Atlanta city councilman and mega-liberal mayoral candidate Antonio Brown, who voted last year to defund the Atlanta Police Department by a whopping $73 million, was dragged alongside his car by kiddie-thieves stealing his 2016 Mercedes on Wednesday. The suspects were described as being between the ages of 7 and 11 years old.
Brown, who is running on a platform of “reimagining” the police, arrived at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at a new Dunkin Donuts-Baskin Robbins combo store around 12:30 p.m. Moments after he stepped out of his car, 4 kids swarmed into his keyless, push-button-start Mercedes and took off. Brown attempted to stop the kids, one of whom “acted like he had a gun.” Brown claimed he was dragged, “about a block” before he let go.
“As he started to speed up, and I knew that if I had not let go, I knew I probably could have killed myself because he was going so fast, I would have started to tumble. And I would have hurt him,” the councilman said, Fox News reported.
I have no idea how the child car thief would have gotten hurt in this scenario. I also have no idea how getting dragged “about a block” didn’t result in numerous injuries for Brown.
Brown’s Instagram, with a whopping (sarcasm) 3,454 followers, posted 10 pictures of the ribbon-cutting ceremony where he and his car were separated by children. The pictures have thus far garnered a staggering (more sarcasm) 114 likes.
“These kids were in my opinion somewhere between 7- and 11-years-old. So you don’t immediately think, ‘Oh, these kids are going to steal my car,'” Brown said.
Maybe Brown should “reimagine” giving that $73 million back to the police, as Atlanta is in the midst of a crime spree, like every other Democrat-run big city in the U.S. Atlanta shootings are up 40% and homicides are up 52% from this time last year.
The councilman claims it took police 45 minutes to arrive because 911 “incorrectly” assigned his call for help as low-priority dispatch.
The noble councilman said he doesn’t intend to file criminal charges against the young sweethearts who stole his car, which has not yet been found. He said the kids who stole his car acted out of “hopelessness” and “desperation.”
“This is a generational poverty issue. These kids, it’s 12:30 in the afternoon. Why aren’t they in school? Why aren’t we enforcing systems to ensure that if they are not in school, they’re in recreational centers?” Brown said, almost suggesting that afternoon ping pong is the secret to stopping crime. It was also not immediately clear how Antonio Brown knows the financial situations of the kids and their families, nor the generations that preceded them. Nor is there any data that proves a recreational center would have kept the kids from “desperately” purloining his wheels.
The councilman is under indictment for federal fraud charges.
In 1958 Communists Had 45 Goals to Take Over the U.S. Without Firing a Shot. Here Are the Ones They've Already Achieved
Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
DONE. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 made Communist China a member of the U.N. Today, China is one of five permanent members.
Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
DONE. Communists were once hunted in the U.S. Today, Democrats like Bernie, AOC, and the Squad, with ideas that are clearly socialist, if not communist, are re-elected with ease.
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks
DONE. Marxism has been in our schools for a while now, as pointed out brilliantly by Townhall’s Marina Medvin. Common Core is right out of the Stalin playbook. CRT is just the next step.
Gain control of all student newspapers
DONE. Fox News reported just one year ago that Republicans we looking into China’s influence on American universities overall, though not specifically student newspapers. A professor and two Chinese nationals were arrested at Harvard last year. The Chinese siege of our colleges and universities is underway.
Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking
DONE. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC. Need I say more? Not to mention China spending millions on propaganda in our newspapers.
Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures
DONE. Actor John Cena JUST kissed commie ass regarding the promotion of his newest movie after saying that Taiwan is a country. Not to mention 127 TV show episodes promoting Marxist BLM propaganda.
Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms”
HALF-DONE. Here is a list of 113 statues that have been toppled, defaced, or removed, though no shapeless, awkward, meaningless commie pinko forms have replaced them yet.
Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press
DONE. I think we all know Pornhub is free and has whatever your creepy heart desires.
Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy”
DONE. Never mind homosexuality, I believe that is normal. However, in a ghastly attempt to normalize pedophilia, pederasts are trying to rebrand themselves as “MAPs” (minor-attracted persons) and are attempting to attach themselves to the LGBT movement. If you think this can’t happen down the road ask yourself this: did you ever think there would come a time when the country would argue about where a man in a dress can relieve himself?
