bank Subpoenas

>>54133 World Economic Forum cancels 2021 annual meeting

>>54131 AT&T to bow out of media through $43 bln deal with Discovery

>>54127 X22 report: Ep. 2479b - The Tide Is Turning, The 2020 Election Will Go Down As The Crime Of The Century

>>54122 Reston, VA., February 16, 2021 – James Clapper Joins LookingGlass Advisory Board

>>54121 Uh-Oh… Bill Gates Was Reportedly Removed from the Microsoft Board for an Alleged Affair with a Microsoft Employee

>>54117 Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, believes change will come when hedge fund billionaires and Pope Francis work together.

>>54101, >>54126 Michigan Voter Fraud Atty. Matt DePerno’s Office Broken Into – Then VFW Hall Cancels DePerno Presser After Threats! Now scheduled for 12pm today.



lemme know