>FRB policy
nice meme - stolen
might come in handy someday
This video is relevant because the entire justification for current healthy policy worldwide rests upon the belief that
a. germs are the primary cause of disease
b. specific germs cause specific diseases
c. primary line of defense is to kill germs (only way to eradicate a disease)
But the truth is that there are germs everywhere, and most of the time they don't cause disease. Those who question the germ theory want to shift the focus to the TERRAIN (the necessary environmental conditions that transform harmless microorganisms into something harmful). That's what this video is about.
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
Dr. Sam Bailey discusses the idea that germ theory - the idea that specific micro-organisms are responsible for a disease - is just that - a theory. Not a FACT.
Terrain theory or cellular theory is the idea that it is the environment within the body that determines whether the person becomes ill. It's only when the conditions are poor that micro-organisms become a problem. So they are not the primary cause of disease but (at best) a secondary cause.
Discussed further in a THREAD in /qrb/ started by a QR anon interested in this theory.
Someone just wiped out this entire QR bread - with 637 posts in it.
Q Research General #17441: Dominion Warns, But Cant Stop What is Coming Edition Anonymous 05/28/21 (Fri) 11:56:38 d58ce6 (23) No.13776345[Last 50 Posts]>>13776491 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Archived here:
that will be in the log - who deleted a bread
might be a lie tho i dunno
dey just guessing most of the time and stating it as a fact
that's why i archived the bread
just happened to be there and tried to post - no go, din realized what had happened, knew it was a full bred
how do we know 8bit is not a GV?