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch”
HALF-DONE. Whether or not communism has infiltrated our churches is up for debate. What can’t be argued is that Christians have been scorned and branded as “stupid” for believing in a “bearded guy in the clouds.” The left considers the Bible to be a book of fiction and questions the intelligence of people who believe in it.
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state”
DONE. Students may pray privately, however, school-sponsored prayer was banned by the Supreme Court in 1962, four years after the release of The Naked Communist. SCOTUS ruled school-sponsored prayer violated the First Amendment.
Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis
IN PROGRESS. All we’ve heard from the left this past year is that the Constitution was written by “racist, white men” and needs to be updated if not discarded. The lefty attacks on the Constitution occur on a near-daily basis.
Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man”
DONE. Even Hillary Clinton jumped on the apparatchik bandwagon and said the Founding Fathers were racist and sexist.
Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture—education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
DONE. Which of these HAVEN’T been centralized? Also, Sen. Chuck Schumer tweets calls for student-debt forgiveness once a month. It’s working. Even NBC can see that millennials are all for socialism.
Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders that no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]
DONE. You mean defund the police and send social service people to investigate crime instead?
Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce
DONE. BLM recently deleted this from its website,
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political, or social problems
DONE. We’ve watched BLM and their sisters in Antifa burn our cities for over a year since the death of George FLoyd, and we watched them get away with it.
If you’re counting, that’s 17 pinko goals that have already been achieved. We can debate the others, and we should, soon, because the Marxists are succeeding at an alarming rate.
Dr. Shiva v Golaith: Our Government Is Using Big Tech To Launder Censorship
In Oct. 2020, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai posted four screenshots on Twitter from a collection of emails that allegedly showed Secretary of State William Francis Galvin and Elections Director Michelle Tassinari admitting that the state had deleted ballot images, violating federal law. According to the law in Massachusetts, those images should have been preserved for 22 months. As a result of Shiva’s post, he was suspended from Twitter and then ultimately banned permanently in February. On Nov. 20, Shiva filed a lawsuit and an emergency preliminary injunction against Secretary of State William Francis Galvin for deleting the ballot images.
This historic lawsuit has become a much bigger matter than deleted ballot images. Shiva had run in the primary with strong grassroots backing to the tune of $2 million for a U.S. Senate seat in September and lost. He maintains to this day that he should have won in a landslide. He has also filed a One Person, One Vote lawsuit, allegedly exposing computer algorithms used to steal the election from him.
Shiva won in the predominately hand-counted county, Franklin County; however, in every other county, he lost. During that time, he had been “hitting hard” on Twitter about election fraud, which he maintains he can prove, and none of his tweets were taken down. However, the minute he posted his first round of tweets about the deleted ballot images in October, he was suspended.
His second lawsuit is now a historic First Amendment case because, according to Shiva, the most important speech we have, political speech, has been—and is being—violated by the government of the United States through their social media proxies. He alleges that it wasn’t Twitter, a private entity, who took him down but, rather, it was the government who ordered Twitter to take Shiva off their platform.
Shiva declares, “We’ve been taught by media and, in fact, even politicians, that it is Big Tech or Twitter which independently throws people off their platforms. That’s been the narrative…and Twitter’s position is that they are a private actor and, as a private actor, they also have first amendment rights, so they have every right to throw people off because they are protected by Section 230.”
Shiva believes that his lawsuit will become the “lawsuit of the century” because he can prove that the government has violated his constitutional rights by colluding with Twitter to suppress his political speech—based on factual evidence of the deleted ballot images, not opinion, that Shiva posted on the platform. “Political speech,” Shiva says, “Is the most protected speech in the United States Constitution. I wasn’t just some random person,” he continued, “I was running for federal U.S. Senate seat at the time.”
No lawyer in the state of Massachusetts wanted to take his first amendment case on, so he filed the $1.2 billion case on his own in federal court with Judge Wolf presiding. Judge Wolf was the judge who “ordered the FBI to publicly disclose the bureau’s relationship with Bulger and Flemmi and to turn over its informant file.”
Shiva also filed an emergency preliminary injunction to request from the court a return to Twitter immediately. Shiva had used Twitter, a “primarily political” social media platform, to build his following organically to over 350,000 followers. He was effectively shut down, to his great detriment, during a period of time when he needed the platform most to communicate and raise money. The removal of Twitter from his use also shut off a primary platform from which Shiva could communicate his claims of election fraud to his fellow citizens.
Shiva Freedom of Speech Lawsuit
Judge Wolf wanted him to argue the Blum v Yaretzky test to prove that “state action took place.” In other words, did the government, not Twitter, take action against Shiva using Twitter as cover. During the hearing, the court was able to “elicit from the Communications Director from the government…that the government has a Trusted Twitter Partnership…it is like they have an AMEX Black Card, preferential treatment…and they have a portal that has been established for the government to report on people like me—people who supposedly spread ‘misinformation’.”
yeah, I didn't rest yesterday, or break so I tapped earlyier than usual
The government of Massachusetts had contacted Twitter directly as well as the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED), which is also a state organization. Michelle Tassinari, the State Election Director, was also exposed by Shiva because she was about to become the President of the NASED. The NASED also contacted Twitter through their “Trusted Twitter Partnership.” In November, Judge Wolf ordered that the state of Massachusetts and the NASED should no longer contact Twitter and “if you have a problem with Dr. Shiva, you will rebut him on Twitter”—a huge win for freedom of speech.
Shiva was back on Twitter again with his email posts by December; however, by February, he was completely de-platformed permanently by Twitter for showing a video with screenshots of the emails. It was at that time Judge Wolf asked Shiva to enjoin Twitter in the case. The lawsuit that enjoins Twitter can be found here.
On May 20, Twitter brought in its “heavyweight” lawyers, and the government brought in theirs—as did NASED. So, now it was Shiva, who is not a lawyer, against Goliath.
In the process of fighting the government, Dr. Shiva became more curious about this “Trusted Twitter Partnership,” so he began to dig. It turns out there is a secret portal through which the government can communicate with Twitter to target and report people like Dr. Shiva who “spread political misinformation.”
Shiva found on the night before his court hearing on May 20, “a document written by the Twitter Legal Counsel in the UK about what is called a Partner Support Portal (PSP) to enable the government to report on potential threats to Twitter. That same infrastructure was deployed in India, in the recent election, and also deployed in Taiwan and Australia and was brought here in 2020,” according to Shiva. Importantly, “the PSP portal is ONLY for government officials—separate but unequal,” according to Shiva.
He also found a set of playbooks on a server called the “Election Influence Operations Playbooks” for state and local officials. “This,” Shiva claims, “is not just a document. This is a standard operating procedure of censorship, of government using Twitter so that the government can launder censorship.” Twitter Legal and Michelle Tassinari are chief architects of the playbooks.
Election Influence Operations Playbook/Dr. Shiva
Election Influence Operations Playbook/Dr. Shiva/WinBackFreedom.com
In the playbooks, the authors identify as “‘influence operators—an IO’ anyone who criticizes the government, or a political official of corruption is branded as an influence operator in the manual,” according to Shiva. “Let that sink in,” said Shiva in his most recent YouTube Live on Tuesday
According to Shiva, Harvard had invited all of the Defendants in his case to come in to help develop language found in the playbooks. The Defendants have repeatedly maintained that they have no association but, Shiva proved it in his May 20 hearing.
The Playbook sounds the censorship alarm on many levels. For example, in order to target individuals on Twitter, severity levels are assigned. “A section of the document identifies a High-Level Influence Operator as someone who has a huge following, whose tweets get retweeted, and who has an established voice,” according to Shiva. “At that level, you are removed and then still continue to be monitored. This is a RICO operation between Twitter, the government, and NASED—to launder censorship.”
Shiva points out that Governor Ron DeSantis is going about his freedom of speech lawsuit in the wrong way and will lose. DeSantis just signed the Stop Social Media Censorship Act into law on Tuesday.
Shiva says DeSantis needs to go after this as a government censorship issue, not a private platform/Twitter censorship issue. The government is “doing all the work, branding people like Shiva” as disinformation actors deliberately. “My lawsuit is historic,” says Shiva, “The Government gives Section 230 to Twitter, and Twitter gives the government a portal through which they censor citizens.”
According to Shiva, Judge Wolf took his case home the night of May 19 and returned to court feeling very troubled by Shiva’s evidence. Judge Wolf even assigned Shiva a constitutional lawyer to help him defend his case, and the state will fully fund the lawyer. Judge Wolf believes that this lawsuit is so important, it will be taught in every constitutional exam law course around the country for decades to come.
yeah it's loading now
Arizona Conservatives Take Action, [27.05.21 22:46]
Update on America’s Audit:Over 800K Ballots Counted and Inspected, Audit Director Says, “They’re Trying to Prevent Us from Doing the Audit”
Ken Bennett and Randy Pullen join TGP’s Jordan Conradson for a Thursday audit update.
Bennett: I think we’re at over 800,000 ballots counted and things are running very smoothly. We’ve had some of the highest number of counting tables since the audit began, yesterday afternoon, 33 — and 37 new people are being trained today. Over 300 new workers and volunteers were trained last week. The pace is starting to ramp up but the speed is not our goal, accuracy is our number one goal.
Conradson: So, what’s going on with these deleted databases? Are we ever going to find out who did it?
Bennett: Well we don’t know that it was inadvertent or intentional. We never tried to imply one or the other but the contractor that was looking at that data does have a confirmation that some directories were deleted on April 12th. And computers keep track of when you add things and when you delete things. So that there’s a record of those being deleted but also happens in computers when you delete something it goes to a temporary file and they were able to recover it. If Maricopa County wants to see the data that proves that it was deleted, our contractor would be happy to share that.
Pullen: …They’re trying to prevent us from doing the audit.
Bennett: As a business that has been audited and as an auditor, when somebody doesn’t want you to audit something, that’s probably the biggest sign that something needs to be audited.
Watch 👉🔗 TGP Interview (https://rumble.com/vhpd17-theyre-trying-to-prevent-us-from-doing-the-audit-ken-bennett-and-randy-pull.html)
Read 👉🔗 TGP Interview (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/must-see-update-americas-audit-approaching-1-million-ballots-counted-inspected-audit-director-says-trying-prevent-us-audit/)
like the dead for about 5 hours, then up for a bit and back down for a guud 2, will prolly break today for a quick one
Trump emphasized21 21in his interview with Bongino on Monday, May 24th. Check out the timestamp in this JA post from Q.
JA Julian Assange on June 4th
Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by this Administration. The longer they refuse to address it, the worse it will get.
1:41 AM · May 28, 2021·
felt better when the crimes against humanity were being beat back
Beanz on Windham
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! NEW Enhanced Footage CLEARLY Shows Ruby Freeman Scanning Ballots Multiple Times in Fulton County, Georgia: 2020 Election Fraud
Audits Are Eyez On!
night freebs
Nevada Democrats Push To Make ‘Emergency’ 2020 Election Changes Permanent
Nevada Democrats are ramming through legislation to make last year’s chaotic “emergency” voting procedures permanent.
On Wednesday, the Democrat-controlled General Assembly approved a measure that would legalize ballot harvesting and make universal mail-in voting a permanent fixture of elections, both changes that were initially implemented to be temporary last year.
Assembly Bill 321, now moving on for consideration in the upper chamber, requires registered voters to opt out rather than opt in to receiving a mail-in ballot. The law sets up ballots to be sent out automatically as they were in the fall, where nearly all votes cast were by mail, according to the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.
Former Nevada Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison said the potential changes threaten to undermine already battered faith in the state’s elections, which in 2020 saw confirmed cases of ballots cast by deceased voters. The Trump campaign charged 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, but subsequent investigations by local media and the Nevada secretary of state’s office, run by a Republican, did not find evidence to corroborate that number.
The potential legalization of ballot harvesting, Hutchison said, which was supposed to be a temporary rule change pushed by Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak in the name of a public health emergency, will erode confidence in subsequent contests.
“Last year’s pandemic-inspired changes have damaged the faith many Nevadans had in the electoral process,” Hutchison said in a Thursday statement. “Democrats and Governor Sisolak promised mailing unsolicited ballots and allowing paid partisan staffers to go door-to-door collecting strangers’ ballots would only be for emergencies, and less than a year they are going back on their word.”
The Nevada state Senate is also considering a bill to allow straight-ticket voting, which would offer residents the option to check a box for a particular party to automatically vote for each candidate of the chosen slate. This would set Nevada apart from the rest of the nation in moving away from what has become an outdated method to cast ballots.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, only six states offered voters the choice to vote by straight-ticket, while legislators in 16 others abolished the practice over the last two decades.
As Nevada lawmakers moved to make pandemic changes dictating elections permanent, Republican Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel railed the effort as “a recipe for disaster.” Mistakes in last year’s contest provoked an avalanche of litigation including ballots sent to outdated addresses.